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Posts posted by Zc31

  1. All this can be arranged too. Of course self collect would be cheaper. Transporting it will have transportation cost unless u're ordering in large quantity. =)

    Ya. u could try ikea too. If dont have the one you like, then go and custom make your unique mirror.

    If u require installation by Ikea, i think they charge $4 for every hole they drill.

  2. hi zc bro.

    update update.

    juz cal uncle winson, he say a heavy odject fall right onto his foot. borne crack. :(:(

    hope he recover soon.


    gtg go shopping with my OC

    have a nice weekend every one!!!!

    Ok i go kajiao him mux wear safety boots liao.

    Was bz over the weekend.

    2 nights of majong :jawdrop:

    Then F1

    October 18th will have 2 weddings and both is lunch! :dunno:

    One at Amara and another at 4 Seasons. One is cousin, other best friend from our wedding competition.

    Then need to do emcee :jawdrop:

  3. Plus minus ard 50k for the whole hse reno.. hacking, mansory work , carpentary work, rewiring, windows, doors and gate.. basically all that is suppose to be done, we did it all... We compare wif a few IDs and Tau give us a reasonable price. In terms of discount, u can speak to the boss, if u are really sincere in engaging them to do it, they will give discounts. So far we dun have any complaints on the workmanship. :yamseng:

    If you are interested, you can get them to bring u to their ongoing project to see the works done... Can even requet them to you u both to our hse.... :P

    & mine.....thou shifted in liao :rofl:

  4. Totally agreed, they are good and responsible. Jus give them a call and they are ready to answer ur queries and advise accordingly.

    Went up this evening ard 7++ and the painters are still painting the hse... Last stage of defects work liao.. Handover on Thur ... :yamseng:

    The feeling of handover =sleepless nights prior to it.

    That's what i experienced :disturb:

    When i officially shifted in, tt day my wife and i each rolled a pineapple in from the main door.

    We're not exactly superstitious but i told her this yr has really been a bad year for me and i hope things go well for me soon. :(

    Tonite Tau coming my dad's place and imy dad ask me go home and "see see look look".

    Guess it's gonna b a long nite for me....from the west to northeast :huh:

  5. wow how did u get it complimentary ?

    Skill of writing letter ? :rofl:

    even chopping board also recommended to use separate ones

    unless you have the habit of boiling it after every use :notti:

    Thanks for reminding me.....keep forgetting to buy my 2nd chopping board :rofl:

    wow apple is that true?

    I have been mixing them leh...

    oh my god....

    time to get a new set of knives...

    A "reason" for your WMF :notti:

  6. Wow u jus finish ur and now u are gettin them to do ur dad's place... :good:

    i mean last time my room cox my younger sis take over.

    well they are good and responsible hence recommended.

    cox my dad also like the workmanship at my place. :good:

    ha ha,

    ya bro, room by room :P:P wow , working hour you all still can post at here,very good leh. hee hee.. me just spoted by my boss, stingy boss, just given me a difficult question? I TOT YOUR RENOVATION WAS COMPLETED, HOW COME YOU ARE NOT DOING YOUR REPORT INSTEAD? faint faint. :sport-smiley-018:very stingy oh........ :furious::furious: now i at home using my own computer. :sport-smiley-003:


    hehe for me cox i'm in a secluded corner plus i'm using laptop, so alot easier. Office is wireless :notti:

    Well next time ur boss catches u on the net, if it's like during makan time, say u had late lunch lor. If not say ur house pipe leaking and you searching for solution :rofl:

  7. i'm havin a visual of a person wrap all over wif scotch tape n rollin on the floor n carpet.....hahaha....

    the 3M hand roller will need to change often after few uses on the carpet?

    Lolxx...the roller is like many layers for you to tear after it's not sticky anymore.

    Think it's 30sheets for 5+

    Daiso sells for $2, not sure about the sticky factor :rofl:

    wah the villa is :dribble: :dribble: :dribble:

    better to separate knives for meat and plant produce lah

    you'll never know what bacteria the meat has

    or maybe should say knives for food to be cooked and food for eating raw :notti:

    cheam leh da jie....

    Anyway the villa was complimentary :rofl:

  8. oic...

    my hubby used to used broom but i forced him to learn how to use a vaccum cleaner... :P

    ok lah, carpet small small nvm... if i use the roller tint, think my back will break easily... :P

    i only know got cash rebate at Carrefour...

    the rest forgotten liao...

    Can sit on floor and roll mah :rofl:

    Can u believe it when i say house too small for vaccum cleaner? :jawdrop:

    Hehe... not yet chosen my ID leh but shortlisted a few. cant decide cos too fearful of things going wrong or turn out not to our expectations. some more too mafan to arrange for 3 parties (ourselves, ID and owner) for the ID to go up and view so I guess I'll just hold my horses till I officially get the key. Then I can go up whenever I want. Less trouble for everyone...

    well for ID selection, go through floor plan first and get quotes. Talk about concepts and ideas and see the real materials such as tiles, laminates beforehand.

    Then before my 2nd appointment, i asked the owner if i can bring my contractor up. He say ok then i arrange the time with owner. Contractor/ID sure can match ur timing to close the business :notti: Of course after tt the attitude must be consistent also. At least i know mine was :)

    So i selected my tiles and laminates, etc before hand. During the visit to my place b4 i officially get my keys, he take actual measurement and showed me, then adjusted the quotation accordingly and gave suggestions here and there.

    Soon i got married, went for my honeymoon, passed my keys to Tau so they can work during the period i overseas lor.

    That's what i did. ;)

    As to fearful of things going wrong, i think it's inevitable even with the best. What's more important is if the company is willing to accept the mistake and rectify accordingly without excuses for more $.

    If u read my blog, i had wrong doors installed and supplier did'nt want to take responsibility, then Tau under took this cost. In the end i piss with supplier, screw them then they gave Tau the doors and admitted their mistake.

    My sink piping not good and kept leaking after house was handed over to me. They arranged plumber come to my place a total of 3 times and finally change the pipe cox the shop i bought from, apparently the seal never sit properly.

    Imagine all the way to my place just to fix a basin pipe. No complaints and accomodating to my time. Now ttz service. ;)

    Hehe... not yet chosen my ID leh but shortlisted a few. cant decide cos too fearful of things going wrong or turn out not to our expectations. some more too mafan to arrange for 3 parties (ourselves, ID and owner) for the ID to go up and view so I guess I'll just hold my horses till I officially get the key. Then I can go up whenever I want. Less trouble for everyone...

    well for ID selection, go through floor plan first and get quotes. Talk about concepts and ideas and see the real materials such as tiles, laminates beforehand.

    Then before my 2nd appointment, i asked the owner if i can bring my contractor up. He say ok then i arrange the time with owner. Contractor/ID sure can match ur timing to close the business :notti: Of course after tt the attitude must be consistent also. At least i know mine was :)

    So i selected my tiles and laminates, etc before hand. During the visit to my place b4 i officially get my keys, he take actual measurement and showed me, then adjusted the quotation accordingly and gave suggestions here and there.

    Soon i got married, went for my honeymoon, passed my keys to Tau so they can work during the period i overseas lor.

    That's what i did. ;)

    As to fearful of things going wrong, i think it's inevitable even with the best. What's more important is if the company is willing to accept the mistake and rectify accordingly without excuses for more $.

    If u read my blog, i had wrong doors installed and supplier did'nt want to take responsibility, then Tau under took this cost. In the end i piss with supplier, screw them then they gave Tau the doors and admitted their mistake.

    My sink piping not good and kept leaking after house was handed over to me. They arranged plumber come to my place a total of 3 times and finally change the pipe cox the shop i bought from, apparently the seal never sit properly.

    Imagine all the way to my place just to fix a basin pipe. No complaints and accomodating to my time. Now ttz service. ;)

    hmm so this knife is very good for fruits and veg

    you got yours in japan?

    maybe can tompang someone to buy for me also :notti:

    Yes got it in Japan. Chanced upon it.

    It can cut meat also, but we started it with fruits so wife say meat use another knife lor.

    But frankly if it's just me using, one knife for all :rofl:

  9. 3M ROLLER??

    use vaccum cleaner faster lah.... :)

    u know what?? i went carrefour on sat and saw a similiar feel carpet at $389!!!

    i wat like :furious:

    we paid so much fot it... can get 4 pieces of that man....

    Lol...it's usually the case.

    We did'nt get vaccum cleaner cox we prefer sweeping the floor then use magic mop for detailing of dust balls.

    So we got the 3M roller for our sofa, which is fabric and carpet. Our carpet veri small onli hehe.

    But frankly i think the roller more effective.

    Btw like to check if any of u using POSB everyday card? Feedback on the benefits? :unsure:

  10. Completion is over. Owner said they will move out after their nephew has completed PSLE which means OCT 8 they will start moving or something like that. Hopefully, can finish by OCT 11 and handover? Hehe...

    Anyway, we have a problem now. My MIL wants to give us some furniture ie sofa, coffee table, dining tables + chairs, tv console, washing machine and fridge to use in our new house. The thing is, she needs to have the items out of her house by 22 Oct cos that unit will be rented out and the tenants don't want the items.

    Wonder if the ID will be able to work with those items in the house? Anyone with experience on this? Or should I find a storage company to store those items? Any recommendations for storage space/company?

    Maybe you'll like to consider renting storage space outside.


    My friend renting a space for about $260 per month. Size can't remember but shld be big enuf as he's in the midst of shifting house so his stuff all put in there while he stay with his MIL.
