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Posts posted by Zc31

  1. i extracted all 4 wisdom tooth under GA 4yrs ago.. the pain oni comes thru after the numbness wear off which is abt an hr after the surgery.. the gum nt beri pain, so not too bad.. (but maybe coz my pain tolerance level is higher) but it's the mouth area super pain lor.. coz they used some instrument to hold the mouth open.. got bruises at dat area for a few days.. tink if i go out, ppl will tink i muz haf been punched by someone at the mouth. was given a weeks MC.

    compassvale is rite, get a referral will be better coz no need to pay cash coz all paid thru medisave.

    my case super drama, i tahan the pain for 2wks (popped 8 panadols daily) until one fine nite it was so bad dat i had to go A&E and ask for help.. i asked the A&E doc if the tooth can be extracted asap anot.. haha.. of coz cannot la coz no dentist available. was given a referral to NDC to see dentist the next morning and super effective painkillers which gave mi relief. saw the dentist n managed to cut queue n did the extraction surgery the following wk. they will ask u to rate the pain level, tell them pain level beri high sure can cut queue. :P

    ok i extracted my right side, upper and lower.

    had i known go clinic get referral then all paid by medi, could haf save my 800 bucks!

    Now left side also seem to pop liao....sigh....this one mux get referral.

    Pain factor 5/10 :sport-smiley-003:

  2. Hello trying to sell my bag so hope you all can help me. Taking up space in my store but to throw, really sayang man.

    Tatonka Backpack used only once when i climbed and when i unpack it in my new place, feel so sayang to throw it.

    It's a X1 series, 50L capacity. Read here for more info:


    Attached are some pics





    It's still in mint condition. Anyone interested can drop me a msg.

    Thanks. :yamseng:


    not only bread la

    wtb also wanted to retoast stuff like pizza (if we order in)

    or other stuff she wanted to make

    so for us ur toaster cannot use lor

    sounds like oven suits you. :rofl:

  3. wow!!!!!!!!!!!

    nice utensils and accessories leh!!!!!!!!

    Thanks....cost a bomb but it's wife's equipment.

    Wan good food mux provide good equipment :drunk:

    The pots are from Taka while Tefal was from Tangs as having 20% off.

    Accessories are from Tangs too. Brands are Ecko and Tefal. :thumbs up:

    wah nice toaster

    too bad WTB din like cos we couldn do anything else but toast bread


    WMF knive--- great choice!!

    aiyo...toaster is to toast bread mah 8|

    Where did u get the piggy chopping board? Molecule??

    Piggy chopping board is from Japan. :wub:

    u cook too?

    I wanted the collection of WMF knives, pots, cutlery etc...

    But hubby forbid me to buy :(

    sob sob...

    I dun cook tt well. I tink only edible thing is caesar salad with the sauce made from scratch :rofl:

    I like to slice thou :rofl:

    WMF collection would be kinda ex then. I think just get 2 good knifes would be enough for a start.

    One for fruits and vegetable, another for meat.

    If you remember my Kyocera knife, i saw the same size selling at taka for over $150 :jawdrop:

    Man i was shock cox i only bought mine for SGD50 or so and i tot it was expensive.

    Furthermore they dun haf bright colours like mine, which is orange.

    Till date, it's really good. I was slicing mushrooms today and i did'nt haf to do tt "saw" motion.

    i jux rested it on the mushroom and press down and it was in halfs.

    Tonite would be our first cooking of dinner. Last nite was maggi mee :rofl:

    Let's see how it goes. Gonna cook chicken & mushroom pasta and i bought some sashimi to go along with it :notti:

  4. thank bro.

    btw how much you spend for your MBR ?


    Hmm...i'm not really sure how much at this point in time.

    Let me try.

    Suspended tea color mirror w lights - Est 500+

    Suspended bedframe with headboard and feature wall to cover the back part bcox orginal is a lobang - Est 1.5/1.7k

    Full ht waredrop with sliding doors - Est below 1.4k

    Pai seh ah dunno where my quotation is liao cox too comfortable with them till no need to keep checking :deal:

  5. Yesterday had our housewarming and it lasted a good 7hrs plus....from 12.30pm till almost 8+ :jawdrop:

    By the time we cleaned up the place and stuff....kinda tired for dinner and just had fruits.

    Today went shopping to finish up the little thingsi n our place.

    Here's what we bought for the day. Spent a whopping 1.3k almost.

    Our dishwasher


    Our toaster...slanted 45 degree. Can reheat and defrost bread...so it claims. Something my wife aim veri long liao hehe


    Wanted another kinda wine glass....but guess i'll settle for Schott :good:


    Wife's blender


    Our fork and spoon


    Hair dryer


    Some kitchen accessories for cooking


    Got myself a nice meat knife


    Lucky me it's 50% off today :notti:


    My veri own fresh pepper :sport-smiley-003:


    Zebra kettle anyone? :good:


    Tefal limited edition.....ermm....supposedly the teflon properties is higher. 20% off


    Domo pots with silicon handles...even with their lids. For cooking instant noodle and deeper pot for cooking more stuff when guests coming



    Salad bowl spinner to spin the water out


    Corelle Winter white ...really nice and good. :good:


    Spending so much...found this piggybank tt wife loves so much....gonna but $1 coin in it :sport-smiley-004:



    That's it for the day.

    Am glad my nest is finally done. :wub:

  6. hi bro,

    i have took over house since one month plus ago lo. still trying to upload.wow your house look cool man , especially your master room ,if i am not wrong. very romantic.my wife like it very much. save some money and the next upgarde will be my masterroom. :notti: wow your sword of honours. cool bro :rolleyes:


    Thanks for the compliments bro.

    Well i would say the design of my house was to be simple, clean cuts and we extracted alot of idea from aussie designs and Kelvin helped incorporate it into the final touch.

    As for uploading of pictures, these are the steps:

    1) Register a account with www.photobucket.com

    2) Upload your pictures there

    3) When you click reply in renotalk, there an icono tt looks like a tree. If you look at the bold icon, it's the 8th button from the left, just beside an envelope icon. If u place ur cursor on the "tree" icon, it says insert image.

    4) Click that icon, then switch to your photobucket window and copy and paste the url link into the renotalk window.

    5) Click ok, and post. I think each time only can post max 4 pics, depending on picture size.

    Try it, it's ez once you get the hang of it.

    Btw, jux posted new pictures of my dining storage for koi koi, check it out :yamseng:

  7. wah...fascination wif knives......are u some kind of magician who throw knives and darts?! :sport-smiley-004:

    anyway, i haven't bought any knives yet. any recommendation on gd and cheap brands i can look out for?

    Well my mum uses knifes from cold storage and last about a yr before she changes them.

    Cost about 6-10 bucks only.

    Mayb more upmarket ones can try brands like WMF, Wustoff, Global, Giesser Messer.

    Giesser MEsser knifes blades are made of Giesser knife blades are made from first class molybdenum steel, handles are ergonomically shaped and slip-proof.

    Think they are available at Sia Huat.

    Alternatively this website also quite good --> www.cutlery.jp

    Look for the singapore imprter :notti:

  8. Hi...

    your place really simple and nice...

    Another pig lover huh... :)

    Take more on the storage bench...


    Noted on the storage bench.

    For you tonite after i go IMM eat dinner at HK cafe as a treat for scrubbing the house for the whole of last week till this friday for housewarming on sat :notti:

    Stay tune :sport-smiley-004:

    Thanks Zc!

    Ermmm for.... :unsure:

  9. Laundry Retractable Hangar by Home Niche


    Hi Zc,

    mind sharing where u bought the Laundry Hanger? Does the price include delivery?


    It's from Home Niche.

    Cost almost $400, stainless steel 6 pole and 2m long.

    Price includes gst, delivery and installation :yamseng:

    Wah love the MBR! So romanticy!!!

    Thanks! :bath:

    The mirror is actually tea color. It's nice in the day as well.

    When changing, can see up till waist height so not bad also....pretty functional :good:

    wow....didn't think i'll c the ceremic knife in s'pore cos it was featured in jap hr last time. was so amazed at how it is so sharp! so izit really gd? exp?

    the orange chopping board can b found at taka household item area. they also have water melon etc.

    Well at least it's still sharp at the moment haha.

    It's a pretty and nice looking knife. I have a thing for knifes.

    After housewarming this saturday, going to taka and tangs with our vouchers.

    If got extra, might jux indulge in my meat knife :notti:

    hi Zc31, the knife used liao can give feedback

    heard from another forummer that the knife will chip when cutting meat

    was very tempted to buy but held back because of this :unsure:

    Might be the ending stroke when cutting the knife as it contacts the chopping board?

    Remind me in another 2wks when i cut my roast chicken :dancingqueen:

  10. very nice and cute household stuffs ;)

    Thanks :sport-smiley-004:

    Wah seh! Still got one more package! Hehe.. Tink next time ur sure need more space for her collection! hehe..

    Haha, Japan has lots of interesting stuff. So far only heard of pple gg BKK to buy househole stuff. Cool.. next time we go Japan I'll know what I can get! :P

    Look for a shop called "3 coins"

    Signage is green in color.

    In Chitose, there's a factory outlet shopping mall near the airport. In there, there's a shop selling nice household items, more like lifestyle living items.

  11. Wao! Ur house got lots of cute stuff! I like the duckie "kiaps". So cute. hehe..

    Ur wife muz really love pigs, even one of the chopping board is a piggie. hehe.. btw, how come ur need so many chopping boards? :P

    I like the orange chopping board, but it's rather expensive right? I saw it was selling at $45.

    Yes wifey love pigs...ttz y display cabinet also has her stuff. One more package yet to unpack. :jawdrop:

    Chopping board wise, th epig is for meat while the kiwi is for fruits.

    The orange one also can be for bigger fruits like pineapple, watermelon, etc... cox i'm kinda a fruit grubber.

    Then the orange and kiwi boards are hardened ones, so can be used to place hot stuff like baking stuff etc

    I'm not sure how much it costs cox most of the kitchen stuff bought in japan, including the "kiap" :D

  12. Been living in since saturday now and place is getting more orderly.

    Some pics of messy living

    My wife who loved this knife when we were in japan for honeymoon. Made of ceramic, suppossedly dun need to sharpen and will be as sharp as new.....i hope :bow:



    Finally got space and time to unwrap the ang bao box that we made for our wedding.

    Wanted something different hence the customisation. Now what should i use it for at home... :unsure:



    To lock our money on tt day


    Now starting to organise our kitchen tall unit



    Our MBR


    See the roman curtain on the right corner? It's kinda cool that can see outside but they cant see in due to the kinda material. Dunno true anot :unsure: Ttz what the uncle said.


    My magnets finding their home finally... :good:


    And finally did up my internet and hid it behind my tv....so cant really see it.


    Ttz all for the night~ :bath:

  13. yo bro

    welcome, you really play a part as a tau id supporter and not only you are a very good forum member that action more than word. sharing of tau serivce and taking picture on every process. i have just refer one of my relative to uncle winson. hehe, havent get any feedback from my aunties yet.


    Well not really like a supporter kinda description but since it's my first house and Tau indeed did a good job and i also take pictures for keep sake....i thought y not lor...furthermore i promised you all ma :wub:

    I jux updated with some more pics but more on hosue accessories.....housewarming is this saturday.

    Let me know if you wanna see any specific pics....i'll take some when i'm back home and post cox my internet up liao.... :sport-smiley-004:

    Btw, where your pics man.....your place another 10 days to complete right?
