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Posts posted by Zc31

  1. Zc31! i watched the final esp. which cake did u guys do? i rem the cake segment the best so can roughly know which couple r u mah. !!

    all the couples rock! i had fun watching it. all the couple shine in their special own ways. :P

    we did the cupcakes. the only one there.

    i'll do up my personal blog which me and gerger has. but it'll take a while.

    i'll post here to tell those who're keen then i'll pm you the link.

    recently hit a bad patch, read my soon to be in cold zone reno blog and you'll understand. :dribble:

  2. it's do disappointing to say this but tmr is my 2nd appt and todae, the house got hounded by loanshark with gate chained, writings on wall and locked up. police came etc.

    haf to search for another house and there goes my deposit cox i dun think tt a**hole can pay me back my deposit.

    so sick, so sianz. gerger kept weeping. sigh....wat a sad day.

  3. what the height?

    soo nice.. if go leaping lizard its will cost 300 wo..

    wow so tempting will go there during tis weekend..

    wat do u mean, dun get to high shoe?

    cox if the heels too high and gown too heavy, depending on type of cancan, one may look too clumsy while walking. ttz from my short experience tt i had w the ladies n designers.

  4. Hi NiVlek,

    My Mrs is interested in Honda Fit 08 & me would prefer Toyota Vios but jus to check with u the Fit's bodykit iszit standard in everywhere and how much shall we top-up if we wan the bodykit? :notti:

    So far is Fit reliable and any bad comment on it. :jawdrop:

    Was this done at salomon brothers at amk??

    Compassvale - i miss car meetups. Haben been to one after i changed my ride. Rotarys are such guzzlers hehe

  5. i tink i havent bought the heels when selecting the gowns

    but they coordinators told me must get roughly wat height of heels

    if i'm not wrong, tink final fitting i did bring the heels along...

    cant really rem :notti:

    My ger bought a pair at far east. it's on the 3rd flr near 77th Street. Forgot th ename. Simple pale gold with crystals for 29.90. similar to those at taka. comfort wise so far wear while it's new no blister. Full strap. She bought it for the competition.

    As to the height of the heel, from what was adviced from the wedding designers like ted wu (mine was kim tay from divine), ladies wearing 3 inch will reduce the drag of the gown and ttz usually the height they recommend even to models, cox anything higher will make the walk seem wobbly. Hope this helps.

  6. For me, my hotel co-ordinator offered matching ang bao box on loan to us to match the complimentary guest book so tt took a load off my mind.

    There's a shop at wheellock place, forgot which level that has this arty craft shop. The "creative director" is my friend. Thou calle ddirector, she's really just a young nice ger who's been there for the longest time. If you need more info, drop me a pm cox not nice to post her personal contact here.

    They give lessons and advice to ppl who wanna diy on the spot or take home to do. Pretty nice exp if you've got the time and love to do such handicrafts.

    Hope this helps.

  7. Wah this thread has such spicy posting. I also dunno what to post le.

    Well, yes i'm couple 7, did'nt win anything monetary but won great friends, great memories and a stronger relationship with my wifey.

    It's really great to have friends who are on the same freq as one is, keepin each other of good deals for tv, furnishing etc...

    Till date, we're good friends with couple 1 & 8, and we call ourself the Lorong 8 gang hehe.

    Wanted ot post earlier but was clearing lotsa work and sat nite we had a post party at St James and sunday was resting till a few couples came over to watch the live telecast which i had recorded and laugh over it.

    So any comments on us? *bites teeth

  8. maybe he used the hdb tap water (usually outside the corridor) lor therefore there's free water. :yamseng:

    hehe dun speculate la. use kitchen tap also household pay $.

    i stay compass point. i also using meguair for car shampoo and autoglym for polishing and zymol for stubborn water marks. :dancingqueen:

  9. Can i check with you guys.. are all fees payable done during the 1st appointment? Will there be any 'left over' amount payable for the 2nd appointment?

    When the officer present the financial plan, are the info accurate and up-to-date? Do they calculate your CPF amount using the statement that we provide or they can extract our latest amount via their network? Is there anyway that they can calculate the information wrongly?

    No deduction done on 1st appt. Prior to 2nd than it'll be deducted.

    Info i would say it's extremely accurate unless someone intended to fraud. They could also pinpoint the actual date and time where i made invesments with my cpf etc and had my pay slip when i did nt submitted it to them?

  10. hey! my hb watched the style wedding on ch 5 last thur. i told him one of the couples is you. haha. which one huh? my hb said the winners will get sponsor for their wedding, is it? sponsor leh, not bad. no need money. :yamseng:

    Can win of course best, but frankly me n wifey go without such a mindset.

    The process has been interesting, fruitful and brought us closer and understand each other alot better then we thought. Plus with awesome frens made and knowing their stories makes us realise how blesed we are. Now that's priceless. :D

  11. hehe, was just trying to be abit extreme in my comparison :(

    same here 98min, hai...wat to do?

    love cars must also love the cons that come with it..hehe

    diesel users also very siong ...about $1.6 wa cao... :jawdrop:

    u like washing/detailing ur own ride? Can do it together in sengkang keke....free water 8|
