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Posts posted by Alpc

  1. oh wow! that is impressive....but i dont think i would do it for my kitchenaid..LOL

    Talking about kitchenaid... Vanessa, I got a friend who says that the "normal" kitchenaid (300W) type cannot do pizza dough. Did you encounter that? Which model of kitchenaid do you have?

    Oh and I just saw a mayer's ad for an "expo extravaganza" this weekend at expo.... I am itching to go and see if I could get a kitchenaid mixer at a lower price, but I am weight this against vitamix 7500.... Sigh, don't know what to get!

  2. One of my friends suggested that i share my OCD/anal-retentive quotation requirements so that others can take reference / mock at it.

    but hey, if the contractor/ID can tahan 23 pages for an initial quote, it must speak of a certain minimum dedication to his/her job right?

    anyhows, no harm and no loss to myself:

    1) Quotation Specs and Requirements for potential contractors/IDs (23pg): http://db.tt/tTze1FsA

    2) Provision of Colour Scheme: http://db.tt/PZjuZjpO

    3) Electricity layout and other misc dimensions: http://db.tt/2wGm2EJ9

    The documents are also listed in chronological order, and I guess one thing which sits well and thankfully naturally with my wife and I is that we have the understanding that renovation works is a continually evolving process. Insisting on strictly following original plan would have caused many unnecessary extra costs or even unhappiness between the home owner and the renovation folks...

    Wow... You spend quite a lot of time working on these stuff eh? Just a quick question - what software did you use for your rendition of the rooms and whole area?

    I don't see it as OCD/anal-retentive... I am in the process of doing this as well (maybe not as detailed, but who knows what happens at the end) - it's more of a reminder to myself of what I want and making sure it gets communicated to whoever I am hiring down the road. Of course there might be some changes here and there, whether it will work or not, but it's better than not going into it without any plans/ideas in mind - Then when you get to it and you go, alamak, did not do this or that...

  3. .::. Mr K .::.

    A few has asked me if Mr K a.k.a Kevin is/was from Ideal House. Some have even met up with Kevin from Ideal House thinking that he's the Mr K who did my place.

    And to clear the air, Mr K is not from Ideal House and has never been with Ideal House. I've no idea how or where people get that idea. I've never met Kevin from Ideal House and have no idea if he's any good.

    Mr K a.k.a Kevin Tee is a one-man-show, and he (finally!) has a Facebook page that you can check out if interested.

    It's kinda funny, this Kevin from Ideal House must be getting weird calls and perhaps more business with this mix-up. :P

    He must be doing his own webpage... CMI!!!! How come got ang mo photos in the About Us page?!?!?! At least if not done, leave a blank page or don't publish it lah. Aiyoh, I got a shock out of it when I click on it!

  4. Oh.. you mean the BPL thingy? Yes, some charges will still goes to SingTel since they are the one who got the rights. But I am not sure how it will work since they have not come up with anything yet (with StarHub) - SingTel still contesting against the ruling.

    I am hoping it will be worked out soon. I want to cancel my MIO!!! So many gadgets at home, and MIO is just for BPL!!!

  5. Ok, I think this means need PE endorsement unless I can talk my way out of with the HDB people. 2 sections which I am thinking of hacking - top half of the kitchen wall facing the dinning area so that the kitchen will have more light and visible (my flat is on a different plan - that wall is hack-able from floor plan) and the service yard wall (which include the doors and windows leaving the bottom part of wall intact).

    I guess I need to wait to for it to be build, and get my keys before finalise the plans... Ha Ha.. Yes I am very early - I don't know why I am so anxious to start!!!! Could wait 2 more years before I worry about it, but it means I got more time to mull over the design... and more importantly, to save more - At the rate this is going, I wonder 50K is enough to do everything (which includes furniture and appliances, and what-nots)

  6. The usual trick, buy-first-tell-later LOL..

    Well, I am still waiting for my sofa and TV console to come. Probably when all are ready then I will start searching for the HT. This is really an expensive hobby lol

    Well, since she is not interested in following me to audition the speakers, so I did it alone and found what I like and bought it. :bleah:

    If she had come along, maybe it would have been something else! :deal:

    So I guess it's good that she did not.. :rofl:

  7. Well, you can go with StrongVPN as well, I realized that VQ VPN is not that great since it is not fully cover over all the US/UK sites, and pricing is more ex than Strong VPN which can cost like USD55 per year...

    Any idea on how the MR's teleport works?

  8. BP7006 will be too huge. My wife will never approve lol.

    I am already poisoned with Velodyne SPL-800i. Initially I just wanted DefTech Pro 800 5.1 and that's it. But KEC showed me the Velodyne and I was like O_O... Hoaaa! LOL

    Well, My mum complained a little about the size, but it's bought and installed. So nothing else to say!! Ha Ha! :bleah: Having said that, I had not really spent a lot of time with it, although I have a long list of BRs to play and enjoy - Just no time!!!:rolleyes:

    Tested the velodyne as well, but since I was happy with the sound from the BP7006, it was ok to skip it! :lol:

  9. Not much difference meh? Haha.. I want to get TT Airport Roller or Security. I thought buying from Amazon can save quite a bit hehe..

    Oh, those roller bags... If you add in shipping and GST and exchange rate... You might not really save, unless you happened to be in US. Take airport security v2, amazon is 394.75 * 1.25 ex rate = 462.19, add in shipping charges (since it's not sold by Amazon, no free shipping) and GST, will be 500plus... TK selling at SGD519. Not much of savings lah.

  10. LOL. Yeah, turns out quite a few photographers here.

    Maybe we can poison each other with more photography items to buy from amazon :P

    I doubt I get more poison, I am putting all my items on wishlist till unless absolutely necessary... hahaha

    But seriously my 60L dry cabinet is fully stuffed! I need another 60L to organise my stuff... Which is why everything is on hold. Don't want to get the other dry cabinet yet!!!

  11. As everyone probably knows, Apple does not really have sales nor discounts (student discounts excluded).

    I'm able to purchase Apple products at prices cheaper than what's listed in Apple Store, Singapore and also cheaper than the student discounts.

    This is not a scam or forum mass order whereby you risk your money disappearing.

    All transactions will go through proper quoting and invoicing via a locally registered company.

    Let me know if you require any Apple products (iMac, MacBook & MacPro.)

    Cheers. :jammin:

    Alamak.. Placed order liao... Wonder if I can cancel it and get through you? Can get the MacBook Air Jun 2013 version?
