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Posts posted by Alpc

  1. Heh ... i always think its the photographer not the equipment. :paint: haha maybe GND filters etc then really need B+W stuff.

    i think i can only utilise 10% of my D600's potential anyway :bleah: so no need too good equipment.

    hmm maybe i look for an external mike to see if can reduce AF sound during the HD video recording. wonder if amazon got discount for that. looking now...

    GND filters should go for Lee Filters... Unless you want variable GND...

    Wah... Bought a D600 ah?!!? How's the camera performance? Er, with D600, your equipment has to be good, if not flaw of the lens will be easily pinpoint out by the cam body... :bleah:

    i've been using hoya filters ever since i started shooting in my teens... :D the only criteria is that it shouldn't change the colour of my pictures...

    if it's good enuf for my dad, it's good enuf for me... :lol:

    I used to have Hoya filters, lately have been using B+W... My Hoya polariser filter died on me in Alaska :bangwall:, so now my polariser is B+W. Maybe the Hoya cannot take the cold in Alaska!!!! :blink:

    My IR filter is still Hoya... Haiz, with current crop of cam bodies, hard to do IR photography. So it's not really in use lately.

  2. The route seems ok to me. Maybe you can plan to run more spare network cables for future IP cam expansion, remember to cater power points too.

    As for backup, not really neccessary. make sure you run the raid thats all. DAS can also fails.

    RAID is not backup lah... If you KS, then best would be 1 copy in NAS, 1 copy in PC, and 1 copy in a USB HDD (but if you want DAS also can lah, a bit more ex only). 3 copies - you need to have a backup strategy to ensure they are up to date.

    Do note that RAID1 configuration may also cause your corrupted copy to be copied to the good one, so it's not a fail-safe thingy. Which is why my NAS is not in RAID configuration, but that means I got to make sure I copy to both HDD... A bit more troublesome i know.. But I a bit KS, ahahha

  3. It look glaring because the exposure in the photo is based on the console and the console is dark, so it has to increase the exposure in order for you to view the darker areas. In doing so, the other bright areas may in the end turn out to be overly expose thus creating such photos.

    One way to reduce it is to take the photo standing more to the right from the current photo position and focus into the room. The other is to use flash.

  4. If u can wait, wait for the annual mayer sale, I got my ksm160 at $699 and ksm150 was $599. havent seen those kind of price since long x ago

    Hi, just wanted to find out if you know what's the difference between KSM160 and KSM150? I don't seems to find any information on the difference in the internet.

  5. But what people forget is that the global temperature has risen since our parents' days...

    I will be putting aircon and ceiling fan for my living room once I get my unit (unfortunately that would be another 3 - 4 years later, which is why I am a lurker here). My current place does not have aircon in the living room and sometimes, and even with 2 standing fans running, it is still too hot and humid; especially during the "hot season" here.

  6. Well, they can't run the trunking immediate into the toilet as there is a pillar in between. But they could have follow the unit opposite yours (as you can see the outlet from the windows from the same picture) where it just goes straight down and out immediately next to the pillar, instead of bending it and out from below the windows. I think that would look slightly neater in your room.

  7. Audtion is so fun & worthy at the end of the day!! The satisfaction coming out of her smiling face is priceless. We worked on her done deal Dynaudio Xeo 3 before moving on to look for pairing DAC. Ended up with Bel Canto 2.5 as final puzzle of the entire chain.

    Took us a fair bit of time to troubleshoot but when our Missus hear it, all just nod their ultimate head with pleasant smile.

    Bel Canto itself is already 2K if I recall correctly... Add in Dynaudio Xeo 3, no wonder it's about 6K! So it's a 2.1 system?

    Would love to hear this combi.... :dribble:Wonder if there is any chance of that happening..

  8. So far, I used Amazon direct shipping for UK Amazon, as for Kim, he did engaged a forwarder based in SG to ship back his Aktimate Maxi from UK to SG. I had used the forwarder for some of my US stuffs. Yet to tried out UK to SG though.

    Also, try Borderlinx or comgateway for UK 3rd party shipping, not sure it will reduce the shipping charges provided shipping charges are zero for UK addresses.

    I think from UK, direct shipping is the cheapest - if you ship to somewhere in UK or Europe, you need to pay VAT (even if the internal shipping is free like US), then add in the shipping cost for the forwarder...

  9. Toilets

    And after many many days.. the toilet tilings are done!

    Master toilet..



    Heh heh.. you can just fill up the common toilet with water and it'll be a swimming pool!excl.gif

    This is a BTO flat, right? So, you overlay the new tiles on the ones installed by HDB? Does it add a lot of thickness to the toilet floor?

  10. Seems so, didn't states clearly for those purchased before 1 May whether they are entitled, ie those bought via BTO etc. Check with HDB for your case.

    Finally back from holidays. I checked the IDA website and it states that any homes that are built after 1 May 2013 will have to come with the TP, and cat 6 cabling in each living rooms and bedroom. So, it does look like it will be in the flat when I get it, since it's not even build yet - Heck I don't even know if they have awarded it to the builders yet! (Hmm... where to find such info, I wonder)

    The only worrying thing is... Do they know that they have to separate the power lines from the data lines?!?!

  11. Ong, now with this new iDA ruling, does it mean no need to worry abt cabling liao? Since it will come with it? Anyone have any idea what they mean by having fibre pre-install? Does this include Ethernet cabling to each room? I don't have full details as I read it off CNA.

    Still overseas leh.

  12. at kallang/whampoa, there is HDB terrace that is considered as 3 room flat. ground floor is living room and kitchen and upstairs is bedroom. its like living on landed but considered as HDB.

    Really? Wow did not know that - how much is the actual space size? Same as HDB 3 room or bigger? Still, almost 1 mil for that. No wonder people say Singaporeans are rich, but I don't feel rich at all!!!! :furious:

  13. The flexibility of installing either water heater in each washroom or 1 water storage heater in 1 washroom. That's all.

    The taping gives a rough indication on the route of the pipes. Pretty common nowadays, have you been to HDB show flat? You will know what you had bought in your BTO exercise.

    So my "logical" thinking is right then? Water pipes...

    Yes, been to the HDB show flat 3 times (or was it more)?!?! Had some idea, but still it's not totally self explanatory there as well (either that or I was not looking very closely at this section!).

    I guess to know where they had place those power and all other points, as well as switches, will be when we get the keys and go inspect. I should be there with either an ID or contractor, ready to decide the last minute details and when to start reno... :sport-smiley-004::notti:
