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Posts posted by patsy_sg

  1. Hang in there!

    I know exactly the nightmare you are facing with horrible contractors. 2 years on and we're just about almost finishing the place doing most of the bits ourselves. We fired them with about 25% of the place unfinished. We have had to call in independent contractors to repair almost everything they did! Most frightening was the electricals cause when we tore down the horrible TV console they built in the master bedroom, we found that their electrician used masking tape to join wires!!

    At least we're now almost finished!

  2. Just an update on the work done in our house by CLC. We lived with the master bedroom they "designed" for a while but couldn't take it any more, so decided to tear down the entire place and redo it ourselves. Imagine our shock when we took out the built in TV console to find that they used masking tape to join wires and hold them up!!! When our electrician came to check, he said most of the power points and light switches were not installed properly, some of the points in the kitchen were not "earthed"!!!! Now I know why my small appliances kept breaking! I've lost an iron, vacuum cleaner and toaster. When we checked the main electric board, half the fuses were burnt out and super hot cause they were tripping every time! Just grateful that we did not have a fire!!

    So anyone who plans to hire this firm (I think they have closed down and are operating under a different name now), please be warned!!!!!

  3. Yah, the process is mostly enjoyable! I can foresee I'll have withdrawal syndrome after reno ends. bleah :P

    well, you could do what I did and moved 3 times in 3 years... and reno each time.

    And this time, as we got the biggest ID firm from **** to do up our house, we're doing reno again (1.5 years on!!)

  4. hi, re-upholstering is not that difficult, but you will need to have a sewing machine or a stapler gun depending on what type of cushions (i.e. fixed or those removable type). Alternatively, your neighborhood alternation shop should be able to help as well.

    For the wood, just sand it down to remove the existing stain/colour and paint whatever colour you want. Keep in mind the brush and paint you use is very important, you don't want to see streaks on the furniture.
