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Harograce's Den~

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wah the 3D drawing very nice! turning out like it too!

the settee very unique oh, purposely slanted de ar.

ur kitchen door is slide open or is push inwards de?

looks like my kitchen lor, LOL

seems like alot of carpentry, so will u guys be going back to get the sofa and dining set at furniture mall? lol

Cause the dining set seems to be custom-made, if it's gonna be like the 3D drawing.

glad that things going smooth =)

the settee very short... not wat me n my wife had imagined... LOL!

btw, my kitchen is push inward de. my sofa n dining set were purchased at furniture mall.


Hi nice place. I always love to to have a platform but after after much discussion with mr fiance, we decided to forgo it. Congratulations for the beautiful den wor! !!

hihi~ juz pm u~ :yamseng:


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today i went up to my hse to meet my ID... when i entered the lift, i got a shock of my life, i saw loanshark writing on the lift wall... and somemore, the unit is my neighbour's... super SIANZZZ...

hope nothing happen to my unit... *pray*



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today i went up to my hse to meet my ID... when i entered the lift, i got a shock of my life, i saw loanshark writing on the lift wall... and somemore, the unit is my neighbour's... super SIANZZZ...

hope nothing happen to my unit... *pray*


hmm so fast got Ah long come....hope it is not the opposite unit.

now you have to be careful, hope nothing will happen to your unit.

must put Security Camera.


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hmm so fast got Ah long come....hope it is not the opposite unit.

now you have to be careful, hope nothing will happen to your unit.

must put Security Camera.

hey alexter, thanks for lettin us visit ur place last wk.. nicely done up and some of the ideas were gd. reali great to c u've got everythin done up.. we're lookin fwd to tat day too when we can shift in to stay hee.

harold, ya reali need to b more careful.. but even no one was stayin there b4 this, also have this kinda thing happenin.. ur neighbour from en bloc? scarly a misunderstandin..

btw, ur house is nearing completion and very nicely done up. hope to see the fully completed unit with all the furnishings very soon :jawdrop:


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hmm so fast got Ah long come....hope it is not the opposite unit.

now you have to be careful, hope nothing will happen to your unit.

must put Security Camera.

yea... really pray hard... :D

harold, ya reali need to b more careful.. but even no one was stayin there b4 this, also have this kinda thing happenin.. ur neighbour from en bloc? scarly a misunderstandin..

btw, ur house is nearing completion and very nicely done up. hope to see the fully completed unit with all the furnishings very soon :dunno:

yalor, e neighbour from en-bloc de... haizzz...

mid april, all e furniture will be in~ :furious:


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today i went up to my hse to meet my ID... when i entered the lift, i got a shock of my life, i saw loanshark writing on the lift wall... and somemore, the unit is my neighbour's... super SIANZZZ...

hope nothing happen to my unit... *pray*


wow you so "heng" ah? hopefully mine dun have such problem...

btw i loved your MBR wardrobe and kitchen :unsure:

those are laminates right?

1 more thing, where you got your lightings? i like the 1 on your avatar and near to bomb shelter..

Edited by babytan

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wow you so "heng" ah? hopefully mine dun have such problem...

btw i loved your MBR wardrobe and kitchen :D

those are laminates right?

1 more thing, where you got your lightings? i like the 1 on your avatar and near to bomb shelter..

yah... super heng ah... haizzz~

my MBR wardrobe n kitchen r laminate~ :D

i got all my lighting from a shop from Balestier, can pm u if u interested.

only the 1 dining lighting near the bomb shelter i got it from Suntec Carrefour~ much more cheaper den other shops.



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thax, blackapple~

btw, now not much pix to update liao... gotto wait next week when the wallpaper r up. and mid apri when all the furniture are all in... den i will update~



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thax, blackapple~

btw, now not much pix to update liao... gotto wait next week when the wallpaper r up. and mid apri when all the furniture are all in... den i will update~


wow wow still got wallpaper!! ur reno how much? jia you jia you~~ :)


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hi harold,

your whole house theme v sleek and grand looking. The kitchen cabinet and wardrobe colour is very daring, and it turns out to be v nice :)

Edited by Yang Guo

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wow wow still got wallpaper!! ur reno how much? jia you jia you~~ :)

blackapple, i had pm my quotation~ :)

wow wow still got wallpaper!! ur reno how much? jia you jia you~~ :)
hi harold,

your whole house theme v sleek and grand looking. The kitchen cabinet and wardrobe colour is very daring, and it turns out to be v nice :)

bro, thax alot~ lucky me n my wife have e same taste/concept and we know what we want our house to turn out to be~



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gas pipe trunking


Just my personal suggestion...

can do a cabinet to cover the trunking, or might be nicer if the trunking flush with the feature wall.

To close the HHS hole, and open the other one so no oily air goes into the HHS. or close both.

you ID shoud be able to do something about that.


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