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Am desperately looking for

- a nice divider. Those with glass panel on top, in front of the glass panel can put display, then the remainder of the divider downwards can have drawers type.

- 假树 as in, fake tree. I don't want christmas tree though...

anyone knows where to get nice ones, please?


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Am desperately looking for

- a nice divider. Those with glass panel on top, in front of the glass panel can put display, then the remainder of the divider downwards can have drawers type.

- 假树 as in, fake tree. I don't want christmas tree though...

anyone knows where to get nice ones, please?


Better to get contractor to tailor make.

Fake tree can get from nursery.


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Better to get contractor to tailor make.

Fake tree can get from nursery.

Hi Ivy

Where is the recommended nursery?

Do they deliver one fake one?


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i managed to get one artificial tree from those shops that sell artificial flowers and plants after a few days of search.

bought one from the plaza next to beauty world.

still looking for divider.

I don't wanna tailor make... the furniture shops really trying to 'chop carrot' when they asked me to tailor make..

I could see the $$$ shining in their eyes.

anyway, went to IFC and those factories nearby, some neighbourhood shops to view the divider.

Currently, only managed to find about 6 diff designs.

3 of the designs are available in neighbourhood shops.

Those sold in IFC and some centres, are priced liked about $1K ++.

But the exact design sold in neighbourhood shops are just about $$750 to $850.

Would the quality be the same? Given that even the catalogs are the same..

i'm highly concerned about the possibility of furniture growing mould matters...


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been to many shops and all seem to try to 'chop carrots'.

esp if made to order even worse.

anyway, managed to find something very similar to what i'm looking for and the price so far also ok.

Still waiting for the top part to be refixed due to some faults...


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been to many shops and all seem to try to 'chop carrots'.

esp if made to order even worse.

anyway, managed to find something very similar to what i'm looking for and the price so far also ok.

Still waiting for the top part to be refixed due to some faults...

Sure 'chop carrot' what....you should ask your contractor 'at the same time sama" laa!! Maybe about 150 to 250 for simple one.

Last time saw 'barang barang' got sell about 400. On sale 200++....next time ask shopping queen me K. Or be patient look for garage sale and second hand furniture traders, alot of eye-popping 'ho liao' available.


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been living in this hse for abt 7 yrs liao loh.

and been sickly. The previous FS master said will take up to 5 yrs to see good effects.

But come to the 7th yr already still see nothing.

more importantly, i felt should engage another master to come see my hse and he said most stuffs i nv do properly...


wish had engaged this 2nd master in the first place.


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Actually dun get too engross in FSM theory. You have to find out the source of your illness, then deal with it correctly. The simplest way, ask yourself the following question, whether to follow anot it's up to you:

1) Walk around your home, is there alot of cluster & stuffs in your home?

Clustering can zap your energy and luck. Clear it by donating it to salvation army or some other charity association.

When clearing it you are doing good deed too.

2) Walk around your home, look at every corner of your house including ceiling and corners. Do you see any cobweb?

Cobweb is not a good sign. Which means your home cleanliness is not up to standard. Prolong living in such condition affects one's health too.

3) Cleanliness in your home, do you clean up the floor under you bed?

Some people like to keep their barang barang under their bed. In term of Feng Shui, it's actually block the Qi. Furthermore it would also

collect dust, home for pest. It's not good for health too. Platform bed too needs to push it out and maintain under the bed clean.

4) Kitchen Cleanliness, Remember to clean your stove, pots and pan. As illness sometimes comes thru your mouth.

Kitchen is very straight-forward, try to keep the kitchen clean. Even if you eat-out most of the time. A dirty kitchen mainly affects the women health in the family.

5) Airy - Open up your window more often to let the air circulate freely.

Common sense right !!! Fresh air....

6) Air conditioning - When is your aircon last service?

If you ON your aircon almost everyday, cleaning it is important. Thats what you breath.

7) Fan - Clean up your fan blade.

Dusty fan blade cost you to breath in more dust than air.

8) Changing your bedsheet and SUN your pillow, soft toy and bolester weekly if possible.

This is the place where you spend most of the time on. Changing it monthly or every 2 week would be better.

Time to do some spring cleaning liao. A CLEAN & CLUSTER-FREE home is HAPPY home. Don't forget to exercise regularly to keep your body health..

Search for some good multi-vit to improve your body nutrient.


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You're right. If you don't clear old clutter, where can you find space to store new clutter? bwahaha!

Happy Lunar New Year, everyone.


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