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Small Online Business Owner: Looking For Short Term Loan.

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I’m a businessman having small scale setup my financial condition is not so good. Some time I face problem in paying monthly expenses like water bill, electricity bill etc. I am here to find a solution for it. How can I manage all these bills? Or Is it possible to take short term loan for these type of expenses? If you people have any idea so please let me know. Thanks a lot for any help.


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I’m a businessman having small scale setup my financial condition is not so good. Some time I face problem in paying monthly expenses like water bill, electricity bill etc. I am here to find a solution for it. How can I manage all these bills? Or Is it possible to take short term loan for these type of expenses? If you people have any idea so please let me know. Thanks a lot for any help.

I empathise with your situation as I had gone thru' this myself before.

The sad fact is that no organisation in Singapore lends money to business people that are bleeding. You must have capital that will last you at least a year if you want to embark on a business. Projected returns are at best intelligent forecast that brings short-term relieve.

There are many people passionate about setting up their own business. At the end of the day, do the returns you get cover your operating expenses ? If not, forget about the business because it is not viable. I have approached SPRING and several other agencies before, the huge red-tape of information they require before you get in-principal approval will put you off immediately. All those "Success Stories" are there because their business are actually viable but they were short of funding to bring in bigger orders. SPRING has no problem approving that.

My advice to you is stop the bleeding. Don't screw up people who gave you supplies based on trust. You need them. Don't borrow beyond your means to repay creditors.


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