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Kitchen Cabinet Laminates

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its easier to clean glossy as opposed to matt because the surface is smooth.

however, fingerprints will show up clearer with glossy than matt.

what type of look are you trying to go for?


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its easier to clean glossy as opposed to matt because the surface is smooth.

however, fingerprints will show up clearer with glossy than matt.

what type of look are you trying to go for?

I'm a big fan of glossy laminates and glass. If you decide to go for glossy laminates though make sure you go with formica 2mm. Most other glossy laminates which are less then 2mm will give of a wavy look and appeared almost as if they are warped.


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thanks for the inputs

my design is clean and modern

i am thinking glossy will look better but not too sure about resistance to scratches

I hear what you're saying. It's the same thing I heard before I did my reno for my current apt and the one before that, but I've not had any problems with scratches. Certainly, there'd be need for concern if you used glossy laminates for a counter or table top surface as various items would be placed on top of it making it prone to scratches, but you're not going to be placing anything on cabinet doors so it's very unlikely to scratch. Just make sure that if you do wipe the doors from time to time that you use a relatively clean cloth in case there's any hard debris on the cloth. BTW, I also used glass doors for my wardrobe and have had no problems with scratch marks either.


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I hear what you're saying. It's the same thing I heard before I did my reno for my current apt and the one before that, but I've not had any problems with scratches. Certainly, there'd be need for concern if you used glossy laminates for a counter or table top surface as various items would be placed on top of it making it prone to scratches, but you're not going to be placing anything on cabinet doors so it's very unlikely to scratch. Just make sure that if you do wipe the doors from time to time that you use a relatively clean cloth in case there's any hard debris on the cloth. BTW, I also used glass doors for my wardrobe and have had no problems with scratch marks either.



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glossy laminate u need to use micro-fibre cloth to clean to prevent scratches.

get from the laminate supplier. if they dont give you, dont use them. haha


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