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Step One: Finding A Real Interior Designer

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My wife and I got our new flat keys and we started to look around for ID firms. As usual, we will buy magazine and ask around or even check online for some good ideas or capable ID.

After few weeks of screening, we stream down to 3 ID. They are Linear Space(great with cool ideas), ***(very patience and not bad with ideas) and Rhiss Interior. All of them came out with great modern design (which we have in mind). But Rhiss Interior(RI) beat them close to the end. I finally chose RI as Freddy(my current designer) has given me abit more confident more than the rest. He is detailed in his quotation, no hidden charges, and his design ideas suited what we wanted to achieve. Freddy also live up to his promises so far and still very into my flat and updating me with the progress which i think this is a fantastic working attitude and rare.

RI gave me a competitive price of about $38000 for 5 rm flat.Here are some of the main things.

•Kitchen cabinets, Masterbed room wardrobe and small room wardrobe

•Both toilet wall overlay

•Living room featured wall

I think the most important about finding ID is about delivering as promised and on time. Of cos the price also BIG factor la.

So now my flat is WIP. I will the progress along the way when i am free.here are some pictures.






Be ready to see my Step 2 soon when my carpentry is done.



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Step One.5

:drunk: Hi guys

So before I go into Step 2: Carpentry, Here is Step 1.5 first. So we are waiting got painting to be done b4 carpentry work can do up. Looking forward to see the first coat of paint by this coming weekend(01 Oct 2011)

Freddy Tan also very responsive and careful with details. Example, he reacted quickly and updated you when there is something that might cope up with the reno. He called the other day to tell me abt the shortage of bathroom tiles for the kerbs I am intending to do, then in 2 hours, he called back and told me that it is solved. And also I went to ikea to buy some wall selves and hooks, he also happy to help me drill them and fix them. SO i guess this is the little things that adds into his portfolio of work and also add value to his services.

Ok.. this is it for now. nex update hopefully is Step 2 liao. will try to post some pictures soon.


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Step One.7

:horse: Next week i will update you on the carpentry work. Hopefully evrything is ready in time for me to move my stuffs in.

So anyway this week, my flat is painted with the first coat. the coloures are great. another thing is the yard window is pretty nice, i was abit surprised.the frame is really thin and the window looks big. I like it.

here are some pic to share.




ok good weekend guys


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Other important stuffs

Just in case you guys want to where i got my funiture and electronics and other stuffs.

Mega Discount Store @ kallang

Got one guy call David Tan, nice uncle. Dont push, just trying to answer your questions you might have. Nv try to sell me but understand what i need. In the end,very good discount as i bought TV,Sound bar, washing machine (all samsung) and 1 Fridge (hitachi). They are ready to cut the price if you have other cheaper ones out there. actually i feel that Courts and Audio house also can't win MDS.

Winter International Funiture

I went funiture mall, level 3. Very sales man talk, but if you buy more stuffs, he is willing to walk down the road with you. Got dining, coffee table and sofa. Good deal. but i suspect i can go even lower that time! :dribble:

Grand Image Funishing (Curtains)

Got it at kovan. one of those shophouse shop. Nice guy. very humble although he is busy with projects kind of deals. Can look for Aaron.

So hope you guys got some ideas.



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Step One.9

Hi Guys

This week my house will be 90% done up. Left with some electric work and washing. So far so good. The only thing is the door knobs for wardrobe is abit off. The carpentry is good no doubt, but the door knob is abit wrong. I wanted white and hopefully Freddy can find white ones, then it will be perfect! :sport-smiley-003:

I would like to share with you some 3D pictures then next week i will share the real done-up pictures.





Looking forward for Step Two!




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Hi there,

Am also looking for a ID to renovate my house in punggol. Saw your progress and it's looking good!

May I know can I have your ID (Freddy) contact from Rhiss Interior? I wish to get a quote from him.

You can PM me or send to my email address: carefreepolaris@gmail.com



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Hi guys

If you need my ID's detail, do let me know, will be happy to share.

Now I am still waiting for my Funiture FROM WINTER INTERNATIONAL. sigh :bleah: They give quite a good price, but they DELAYED the delivery! which I think this should be better handled. They didn't call and update you the status. So this is one thing that you guys should take note if you do go to them. The salesman and the delivery departmant are like 2 units, never communicate and delievery their promises. Other than that I think they are ok lo.

Will upload more pic after I got my Funitures.

Stay tuned.


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I actually tried to post bigger but do not know how to. But i will try again the next time.

stay tune. hopefully by next week got some nice pic.

good luck with the reno...

btw can post bigger picture? :dribble:


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Step Two: Renovation done and moving in

Finally the Reno is done. The workmanship is great. My ID, hired a house cleaner to clean the whole house b4 I move my stuffs in. During the moving in, obviously we will find some little stuffs that neeeds to be touch up or fixed. Freddy was very professional and arranged the contractors of various department to come down my unit to fix those stuffs that i highlighted to him. It was a good experience.

I want to share with you guys some pictures of the final output i had in my mind and now i am living it.






Finally I found out how to make it big!

So I happy with the final product.

Hope you guys like it.


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