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First and foremost, i would like to tell the readers here that Mr Andy Tan just texted me full of vulgarities asking me to take this post down about his company. Not just at Renotalk but other Forums too. He was also threatening me that he is going to sue me if the posts are not taken down by tomorrow.

And as for the reply from 'Mr Andy Tan', i do believe this is not your typing behind that computer due to your poor constructive language skills. Knowing the actual person behind the company, i know for a fact that his English is bad. Some sort of like a poor, uneducated barbarian. I believe this to be the typing of your sinlings or your daughter. Anyway, this is no 'hate motivated plan' of mine to ruin the image of your company. What im speaking is just the truth to create an awareness to the readers regarding the unfair practices that your company had.

Please do be honest to yourself once in awhile. It was not the truth that you are the one who let me go. The actual fact is that you and my colleagues already knew that i was already planning on moving on and looking for other jobs. Why dont you tell the whole world the truth that it was you who is going to offer me a full time job upon finding out from a colleague of mine that i was planning on leaving for a search of full time job.

Its no use hiding the truth from the readers here and making up inconceivable lies about me to save the company's reputable image. You know that i have been a huge asset to your company and you want to keep me around for long. The unexpected betrayal by me which has led to this post certainly upset you, therefore, making you be so defensive about your company.

I have contacts of different perspective customers of yours that thinks i work in a professional manner and that my customer service was excellent. Every job that i have done for you, i never fail to take pictures of the order form so thats where the contacts came from. So, its quite odd isnt it, coming from you stating that i am aggresive when its actually you who always start fight with your customer. I may work for you for a long time now but it has always been me trying to calm customers down due to your unfair practices. You may be the owner of your own company but if you treat your customers as badly as stated, they will cease to call you for their next move.

While my reason is genuine to let people know about your company's practices, i bear no grudges against you or anyone else. In fact, ive always been happy to have been working with great colleagues. Its the lies that i have to tell almost everyday working to cover up for you that makes working unpleasant for me. Im a man of integrity and that is something that you lack alot and i dont like to be a part of these scheme to scam people as i work. And that my friend, is the reason i left the company. If i have been upholding my personal vendette and grudges against you, i would have already reveal to your existing customer whenever you have the chance to deceive them at that point of time.

Oops, im sorry. Actually, me and some of your workers already did that to some of your customers at some occasion. Some customers are really nice to us that we just dont have the heart to deceive them. So at some occasion when you ask of me and my colleagues to make their items fit in more than one lorry, we actually did. But when you are not around with us, we charged the customer as one lorry even their items uses up more than one lorry and that is because that first lorry, we didnt stack as high. Trust me, Mr Andy Tan, it is not just me who feels this way. Some of my colleagues who still are presently working for you also feels that way too

I have a Diploma and i have learn some social and legal issues and i know for a fact that you cant sue me for telling people the truth. So be it as may, i wish you all the best in whatever you are pursuing and i hope you learn to be mature as your almost twice my age.

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Unfortunately I used Superior Movers in Sept this year for a move and I was quoted 1.5 - 2 trucks by that fat dirty cheat ANDY TAN but ended up paying for 3.5 trucks. So to get it wrong by that much he must be either cheating me/ mis-quoted on purpose/ or he must be really **** at his job.....(he clearly cheated me as I was too busy on the day to supervise both ends). To make things worst, I had a lot of clothes on hangers to be moved and I specifically asked him if he would provide the 'clothes hanger' moving boxes. He said "no worries" we give u moving racks on the day". On the actual date of the move he only had 2 'clothes hanger' moving racks (which was clearly not enough) and he refused to do another 'run', arguing that he warned me already when its his job to assess my requirements! To make things worst his guys cracked one of my picture frames (they just put a label on it to say it was cracked - it was  definitely NOT cracked when I had prepared all the items there that day. They also broke my daughter's toy wooden kitchen. My mistake was to fall for his cheap quote.  Oh I nearly forgot....they turned up 3 HOURS LATE!. If it wasnt for my relationship with my condo mgmt they would have never got the job done. WORST movers ever experienced. U have been WARNED!!!! DO NOT USE  SUPERIOR REMOVALS THESE DIRTY CHEATS. Its people like Andy Tan that give honest Singaporeans a bad name.  


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