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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/19/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Hi all, just want to bring up this thread so more people can see it. It seem that many users have pleasant/unpleasant experiences with different or the same movers. This site allows you to compare movers in Singapore as well as rate the movers. If you have had unpleasant experience, you can post it there. Some of the movers already have ratings and reviews, so in case you are hiring you can compare a few of them first. Directory of local moving companies: https://sghomeneeds.com/professionals/moving-storage/local-movers-transport Directory of international moving companies: https://sghomeneeds.com/professionals/moving-storage/international-movers-transport My advice is before engaging any movers, please at least compare 2-3 quotations. Some charge by per hour basis, others charge by per trip or by the size of lorry. Hourly means they are able to do things slowly (and you paying more), so be careful of these little tricks. Should you need additional help you can check out the website's blog for more advice on hiring movers. Hope these information helps!
  2. 1 point
    A bit of history here when I pulled back a post from Nov 13. But this is a feng shui journey that my family has taken and I believe a consistent alignment with feng shui will bring goodness to the family for many many years Fast forward to today: - My elder son is in his final year at NTU. Doing well, but most importantly anchored deeply on strong values and character. - My younger son, who was at JC1 failing to meet his common tests is now in medical school at NUS. Also strong values and character. I cannot imagine this, but the feng shui adjustments that we have taken, plus making the new home feng shui have benefited us. The feng shui master helped us to choose a home; she was meticulous as she has always been. Walked the neighbourhood, check ground, check orientation, check what the elements are around the house. Spent a good 3 hours. Then, when planning for re-construction, we made sure that the layout, location of rooms, fixtures were feng shui-advised. We wanted peace of mind. Again, just a personal sharing.
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