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Everything posted by rdnest

  1. after those accessories, the fire place is charming!!
  2. carpentry coming mean more pic update le... yeah
  3. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    Hi guys, have PM u both. Hope it would b of help
  4. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    At last, my reno is considered to be completed (though my DIY writing table is not yet done ) My last carpentry is my MBR TV feature wall console. As the only wall we could spare for TV is on the right of our bed, I requested to make the feature 'adjustable' ie the whole console can be opened (like a door) and tilted to an angle for ez viewing and push back when not watching tv. using the same leather-like laminate we used for our MBR wardrobe... Feature wall 'closed' Feature wall 'opened' shall do a review of the whole reno soon...
  5. wow, Esther, u WIW really make me drool.... now my stuffs got to cross over to my gal's wardrobe no space lah! and I still can complain nothing to wear must beat myself
  6. spam spam can't wait to see more pictures
  7. 2 thumbs up for ur reno! very very nice de lor. how big is the 'damage', if u dun mind sharing
  8. spam spam me just shifted out of Yishun 4A corner, 104 sqm, near 200+ blk got any floorplan? looking forward to ur pictures soon
  9. spam spam LOVE ur crystal lightings!! so elegant!... aiyo, me see liao oso wan leh but cannot liao
  10. sorry, me missed this post. me oso not sure leh, but think u hv to email to 75557@stomp.com.sg to submit your story. best with pictures or mms to 75557 hope above helps
  11. me stumbled upon this site while doing my online shopping... it has alot of pictures of a 'sample home' hope u can find ur inspiration there... taobao home taobao home taobao home
  12. SPAM SPAM.. Love ur spacious living area!
  13. that time i was enquiring for boon keng cityview, the HDB officer advised tt we just need to pay te 1st 5% in cash to book the unit and when ur cpf is cfm enuff to cover the 20%, the cash will be returned to u by cheque. but later we felt the unit really v ex lah, will be slave to the flat for a long time, so gave up just for ur info, at least if the 5% is a concern.
  14. spam spam... ur 5rm so spacious!... sigh, mine is tiny de lor
  15. ur defect list is longer than our list to HDB leh!! so much abt customising. ur reno contractor got to b
  16. spam spam it's normal to hv some retification work to do. dare dare voice out to ur contractor/ID to settle the problem if he says, it's like that de, tell him I want like this! be firm! jia you!! More pic more pic....
  17. me oso looking for shaggy carpet... any tips/contact?
  18. spam spam wow, the condition looks good leh. slight reno to add in your style, can liao. Happy reno
  19. will the company undertake to complete your reno? me never made payment via cash, all cheques. go thru bank, got proof me paid liao mah. think u could only wait for police liao. considering to STOMP abt this con man? think it will help to save some potential victims ...
  20. Hi, just to share mine. It is abt 7 ft in length, full height. Tappered in shape so as to make my slanted wall 90 degree. Cost me abt S$1500. workmanship wise, very satisfactory.
  21. Hehehe.. me ur next block neighbour: 678A
  22. our flats were built 8 yr ago, but only sold this yr actual commence date is jun 2008, so got to wait 3 yrs after 2008 lor
  23. think risis is my neighbour ours r premium flat, come w prefab loo liao tt time signed paper, officer oso said cannot touch toilet floor leh toilet wall think got to appy permit bah, but hor, think new toilet must wait 3 yr de...
  24. wow, the pre-reno condition is...... looking forward to more pictures soon