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Everything posted by coffee_o

  1. Wah you doesn't need to work ah ? Can always be there to oversee the whole process ? eh Jason so high tech still got use laser lights ? what is that use for ?
  2. Mother of 2 doesn't mean anything wat so long as you're young at heart not only you will get old leh everyone does too so if ppl call you xiaomei now, 10 yrs later you're still xiaomei in their eyes
  3. yup yup unique taps 1 and only in SG wahahahaha
  4. aiyah dun be humble le me also going for simple simple de most importantly is u and your wife like it can le simple and clean looks will not grow tired of it so easily mah hmm.....maybe if i confirm with Jason I asked Jason to bring me to your place to take a look
  5. Wah 800 episode ah ? like that stress leh oh by the way pet, spoke to Jason last week, he kept insisting that xiao mei (you) also call Ivy leh which I told him no le hahahaha
  6. There are always gd and bad agents in a company. I had my share of bad & dishonest agents while house hunting, particularly from ERA. (story here post #23: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=19667) My agents is from Propnex but luckily no bad experiences as he help me sell off my place and bought a new place. Charge me 2% for selling but only transportation for buying. I'm very happy with him as he is very very patience, brought me and my wife to view at least 30 units covering from Bishan, Yishun, hougang, serangoon till tampines. Not once did he grumble or show any signs of unhappiness. So all I can say is that it's not nice to blacklist a company just because of few bad apples, there are always some in every company since being an agents is so lucrative.
  7. Fannie use the methods I teach you for the crisis mgmt, you will do fine.....Wahahahaha
  8. I do not wants to see pics wor me prefer to see the real thing
  9. seriously i also dun remember my colleagues and family members mobile number. all thanks to the phone book capabilities hahaha
  10. Wah me only speak hokkien to jason hahahahah hard to type hokkien in forum lah so bo pian hahahah
  11. Orrr......ok ok aiyah your england too powderful, me dun understand le
  12. Ya lor Wahahahaha but i was told by someone if I were to hack my wash area, actually that can be done but me do not intend to hack anything lah hahahaha
  13. Wah local sitcom ah ? with a little bit of singlish...sorry wor me not gd in that leh been ages since I've watched channel 5 and 8 le
  14. Wah you guys want script ah ? can I apply for the script writer job ? cos me saving up for my reno cost lah hee hee so what kind of script would you guys like ah ? HK, korean, jap or ang mo drama kind ?
  15. no aws, no bonus, no annual days leave, career prospect..hmmm.....if you wish to be a ID/contractor then can, no medical and dental benefits...since no medical and dental benefits so no medical coverage for dependents as well the only gd thing is that you can work as and when you liked it and of cos during your currently working hrs too hahaha guan yu where got fierce ? zhang fei more fierce than guan yu whereas guan yu is the 五虎将之首 leh Yes there's WC is 1st level too but they called it wash area. My kitchen big meh ? but when i saw it, it look small leh hmm.......moreover other than doing L-shaped not much design layout can be done le
  16. Wahahaha You dun forget you been away for a very long time leh so the drama staging is way overdue hahahaha *pisst...BD...you whisper too loud le therefore I can hear it. Next time try to lower down your voice hor *
  17. Hmm....I think you're more suited to be zhang fei and Ivy can be guan yu Wahahahaha anyway here's the floorplan should you guys interested http://img412.imageshack.us/i/floorplan.jpg/
  18. abit of drama is gd mah else kinda boring if talking abt reno all the time RT is also a place to make friends with common interests not only a place to trade reno ideas mah
  19. eh will you kill me if I dun post at all ? hahahaha actually hor, F4 has all along been my 军师 she has been giving me advice all this while so she is my zhuge liang hahahah Now what I need is generals hahaha Ivy, r u and BD interested ? hee hee
  20. OKie i shall forward this to your new boss hahahaha aiyah next time tell us, we can take turns to call your mobile when you're in the meeting hahahah "sneak back to my room n do work" u sure is do work ? or you sneak back to surf RT ah ? hahah no leh nowadays everyone very guai leh all talking abt their house reno only, no drama leh
  21. Eh ? No no no Not yet, I have not got my keys but I nearly fainted when I see the condition but will be hacking everything too hahaha Bought the location not the condition
  22. No le think still too early le hahaha
  23. Eh i used to have stay in a place where I have a much bigger MBR and small Living. And my MBR can put a 3 seater sofa in even with a WIW and a king size bed. But I still prefer bigger living area and kitchen especially when my 3 aunties and 6 grandmum come and house for gathering. Especially so since my parents will be staying with me. Hmmm.....post my layout ah ? hmmm......means I will start my blog ? I think still too soon leh hee hee