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Everything posted by coffee_o

  1. Wah gong xi gong xi So when you start your reno ? Anyway these few days alot of FC blog hor hee hee:)
  2. No ler i'm just joking I guess he is too busy liao He did apologize to me but seriously i really appreciate it for me to get back to me so fast after you reminded him hee hee
  3. the problem is that I dun mind meeting him but he doesnt seems to want to meet me leh Wahahahaah think he is avoiding me, like he own me money leh heehee see how after he email me the quote anyway thank you so much for your help.
  4. Yup yup thanks bro actually based on what I've given to Jason, he told me my reno cost will be in the range of 50 - 60 k
  5. Bro mine is 1985 leh 24 yrs old liao hahahaha wah worrying leh Anyway thank you so much for your help, Jason called me just now and I spoke to him on what I wants to do. I told him basically other than the outer walls of the HDB flats, everything inside must go hahahaha Oh he did told me that the rewiring is costly abt 3k
  6. Eh ? i not sure wor maybe will check when I get the keys bah me dunno how to check also hahahaha
  7. Wah thanks thanks He very bad leh always dun answer my call hopefully if I do engaged him to do it, he will not be like that leh hahahah How old is your flat ? mine is more than 20 yrs old so i guess mine will die die have to do the rewiring
  8. hahaha ya ya ya type it in words then screen capture it and post as a pic hahaha
  9. Eh bro Can help me remind Jason that I'm still waiting for his quote since last week ? I managed to contact him this morning but scared he forgets again Tell him I'm Sim or 沈 from 148 Tampines. EM also thanks thanks
  10. Shhh......don't tell your wife hor, actually I prefer the first initial layout But like Jason says, most importantly your wife must be happy
  11. Wah 三国演义 ? So they're having wars in your place ? No wonder so messy hahahaha
  12. Actually wanted to ask you too. No leh should not have any problems with the contractor's name. Why don't you PM me and let me try to put it in ?
  13. Well like she says, she's a hoarder so bo pian. I guess we will have to psycho Poh to "convince" her to sell it off Eh ? hopeless !! if you wish to sell hor, let me know leh, not for me but at least i can buy for my wife hee hee
  14. It's always better to try to clean a small portion of your cabinets to test if the detergent is good or if it will affect your laminates as some detergent can be too strong and damage your cabinets Try some place that r not too visible so that if suay suay you damage it, at least ppl will not notice hahaha
  15. Thanks Poh appreciate it. I will say hi to your kampung mates on your behalf
  16. Thanks hopeless White is fine since most of the time you guys will not be cooking. I believe due to the busy schedule of both of you, I guess you will only get the chance to cook something during the weekends so it should be ok. Hmm.....why don't you setup a blog to sell some of the used bags which you're longer using ? at least you can earn some extra cash for new bags and at the same time clear some space in your wardrobe for the new additions hahahaha
  17. Oh yah saw it in your sig one of the lynn-kers hahahaa
  18. coffee_o


    Yup yup keep it coming so you got any electronic lock in mind ?
  19. Welcome Welcome You mentioned that your hacking starts tomorrow, so I presume you already got an ID/contractor ? Am looking for one too. May I know which ID/contractor your engaged ?
  20. Wah thanks for the detailed explanation...May I know where is Tiong Yong so that I can look for your Kampong mates when it's my turn to buy all these stuff hee hee
  21. But owen din play right ? He is warming the bench hahahaha I seriously do not know if they have the depth to win the championship this season...sigh Somemore so unlucky that Rio will be missing for 2 weeks only after the 1st game
  22. Huh ?!?!? 55k reno excluding electrical works ??? Crazy ah ? The quote I received to overhaul my EM only cost few k more nia Seriously I would be very interested to see what is included inside Do post some pics when you reno starts, very interested to see the b4 and after pics
  23. Ok i love your kitchen white white but maintenance is a headache and is not suitable for me as my parents will use it quite often Love the tap and basic, may I know where you got those ah ? and how much ? Oh I love your fridge too, is there 3 buttons at the top of the handle ? or this is just a design ? Also may I know the brand of the fridge ? Hahaha nowadays fridge also got inverter so funnie
  24. I used to stay in SK but have sold it off apr this year, am shifting to Tampines instead I will be getting my keys in Oct but planning to start my reno hopefully in Nov bah I sure hope my house will be ready b4 next yr CNY
  25. No leh me feel that they should win more in every match hahahaha