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Everything posted by mae29

  1. Coming to the end of Module 2 of Time Space Divination FS!! Interesting to unveil the mystery behind the ancient text and how simplicity works the best!!

  2. 住宅大门的风水探究 《阳宅三要》门主灶,门是第一位的。门,主一宅之兴衰。古云:"门中正,家道成。"。"大门开得正,子孙主兴盛"。又云:"宁与人家造十坟,不与人家开一门"。 门为气口,旨在纳气,门亦为宅之首,犹如人之头,可见门之风水的重要性。建筑物以规格最大的门为正门,大门也以此为论,其他为便门。无论是门向、门位,还是门口的地势与景观环境、门里的家具摆设均对住宅风水都有决定性的影响。 首先我们来谈谈大门的朝向(门向) 大门的朝向决定了房屋的坐向。 从理气的角度考量,屋宅喜坐天干,忌坐地支,天干之气轻、清、长,地支之气重、浊、短。阳宅学里有三煞山之说,意思是每个生肖的人都有三个地支坐向是不可以使用的。如果不小心用到,你会发现无论自己如何努力,总是事倍功半,做事总觉得有被牵制的感觉。 如果你的住宅是公寓大楼里的一户,那么自家大门能改动的几率很低,所以在选择房屋时要尽量避开门向与家庭成员的生肖相同或相冲。 如果你的住宅是别墅,那么门向除了要避开地支还可考虑交运,交天运旺财,交地运旺丁,还可考虑坐运。所以别墅风水在功效和调理上要远大于公寓大楼。 如果你家的门前有水系经过,开门更要慎重,因为来水与去水的位置对于屋宅的影响更大。 其次我们来谈谈大门的位置(门位) 门向与门位是两个不同的概念,门位是指大门在整个屋宅的位置。从理气的角度考量,我们比较喜欢门向为天干,门位在地支,并合阴阳,为吉门。 从形家的角度,我们可以考量以下位置 ⑴ 开中门 (朱雀门) 阳宅学上有“开中不忌”之说法,如果你不懂方位学,门前明堂开阔,无电线杆、电塔、大树等冲射,可选择开中门。 ⑵ 开左门(青龙门) 如果住宅门前为一条横向的大马路,无明堂可用,则可考虑在左边或右边开门。首选开左门,由青龙吉方进。如果前方道路有车流通过,是从右向左,或马路地势右高左低,或右边路长,左边路短(站在家中往外看),则适合开龙门收气。 ⑶ 开右门(白虎门) 如果前方道路车流是从左向右,或马路地势左高右低,或左边路长,右边路短,则适合开虎门收气。风水学认为虎门为不吉,故古代开右门(白虎门)的极少 (4)开侧门或后门 有些房宅正对大道,为了避开路冲设计成侧开门或后开门,古云:"东北开门,多招怪异。"。"肋肢开门,鬼贼必祟。",后墙正中开门主泄气。所以侧开门或后开门都为不吉。可考虑宅前煞气的制化。 便门宜开在角边上为吉。房宅后开车库门,不利财运。 最后我们来谈大门的其他禁忌 门形:门须端正、厚重、吉祥。门形歪斜、怪异、残缺、破损等主不吉。 开向:古门皆往内开启,以吸纳吉气,现代建筑设计的防撬门一般都朝外开启,风水上称为防户门,忌讳栏杆形和有漏洞。建议在门内加装内开的正规门为吉。 材质:古门要求使用完好无损的新木材制作,并要求门的上下方向与木材的上下方向一致为吉。用旧木材做门无"新"意,不为上吉。古云:"门板多破穿,怪异出凶祸。","门板莫令多柄节,生疮疖不歇。三三两两或成行,徒配出军郎"。由此而论,门的选材一定要慎重。现代大门除了木质门外,还有金属门、塑钢门、玻璃门等,宅门以不透为吉,以实木为吉。 规格:古门皆采用鲁班尺的吉祥尺码制作,以利家运兴盛,现代如果有条件,我们依然建议按此设计。 其他: 1、宅门内外顶上忌有铁管、横梁压过或门上加装空调,犯"压顶煞",不吉。 2、穿衣镜不要正对大门,否则气易乱、易散。 3、开门不要见到灶台,否则家人易出血光之灾。 4、大门不要正对厕所门或进门就是厕所,都主不吉,气易被污秽。 5、门前不可堆放垃圾、废弃物、枯死植物等。 6、大门不可被大路、墙角、屋脊、电线杆、电塔、大树、来水等冲射。 7、大门不宜正对他人屋宅大门,尤其是医院大门、庙宇大门、公安局大门等 。风水学有言:两门相对,必有一家家运退。 8.大门不可正对电梯门和楼梯(无论上下)。 9、门的大小、高矮要与建筑物协调,过大过小,过高过矮,都为不吉。 10、大门不要做成拱形,状若墓碑,不吉。 11、大门不要正对死胡同、桥梁、牌坊。 12、如两户打通,不要开双门。 13、大门不易歪斜,斜度最多不能超过15度。 14、门前道路、台阶易平坦,整洁,不易有杂乱和破损。 15、门前不要见到去水(水流跟门向一致),否则易破财。 门的讲究比较多,在建筑设计之初,应从风水学宅体、宅运等方面全面考虑。无论工厂大门,小区大门或住家大门,如开设位置有问题,遇流年不吉之时,发凶的几率是较高的,公寓大楼尤其以凶到门为大忌。
  3. I recommend you to attend Joey Yap's Astrology seminar which is held on 8-Jan-2012. There, you will understand why face reading is important and to be read in conjunction with a person's BaZi chart and the yearly influence. Coincidentally, I was posting some articles on face reading by one master who is active in Face Book, in my reno t-blog a while ago before I saw your thread.
  4. Brothers & sisters here Thank you for your well wishes! In another few months, we will welcome the Year of Water Dragon 2012. As usual, to give some life to my blog, I will post some tips on enhancing and improving the house feng shui for Wealth, Luck, Career, Health or Relationship. For those who have facebook accounts, you can find heaps of information written by some good Masters. To start off, here are Master Marvin Pang's article on Face Readings: source: Master Marvin Pang
  5. Hi, brothers and sisters Thank you for those messages which you sent me - either through my personal email, or whatsapps. I have been busy lately, but doing well. Very happy at the moment, and just attended my second son's congregation held on 3rd November. I have now switched to Facebook account, and I started adding people whom I have acquaintance in this forum (I know Eugene is one of the friends I added recently). If you found me in FB (Linda Mae), please add me. Update: 14 November 2011: To ease your search, here is the URL: Linda Mae
  6. Hi, Toot Thank you for dropping by again! Have been extremely busy lately - both family and at work!! The aircon is working fine, I have just executed the contract for maintenance. No issues.
  7. Now into Module 2 of Time Divination Feng Shui!! Amazing how this method works by observation of surrounding landscape / forms to come up with the prediction which can be proven!! I am enjoying this new method absolutely stunning to know the results!!!

  8. The subject is very broad. How much of improvement you want, and which area? Wealth, Health, Relationship, Career, Family luck? If you choose Wealth, then you might sacrifice Health. You remembered the saying : Too much Wealth damages the Health!! 财多伤身. What some fsm recommendations are not classical pure feng shui practice, but rather it is a form of art of placement or New Age FS (like reflective films for window and colors), and becoming 'rojak' like bro bepgof mentioned. Ofcourse, no change no gain! no pain no gain too!!
  9. Continue from my earlier post, like my sister's case, she has 60% bad luck (Heaven + Man) and I can only improve 30% good luck (Earth) for her house with feng shui solutions. So, is 30% of 100% good?? You know the answer right? Sometimes, come to think of it, this is just her luck that she can't 'borrow' the other 30% from my help (she didn't seek my help to choose her flats!!), else she will probably have 60%, not 30% like now. That is what Destiny & Luck is all about. Even now, she is staying with me but still didn't OPEN her mouth to ask me! Looks like she is 100% in bad luck!!
  10. When inviting the lion dance or opera to your house, make sure that the sector has good annual star resides there.
  11. Bro You are absolutely correct!! FS is not a magic! Any cure or remedy, if done correctly, will yield at most 30% of improvement, that is within the energy of cosmic trinity (Heaven - Man - Earth). I used 30% for each, leaving the balance 10% for the 'unforeseen' like our karma, education, etc. If a person is not born to be next Bill Gates (Heaven Luck, i.e. your BaZi chart), no amount of FS solutions can make him be the next one! Usually, a person is drawn to the energy in your charts, either favourable or unfavourable. I have seen and read many charts and this is true! Did you read my blog? The resale flat my sister had chosen is one good example!!!! I analyse her chart and realised she is going through an unfavourable luck cycle for the next 10 years!!! That's why she is moving out of her previous flat, which apparently have better FS than the current one shown above!!!!!!!! Worst still, when I was with them viewing the flats, the current house never surfaced!!! It was only when I am not with her then she made the decision to buy on the spot!!!!!!
  12. 怎么样的命 买怎么样的屋子!
  13. That is where the service of feng shui master comes into the whole picture!! Like me, I learnt how to benefit from the good energies in the house, and at the same time, avoided the bad sectors. Of course, once we learn our life / destiny, we are more open and see things in a very different perspective!!
  14. Hi, Bro dino Thank you for popping by again! There is no pre-requisite for the current course which I am taking. This master frequently offers free one-day workshop on Divination and you can look out the papers for his ads. He is from Unified Yi-Jing Research. However, if you intend to go further, the course fees for Time Space divination feng shui are not cheap! (effective 1st Oct 2011) Module 1: $799 Module 2: above $2000 Module 3: $5000 We paid special package ($499 + $1615 + $2950) before October 2011. On the same note, you may consider to enrol courses conducted by Singapore Feng Shui Centre, by Grand Master Vincent Koh. He conducts frequently at Singapore Poly Graduate Guild. The course syllabus includes Feng Shui complete course + BaZi basic, at less than $2000, for about 3 months (twice a week). After this, you can enrol for Advance BaZi Practioner certificate (10 lessons for $980), and you complete everything you need to learn in Feng shui and BaZi.
  15. Any more interesting floor plans to share? I have this to share!!! I won't disclose much info here....but you can search the Geomancy forum for the answers!!
  16. I post up this information here (so my sister won't chance upon seeing her house chart!!) Forumers who read my blog are aware that my sister recently paid $1K option to purchase a resale flat at Segar Road, but something happened after that, and she consulted me. When I conducted the fs audit, I rejected the house!! This is floor plan of the 1st house in Segar Road: After that, I accompanied her and brother-in-law to view many houses on 2 - 3 weekends around Bukit Panjang, but none comes close to what we want. I was tired out, and told my sister to proceed to view the flats by themselves, and only after shortlisted the houses, she can call me to view them. However, my sister proceeded by her own and didn't call or consult me at all!! What happened? See for yourself --- the same kind of house with bad feng shui and bad layout!!! Ironically, it is in the same block as the above 1st house already rejected by me!!! Conclusion: What kind of luck will buy what kind of house!!
  17. Sister You have good understanding of the theories The date given to bring 5 yellow back to centre palace is 30-Jan-2011, before star 5 arrives in East in Feb 4, 2011. We need to place water in East sector to activate it. But considering all the 3 sectors under East before 2011 with negative shen sha 神煞, East 1 had Nien Ke in 2010, but East 3 has Moon star there (hope I remembered it right). So, it was safer to place water in East 3, to bring back 5 Yellow to central palace when it arrived in Feb 2011. Every year, the same method is applied for bringing this evil star 5 back to its original palace. Next year, it will be for house facing SE.
  18. Snap ON!! One of my fs mentor advised 'Always fill our cup 3/4 full is enough!'.
  19. Common problems are either relationship, wealth, career or health matter. Don't you think so? To pin-point exactly what will be the issues, the external landform needs to be examined as well as who stays in the house.
  20. Based on the concept of phenomenon 'what kind of luck buy what kind of house', here is what I 'see': There seems to be a problem in 2011 this year. There were also setbacks around 2002/2003, as well as in year 2009. This applied to the previous owner of this house, as well as luck of current owner if you are buying this house. Next period to be mindful are the year 2015/2016.
  21. Thank you, sis Ivy! It is my interest and I am still learning the subject. 五鬼运财 is one of the 'water theory' which is applicable only if supported by external forms (there must be real mountain and real water externally before application of this theory.) Result is very fast, within 2 weeks, if applied correctly. I learnt from my FSM that 5 yellow is used for the wealthy tycoons. For this year, the 5 yellow star resides in the East. If house facing is East, and if there is water externally (especially at E3 sector, then we can send the 5 yellow star back to the centre of the house. ( Using Yin & yang concept. Originally, star 5 is in the centre of the house according to Luo Shu. In Period 8, the centre of the house is star 8. ) Earlier this year, the method used to send star 5 back to centre of house (for this year) was as follows: Before the year arrives, On 30-Jan-2011, 6:00am (but safer to activate at 6:30am), placed water feature in E3 sector of the house for about 2-3 weeks. E3 sector only because this sector has the favourable star, and least negative stars. My mentor did stressed that this method is only applicable if house is facing East, and one must get the Tai-Ji of the house correctly to place water at the correct E3 sector. Otherwise, one faces the consequences of major setbacks, severe accidents and loss of wealth!!
  22. Bro renoseeker, My children are my greatest 'assets'. Nowaday, everything goes paperless and 'faceless'! We have FB, MSN and even JY has iFlyingStar, i8mansion, iBazi, etc. I remembered I was laughing to myself when I read bro bepgof wrote somewhere in this forum about his daughter using iPod & iPad and his wife got iPhone. Bepgof said he has 'ibill and iPaid until idie'. LOL For me, I add on: iHear, iListen, iCare and iSuffer quietly in iSolation all because of these iTechnology!
  23. Just completed one module of the course last night!! Another 2 more to go before I can practice and use this method! By the way, a mind teaser here....the first 3 words you find will describe about you!!
  24. Sis Ivy is right! Most websites and books are for beginners and therefore 5 yellow is being portrayed as negative stars to be avoided. In actual fact, most rich people activate 5 yellow for wealth, under proper guidance by experienced fsm with care and right timing! Otherwise, wrongly activating 5 yellow is disastrous!