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Everything posted by piknik

  1. Ayazumi, where did u buy ur living room light? It sounds very interesting. We went to Light Craft and saw one huge round light for living room. Thought of getting it.. $400/++. Ex or not? It is definitely bright enough for our squarish living room.
  2. These type of news really doesnt do anyone good. More thieves n burglars now!!! Haiz Haiz Haiz... According the the news, only 30% of resident would be rich, as they can afford condo mah.. People like me where got money to buy condo. No money for renovation already... For new estate like punggol, lots of burglar threat leh.. I want to buy the digital door lock with alarm system now. Haiz Haiz Haiz.. But too expensive.
  3. --- Our Contractor --- I was quite active in Punggol.org back then, and exchanged some conversation with a member there. She invited me n hubby over for house visiting, to share ideas on renovation and how her house was brightened without false ceiling or L-box. We liked her flat a lot, workmanship was really good, the contractor put lots of effort in space-planning and how to hide electrical trunking into carpentry works, or how he advised her on doing a good kitchen for area near the sea like Punggol. Before l left the flat, i asked for contractor's Hp number. I called The guy immediately that night. Sam @ S.A.I.D pte ltd was an interesting guy. First of all, he is towards practical ideas, storage system more than fanciful design. Then, he doesn't drive. He uses public transport like us, not like all other contractors/IDs we have met so far. Hubby and I felt very comfortable talking to him, asking abt prices and advice for space planning, materials.. He was almost chosen to be The One.... Until my hubby suddenly got introduced to his boss's bro-in-law, Tommy. Tommy was really frank, also very practical and dead-on the mission of helping us saving money. For all the decision I made, he said pros and cons and asked me to think twice abt having them. My hubby met Tommy way before this renovation, but was just talking to him as acquaintance, and found Tommy very easy to deal with. For me, I was very skeptical. I have already liked Sam n the idea of not using Sam gave me some guilt. I also had a hard time believing that Tommy wants to help us.. My dad talked sense to me eventually. So, Tommy is our contractor. Friends out there, you can try meeting Sam @ 9847 3548. For Tommy, I can only write review abt him after this renovation completed. Right now he doesn't take in projects, as he wants to rest. Our renovation was a simple one and he regards my hubby as his friend, so he helps us do the job, but we need to do our own supervision as well. Tommy already said this before hand.
  4. When I first came to renotalk forum, I realized how famous "jaskel" was.. And today he came to my t-blog to give me words of encouragement. Suddenly all worries disappeared. A hahhaha... Thanks ah. Ayazumi, I Remember this Martin Yan chef often said "if Yan can cook, so can you!". I am trying to tell myself the same thing: "if other female members here could juggle taking care of baby and renovation, so can I". Anyway, It's not so bad. Cos I still have my hubby with me. We together share the work load.
  5. Thank you Battle! The kitchen @ your own place really looked good. Lots of storage. Even have a breakfast counter. Too bad, mine is super small so cannot have much storage in order to have more light in the flat. Hum... Abt the aircon problem, I believe what I required for the piping is supposed to be the best choice. Class 1 insulation is not bad, but I'd rather stick to my request, even when the seller suggested to take the class 1 insulation pipe and they will give us extra half a year warranty. will go down n check this saturday. Pray that everything is okie.
  6. Thanks for the home insurance info. I haven't bought any yet, and plan to do so soon. Currently Punggol doesn't feel safe enough.
  7. Hhahaha... I really think there might be no spiderman but maybe Jason Bourne. Anyway, NeoBy, is the area outside of the house bright enough? L3 should be safe enough... Remember to close your balcony windows, if you have any.
  8. Woah, ur carpentry was up already. My Reno hasn't started yet! I think when u have house warming party, my carpentry might not be up yet.. I like glossy White kitchen. Aiming for one as well.
  9. I like to do both oil n acrylic painting. I have tried water colour painting but not master at it yet. Will be so cool to have our old collection on the wall.. Must have nice spot lights for them! I like your house 's move-in condition. If it was me, I think I will do minimum to it. Haha.. But of course, to have a brand new design to our liking within our budget is the best thing to do. Looking forward to your reno progress.
  10. Happy reno! Why do u hack away the wardrobes? I used to live @ east coast side, katong to be exact. Really good place to live. Now I stay @ old airport area, still @ the east side. Love to walk slowly to leisure park to watch movie. Soon moving to punggol, will miss east coast side a lot.
  11. Hallo, just read ur blog. Wish you a smooth reno!!!
  12. Aiya, the original plan was that I looked after this matter since my mom in law promised to help me look after my baby. But suddenly last night we were told to take care of baby by ourselves n there would be no help what so ever during this renovation period. My hubby only could get half a day off n they started to come with piping quite late.. Then not the correct insulation pipe. My hubby had to return to work n I can't go there as my baby need to be fed n sleep.. Haiz.. I wanted to check on the piping installation in late afternoon when my baby is awake but gotta help fetching my niece suddenly! Nice right? No one helps u but u still have to help others. I will adopt the ostrich attitude for now. My hubby said no point worrying. Hohoho..
  13. Thank you guys. We have choosen to stick to clAss 0 insulation pipe as stated in the quotation. Now we are worried if they actually change the insulation pipe for us! Cos none of us are able to wait til the correct pipe comes! Just trust the seller does keep his word of honour loh. I now am wondering how to check the pipe later, after piping installation done. Hm.. Feel like the start of renovation is not a smooth one already. Pray the rest will be less bumpy.
  14. hello, NeoBy, could u read my blog n give me some thought regarding my aircon question? pls..
  15. hello. i hope i could have some immediate help regarding the aircon installation matter. pls answer if you know something okie. thanks a lot. here is the question: -- i have contacted a*** to purchase the aircon unit from him. -- i ordered class 0 insulation pipe with the copper pipe grade 23. -- repeatedly email him the details prior to the piping installation date, which is today. -- ended up: given class 1 insulation pipe. --> is there any major difference btw class 0 n class 1? i understand class 0 is fire proof where class 1's enduration is weaker. --> should i just accept class 1 given by a*** (due to typo error, he said, should be class 1 in the first place only)? --> everyone is not happy leh. when i told my hubby to just stick to class 0 as it was stated clearly in the quote. --> how to have a good installation like this? haiz... haiz.. haiz...
  16. It doesn't show the pic. Congratulation on the new t-blog!!
  17. Finally I can apply for utility account today, to prepare for the renovation next week. Pending hacking permit from HdB. PE endorsement at $300. Bought: -- two led bathroom lights. -- cheap light for service yard. -- table light with led. -- floor lamp with led. -- tatami mattress n cushions for platform. -- phillips tea light set of 6. Deciding on the space planning and lighting system now.
  18. Haha... My girl was sleeping so I let my MIL looked after her, I quickly ran out to the PE office (near my place) to collect the documents n bought lunch back. taxi fare cost $8 for back n forth.
  19. Cos my found PE guy charged $300 only. I can save $200 from doing it by myself.
  20. Hi hi... I like your wall lights.. Now I can finally feel that my renovation is soon to be started. Yesterday I just ran around to get my PE endorsement document. Still have lots of space planning to do. The other day I saw your Hair for Hope, how do I donate ah? I look around but didn't see donate button... Admire your courage and I wanna follow as well. But they dont seem to have a future event yet.
  21. Do you intend to display your anime figures their own packaging boxes? Or without the boxes? And Pls read This link abt your choose of Asuka solid surface work top. Better choose a better one. From my contractor's quote, Asuka price is the cheapest I have seen so far. By the way, happy Reno! I like your kitchen.
  22. Yah yah, the ikea white chair in pine wood one.. Thats the one I feel very good abt. As the dining table n dining chairs r the only thing we have to entertain guests.... No sofa for my case. Guests either gotta choose the Japanese tea table @ my flatworm or dining chairs... So, hubby n I think, better buy a cormfy chair. But also, cannot burst budget. Mix n match. The unlucky one will use the stool!
  23. Do I need to pay for 3D drawings when a contractor sent it to me? Usually they only sent to us when we have signed with them right? In my case, we are still deciding who to choose! Last three weeks were a tough experience for me. Kid sick, me sick, hubby never came home as he was working nonstop for a ****ty client, and I have had a great mother in law that I now feel like I don't want to move out!
  24. Hi hi, I think I didn't read carefully and assumed you were the Mae Tan girl who has the flat with a long brick stone wall.. Sorry. The renovation looks good so far. Hope you will enjoy the home appliances shopping and find a nice bed. I just went to Lush Lush with my husband. Should have read thedottyness's comment earlier. I tried the EM chair, exactly the one you ordered, n felt its ... So so... Even when we went to lever 3, their new showroom, n tried the more expensive version with fiberglass, also just so so .. Hubby wants to look for nice chairs for dining room, since we calculate a budget for it already. Haiz... If too bad, will get the $65 chair from ikea. This one is cormfy to sit in.