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Valerie Low

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Everything posted by Valerie Low

  1. Wow Thanks for showing this. We need to go and measure to see whether this is feasible.
  2. Congrats OnTheRoad! I recognise your dry kitchen wood-plank tile, as I shortlisted that for my kitchen previously but couldn't make use of it as it doesn't match my kitchen backsplash. And yes, this wood plank tile is really lovely! Looking forward to your reno! Post your floor plan if can.
  3. I don't know where to buy.. i think can DIY, quite simple.. ask your wife do it. Haha, we are ok with brightness. In fact hubby and I likes bright bright room. Indeed heavy curtain and blinds can block the sunlight during the morning when we sleep, but if we sleep in darkness, we will continue to sleep until late morning! Not a good habit. The reason i think partial curtain may not be good is due to privacy issue. People from other block can see us changing . So I'm thinking probably 1 inch below the top of the window should be fine. Oh I see. Ok, i'll take a look to see if there is any nice roller blind. The problem is the left side is actually the vertical air con trunking. Can't possibly put it on the trunking itself, right? And on the right side.. there is a 'cross road' of the trunking and the wall structure. Hmm.. not sure you know what I mean?
  4. Very nice wall tiles! It has the 'glow' and yet not glossy.
  5. No choice lor, have to be discipline to do maintenance for the air-con to make sure that it won't leak, but anyway, we rarely use air con. But we may have guest in the guest room that needs to turn on the air con. Otherwise we would have just tear away all the air con. Since they are already there, might as well just leave them there. Another issue, if the window grill is outside of the indented area, then totally no place to put the curtain rod. Maybe we should not install window grill at that window. Yah, my contractor said it costs $200 to cover the aircon trunking below the window. But he has not seen this yet, we are going to let him know and see what he can do with the upper part. If need to pay extra, hubby sure won't want to do it.. we need to save money for other more critical things. Ok! Thanks for the heads up, will let them know. I think the air con is really dusty from the previous owner, wonder if they do maintenance. Wallpapers? You mean put wallpaper at the P area? Haha you want to help me do? Since you expert already.. JK Thanks for your suggestion but I don't really like roller blind for MBR leh..MBR got to be more romantic and not so office-look. I'm thinking of doing a partial curtain like this. But it looks so country style
  6. Suddenly saw this and thought of sharing.. This is a nice and good idea for decorating empty wall. Some random alphabets!
  7. Hi Aya, nice to see you back! How have you enjoyed the comfort of your own house? Hubby told not to do anymore box up and he suggests to put some deco items on the wall so that the attention is not on the protruded part. I'm thinking maybe we will just put some photos there to save some $$$
  8. Problem! Just when I thought my reno process was quite smooth. There is a problem now! This problem is due to the previous owner installing the air-con right above the window, and the air-con trunking below was messy. I asked my contractor to cover up the ugly air-con trunking and here is the end result. The left side was quite an eyesore as the bottom part is not flushed with the top trunk. And the biggest problem of all - How can I hang the curtains if the air-con is placed so near to the window, there is no place for me to put the curtain rod, unless my curtain is placed inside the indented area.
  9. In the photo, my floor tiles are full of dust, i also can't recognise it anymore hahaha
  10. Save a bit of water lor.. but use liao not syok. The plumber hasn't fixed my tap yet, i just remembered my tap is slightly higher than normal tap si liao! Hi denimart, you mean my floor tiles or May's floor tiles?
  11. Yah, it's true that you have to seek approval to install casement window for bathroom. We have gotten the approval and we are actually at low floor. You can try if you like.
  12. End of Week 4 12/5/2012 This week the main jobs to be done are plastering and electrical works. Plumbing works are almost completed. Just waiting for the plumber to fix our taps. Here are some photos of the electrical trunking For the laundry area. Trunking will be hidden in the cabinet. There won't be any exposed trunking for the sockets in the living room. As they drill a hole in the wall between bedroom 3 and living room and the wiring will come from bedroom 3 to living room. We have also made decision on the paint. All the walls will be white. Pure white, not lily white, creamy white, barely white, I'm headache with all the choices of white. I just told my contractor I want pure white. The bedroom doors will be gray! I hope this door colour will not fail me. This house will just be like a white blank canvas when the renovation completes. We are free to match the furnishing easily without having to consider much whether they match the wall colour.
  13. I absolutely agree! Always see some nicely designed house, after move-in, there are different brands of body shampoo, bottles, all on the shower rack. Suggestion - find nice bottles to fill up your toiletries
  14. I really do think windows play important role in the overall feel of the house. Initially we didn't plan to change window too. Our windows were those bronze aluminium windows which make the house looks moody and shabby. I cannot stand it whenever i enter the house and feel moody too. So in the end we changed to all white powder coated windows and now we are happy. The house looks brighter. (We always visit the house during late evening when the sun has set and there were lots of shadow and darkness in the house.) Now it feels a lot better! Support you to change window!
  15. Omg !! If granite counter top has high emission of radiation, does this mean the same for granite sink? I have just bought a granite sink!
  16. Did the agent calculate the weight and shipping cost for you before you make the purchase? How do you know there is 0.5 cubic meter left? When I asked the agent, they always tell me we won't know how much is the shipping cost until we receive your items.
  17. Wow! Your house looks very cozy and warm now! What happen to that wall with a piece of paper with black squares? Is that where you plan to place your photo frames?
  18. 400 each? Is this the price from your contractor? Probably can look for direct window contractor. If you want to install KDK vent, i think u should be using those casement type of window. They will make a hole to fit your fan.
  19. Hi Terrain, I got my windows directly from my contractor. If not mistaken, it is $3k for all windows in my house. My house got more windows than normal 4-room cos we have a foyer.
  20. Worth it! I always wanted to purchase from taobao but in the end worried about the shipping cost might be even more expensive than the items itself. Do you have all items send over in one shipment? Maybe you bought a lot, that's why it is worth!
  21. He mentioned about the grill too thin not secure, something like that, I'm thinking we can get a thicker grill. I like A because it gives an illusion of lattice window. hehe Hahaha you are funny, the mirror is too high la, i don't think i can see myself when gek sai-ing. I just realised that since you mentioned the basin is shallow, but too late liao already put it up cannot change anymore. But I guess that's the only basin i can use since its depth is only 32cm good for my narrow bathroom. The other basins which are 40cm are just too big for the small area.
  22. Window Grill We are still deciding which grill to use. We prefer A, but contractor thinks it is not so safe, he suggested C.
  23. Yah! It's a long and stressful journey, have to cope with work and other personal matters too. Plus the scorching hot weather recently, everyone has to take care!
  24. Week 4 9/5/2012 Havn't updated my blog for some time and havn't visited my house for few days. This was what greeted me today when I made a trip up. New Windows! The window looks sturdy and the quality is good. Unlike normal white powder coated aluminum window which are flimsy, this one definitely feels solid. Bathroom sink is up! Sorry for the dark and blurry photos, I took this in the low light environment. It was already 7+. Replaced a brighter photo. My contractor drafted this on the cement screed wall. I thought that drawing on cement screed wall looks very artistic, probably I should retain the wall like that and do some drawings on it. Haha