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  1. I believe for room (not whole unit) rental, you don't need approval. I remember reading it before, but just to be on the safe side, if you're renting out a single room, do check with HDB. I think the purpose of the approval is to curb illegal people from staying in your flat. As a owner, if you're only renting out the room, you're still staying there so you can still keep an eye on your tenant. Your tenant cannot sub out to another tenant if you're staying there too because you can keep an eye on them mah. But if you're renting out the whole unit, hdb got to know for sure who your tenant is. Even when you change tenant, you have to inform them. You have to submit clear details of your tenant. Your tenants details will have to tally with the info held with MOM (eg. if your tenant is EP holder). If your unit is not approved and you rent out as a whole, how can you (as an owner) know for sure what your tenants are doing? eg. they rent out to other tenants who may be illegal immigrants.
  2. Barc, Why must resort to this type of action? There are other ways to apply for HDB flat bah... like apply with parent or I think siblings (not so sure) also can. When you apply a flat with the person you married, it is considered a Joint Tenancy. This means that no matter what, your other half is entitled to 50% of the said property.
  3. Hi Applefreak, Wah! This is new to me. Where you gather that info on the housework part? And how will the court factor that in or how to prove that it is really so that the wife in charge of all the housework?? First time hearing this actually. keke...
  4. Dun pray pray hor.... Sublet whole flat better get approval from HDB, it is not only for HDB but for property taxing purposes by IRAS. Once your unit is approved, data will also be send to IRAS. All govt agencies are somewhat linked one. Owner occupied property tax is 4%, if not its 10%. You wanna siam higher property tax in S'pore ah?! Better think again hor! Bery the serious offence you know. Later they can charge you and make you pay many times more or send you sit in the cell for a while.
  5. I did a rough calculation, and after factoring in my new installment loan amt. My AR should be about 0.375. Maybe I might not buy the property afterall, anyway, no hurry for me as I still have a place to stay. Sellers seem to be asking for ridiculous pricing, perhaps testing the mkt. I'm looking at a suburban area only. I do not think that suburban area is so "hot" as what the agents try to paint, and whether it will really pick up as fast as prime areas is still a questionmark. I seriously doubt the middle-class got such buying power to sustain or push the suburban mkt. Any views? Would love to hear some opinions.
  6. Hi Archer, Hmm.. ok, i think i understand where you're coming from... Thanks.
  7. Hi Hi.. So basically, the lower the amortisation ratio, the better is it? Slightly confused here! The banks will also take other forms of income such as rental income into consideration to increase the NET income component , am I right?
  8. Thanks Archer, I understand a little better now. 5% in cash is ok for us. I always thought that banks loan up to 80% only, didn't know it was 90%. So meaning, downpayment required is min. 10%? Btw, will the new loan amount be affect if concurrently we have another property that is still servicing a loan? Or is the new loan amount granted to the new property based solely on that property only. Hope you're not confused my my question. Hehe..
  9. Hello, Thank you everyone for the info you have provided. I have another question... What is the premium in % terms for these normally? - High floor compared to low floor - Unit faces the pool or not - Renovated or original Thanks in advance!! !! Hi Chunky Monkey, In your above example.... Valuation: S$1m Purchase Price: S$1.2m The bank will only give a bank loan based on S$1m i.e. max 90% of $1m, and not 90% of $1.2m. The $200k difference must be cash outlay from the buyer. ----------------------------------------------------------------- That 200K can be paid by CPF too right? Or must it be in cash?
  10. Hello.. Can someone tell me, how do I check the valuation for a pte property such as a condo? I have been viewing a few condos, but everytime I ask for the valuation, the agent will claim "not done yet" and then proceed to tell me the estimated valuation. Can I take these agents word for it? I'm worried they will inflate the actual valuation so that they can sell their unit at high prices.
  11. realised i posted in wrong section... have already shifted the message to "electronics and electricals" section.
  12. realised i posted in wrong section... have already shifted the message to "electronics and electricals" section.
  13. Hi xinyi_reiko, Can I know where and when is the IT show? Thanks!
  14. Recently my iron spoil and need to get one. Thinkin of getting those vertical steam iron. Anyone using this? How's your experience? Good or not? Its alot more expensive then a conventional one, so wondering if its worth getting. Any good brand to recommend and where should I get it from?? Thanks!!