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Everything posted by northhaven

  1. Lovely wall unlike commonly seen brick wall. Nice!
  2. Hi Songz, Great to hear you engaged Foo too. I'm sure your reno is in good hands. When are you starting reno?
  3. Have been busy at work and have not visited the unit since hacking started. Since I'm holding out on furniture shopping till place more or less done up, I thought of doing some online research on what I can do for TV feature wall. As my current unit's bomb shelter faces the main entrance, I have been looking for ways to cover it. I didn't want to do a chalkboard as I don't think I can keep up doodling all the time. If I extend the wall to become my TV feature wall, I'll end up with a miserable corner for dining and max can sit 4, not friendly when friends come over since my dining area will be behind the tv wall. Initial idea was to then place the sofa on the bomb shelter wall side and opposite become TV area but I didn't like the shoe cabinet - TV wall - Shelf idea all one line look. So the hunt for the solution plan begins. ID Foo has been most patient when we went round and round on options and keep changing the orientation of the TV area as that affects placement of lighting planning. One of the ideas we explored as below. Finally found something to explain how it works - the TV will sit on this sliding modular wall that slides to "open" the dining area so when friends come over, the dining table can be pulled out to sit more people. Bomb shelter will also be concealed. What do you guys think?
  4. northhaven

    moving bookcase2

    From the album: Northhaven

  5. northhaven

    moving bookcase

    From the album: Northhaven

  6. Will there be skirting using the same col vinyl flooring or just like that?
  7. Maybe I should ask Foo to show me one of his client's place to see the colour too hehe. Love the wood grain design just afraid it might be too dark.
  8. I'm thinking of using the same col for living rm too. How do u find the colour once it's laid out the whole floor? Hard to visualise when the samples I see are small blocks. I am thinking of this or the lighter grey colour. Hmm..maybe I should ask Foo to suggest.
  9. Nice colour choice for kitchen cabinet! May I know the code/brand of dark wood colour laminate you use?
  10. Hi OceanEleven, I have to pay the same compliments to Foo too when I was confirming my air-con. All I had to do was setup the connection and he took over to liaise, very . He asked to be around when the air-con man was there to decide on how to run the air-con piping and luckily he was there as my living room air-con placement was a challenge with unsightly pipes running across the hallway. Finally got the piping issues sorted out and installation starts monday woohoo!
  11. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  12. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  13. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  14. Thanks everyone for the kind wishes. I certainly hope that everything will turn out nice too So far, my ID has been prompt, providing updates via whatsapp on progress. Here are some BEFORE pictures: 1. Living room (left is the main door when you come in) 2. Another view of Living Room. Previous owner built a feature wall to hide the bomb shelter. Have removed it and will replace with another idea that ID is working on. 3. Dining area and walkway to rooms 4. MBR and BR2. Am combining 2 rooms into 1. One side to be used for wardrobe and mini office area. 5. Kitchen. Smaller than most 4-room without the service balcony but size good enough for a light cooker like me. 4. Toilet. Previous owner has boxed up the pipes. Have asked ID to see if can retain to save some cost.
  15. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  16. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  17. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  18. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  19. Hi vicx1234, I love what you did to your home. May I check how wide is your kitchen folding doors and how much were you quoted for it? Does it have a track beneath or only top track? I'm looking at doing something like this for my MBR as I've combined 2 rooms into 1.
  20. Hi Felicia, Thanks! Have you settled your ID or are you engaging a contractor?
  21. Hi Songz, Thanks for the welcome! I see that you've also met up with Foo. Have you decided your ID yet? Am looking forward to learn from fellow forummers who are much experienced than I am
  22. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  23. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  24. northhaven


    From the album: Northhaven

  25. Thanks Charis! Hope your renovation is coming along fine too! While sorting through the pictures I taken earlier, here's a mood board of the look and feel I'm going for: Walls Living room walls will be mostly white to brighten up the place. Am toying with thoughts of doing a brickwall which is so popular these days. Will have some time to think through if decide to go ahead with it or not. Colour Scheme White walls, light ash colour vinyl flooring (doing overlay), grey tones with accents of black lines (in door frames). Will try to jazz up the place and add in pop of colour in small decorative pieces.