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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. not changing....but will be painting a new coat of black+silver colour over it. hope it will look nice lor....keke
  2. hey virgo i really love your white bubble toilet wall tiles leh!
  3. mine is lagi worst! GREEN in colour!!!!!!! faint!!!!!!!
  4. hey hey, ask you...how much you spent on the curtains for whole hse? u got do any roller blinds?
  5. trust me.........time flies very very fast one! my hse ah.....now still reno lor.....really taking my own sweet time....hahaha today will be painting....and also electrical works target to complete today lor.
  6. ok ok... me trying to ask my colleague whether he got bring the card reader or not leh.....otherwise, then 2nite can download at home lor.
  7. nice hse!!!!!!!!! wow,..i simply love the shoe cabinet,....but find it too costly leh. my hb also been asking me how i intend to store my SHOES,...cos i got lots & lots of it! hahahahaha :D
  8. hi kevians how much is the dining chair? me now looking high & low for dining chairs leh. where u got it?
  9. hi all, Just went over to my hse yday and took some pix. Will download the pix today. Painting work only done iwth the sealer coat and also 1 coat of WHITE colour before today paint the actual colours. Today electrician will complete all works and install lights cos today all ceilings will be completed. My toilets sink changed and WC changed......no doubt i didn't change the wall tiles,..but, with the new sink and WC,..the entire toilet looks great! Later i will ask my colleague help me download using his card reader.....keke stay tune!
  10. hi hi Angel81, CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!! Looking forward to see your T-Blog...
  11. alamak....dun like that lah.....den mine lagi worst leh.... corridor unit, no recess somemore.....only 147sqm.......den i also hv to faster sell and find a corner with recess unit lor...keke
  12. yes, ours same,...but from chrono's layout,....only abit diff nia leh....or i see wrongly...keke
  13. agree...stupid layout..... that area is a good ideal location for the shower....but too bad.........*sigh*
  14. hi hi welcome to join us here hello88.....pls add in 1 more EM owner to your signature
  15. today will start my painting job! once it's done, then can install all lights liao.
  16. i bought my lights from Choon Huat at Balestier. and my WIW, toilets and passgae way lights - from Ikea.
  17. i did not do the wall tiles leh.....i only change the floor tiles. i also hack and lay new floor tiles with new water-proofing lor. yeap, agree that they really did a good job tidying up those useless pipes.....
  18. congrats!!!! how much you spent on the reno?
  19. hey chrono, your common toilet same layout as mine leh......but, from the pix, it looks machiam much bigger den mine leh...keke