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Everything posted by Angel81

  1. Hehe.. so next week will have more pics! Yeah! Any more pics for now? Like ur toilets? Cool black sink... Too bad can't use. So u gg to buy another one?
  2. Can't really see the colours of the iron gate from this pic leh. Got other pics to show the colors? But I tink black and silver is very cool! Nice kitchen tiles! Looks very spacious. hehe... When will the cabinets be up?
  3. Wah.. I like ur foyer's glass bricks! Very nice! Have fun renovating and hope to see more pics!
  4. Wahahaha! geryl.. I just showed my hb ur pretty pics, and he said Lollipop color is very nice, and agreed on painting some parts of our future home this color! All thanks to ur nice pics!
  5. Aiyo... sad! So now u gota go and buy new sink/tap?
  6. Oooo... totally agree on the water feature! It'll make a very cozy breakfast nook.
  7. Wah... I like ur floral tiles! Nice...
  8. Well, the bedroom does look pretty nice. I like the white white design. Looks abit like a hotel room
  9. Spam chop & congrates! Like your access balcony very much! It looks very cosy, and I'm sure with ur orchids, it'll look even better.
  10. Haha! Okay, that means that we'll get to see pics on Sunday rite? I'm coming back here on Sunday!!!
  11. Wah... ur reno seems to be moving very fast and smoothly!
  12. Harlow & Congrates! Love ur layout since the time u posted on the EM Owner thread. Super big recess area u have *envy envy* I'm sure ur reno will turn out very nice. Post more pics pls!
  13. Here's the link: http://www.renotalk.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=13844 Ya, juz hope tat we are on the right side of the falling sword.
  14. Yoz, Ya, Jurong area is cheaper in terms of val, but cov is higher then BB leh. Tink BB asking for lesser cov cuz the val already so high, so owners dun need to ask for mre cov. Those EMs in Jurong tat we enquired, all asking min 30k cov, even for those on 2nd flr. Higher flrs dun need to say, even mre la. Haiz.. Haha.. tink the least reno amt will be Jessie. Her's ard 12-13k onli. hehe.. Can go chk out her t-blog to see what she's renovating. hehe.. Haha.. I did hear this from afew agents as well. Hope that it's true. But scarly mkt drop then all EM owners hold on to their units and dun sell...
  15. Nice sofa! Hehe.. But muz be very hardworking to maintain it. Hmm.. can consider paintings or movie posters? Paintings can source online or at painting shops. I know Turf City there got a painting shop that sell very colourful and rather reasonable priced paintings. Can go there c c.
  16. Harlow! Ya, there very x hor? Those newer ones directly next to West Mall around 550+k liao. And those across the road (Blk 100plus) also around the same, even though they are around 10yrs older than the newer ones. Have u view any of the units at BB? When my hb and I heard tat it's ard 550+k, we decided against it and told the agents that we do not wana view liao. Hehe.. I'm in the same situation as u. I'm looking for Jurong area, so that next time wen we bring our kids to my aunt's place for her to take care, it'll be much easier.
  17. Clementi along the main road oso have afew blks of EMs, can see them from MRT. Taman Jurong area, can search for Ho Ching Road. Jurong East St13 also has afew I tink. Jurong West along the expressway there lots of EMs, very cheap $300+ got already. Jurong West near Pioneer also have afew. But the location is not very convenient. If u like to consider Choa Chu Kang/Yew Tee, there's afew blks there as well. But rather x. Good luck in your search! Like what chrono said, not alot on the mkt now. Hehe..
  18. Hehehe.. no lollipop colour in the kitchen? Very simple and nice kitchen thou.
  19. Ya loh.. Sad man. We're looking more to your side and JE st31 there. My hb and I dun wan JW st42.. not convenient leh.. Still tink that u are very very lucky to find ur place Hehe.. mi dun mean aniting when I ask if u still tink ur cov is reasonable la. Dun b angry ok? Each pax feels differently & have different levels of reasonable woh. If I got $$ and I find a dream place, I'm sure I'll be like u and juz go for it. Hehe.. good to hear tat ur val has gone up liao! Hehe.. u reali PT agt liao.. helping ur cousin and mi keep a lookout. TIA!
  20. wah lao.. i read both u and chrono's replies i sia... I now still searching after gana bluffed so many times.. haha.. Btw virgo.. the cov u paid very high leh, still reasonable?
  21. Hehe.. tink there are afew places that have very high valuation. Bt Batok near Westmall, val ard 550k. Scary....
  22. Haha.. Not only going sky high.. There are fewer and fewer EMs on the market now liao..