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Should Buy Led Or Plasma Or Lcd Tv Set?

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I did some research on flat-panel tv for my new home.

caught in-BTW dunno which to buy, need advice from all experts here.

Brands shortlisted:


Models shortlisted:

LG 50PK550 $1,899

LG 47LX9500 $2,899

Or is there other brands to choose from? LED or Plasma?


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I did some research on flat-panel tv for my new home.

caught in-BTW dunno which to buy, need advice from all experts here.

Brands shortlisted:


Models shortlisted:

LG 50PK550 $1,899

LG 47LX9500 $2,899

Or is there other brands to choose from? LED or Plasma?

trust your eye. the rest of the pre-requiste(s) will fall along nicely. like u, i was once in a dilemma over which variant of tv to buy; whether to get lcd, plasma or LED. assuming u get pass that, along came the many brands and specs and the multitude of technical jargons and wat nots to further confuse u. having said that, i was in the market for a slim 46in led tv. y led and not lcd/plasma? 1) i'm a tech whore; 2) i find most, if not all, lcd and plasma chunky. so i narrowed down to 3 choices based on aesthetics, namely, sharp le820, samsung ua46c6200 and sony 46ex700. i opted for samsung bcuz me and my mrs liked wat we saw for the demo ('tho the ultra slim wall mount made my choice easier too, but i digress). now, i ain't no expert here (the expert here would be bro vicenzo70, u might wanna drop him a pm for advice), just wanna share w u on how to simplify the process of choosing ur ideal tv. i hope it would be useful to u. :thumbs up:


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My choices are LED, LCD and Plasma.

LED is a good choice because it has the latest display technologies to produce better, brighter colors. But I have to say I didn't like the plastic look on the 40" Samsung but it looks ok on the 46" my sis has - go figure. Go big if you can for LED, I guess.

If you are not so picky about the black not being so black or can't tell the difference, LCD is a good buy nowadays cause the prices are falling like crazy. I think you can get a 40" Full HD for under $1.5k

Lastly, if you want to chance images burning into the screen, you can go for plasma as it is old technology and being phased out soon so the prices are crazy cheap. Not sure if they have fixed the problem so please ask before you buy.

The most important thing you need to ask yourself is what are you going to hook up to your tv? If you need a lot of RCA connections then you should stick to LCD & plasma tvs cause the LED tvs only have 1 RCA connector and the rest are all HDMI.

I would recommend Samsung, Panasonic or Sony as there are the top manufacturers. Not sure abt LG.


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trust your pocket. Personally I still prefer Plasma for the price and affordability. The diff in price can already pay for the years of electricity usage till its EOL.


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if you want to chance images burning into the screen, you can go for plasma as it is old technology and being phased out soon so the prices are crazy cheap. Not sure if they have fixed the problem so please ask before you buy.

this saying is so yesterday. Today's plasma no longer have this kinda problems. Those u see in MRT are max brightness + several hours of stagnant image.


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LED is a good choice because it has the latest display technologies to produce better, brighter colors. But I have to say I didn't like the plastic look on the 40" Samsung but it looks ok on the 46" my sis has - go figure. Go big if you can for LED, I guess.

Lastly, if you want to chance images burning into the screen, you can go for plasma as it is old technology and being phased out soon so the prices are crazy cheap. Not sure if they have fixed the problem so please ask before you buy.

You must be off your bollocks making this statement.

Plasma is old technology? let me ask you, has LED or LCD managed to get their black pixels to become really true black? Can you

also say that LED possess a better pix quality compared with a plasma while watching in HD format? i rest my case.

I hope you have your info accurate about Plasma being phased out. Kindly show me the link to this news or else I can accuse you

of passing inaccurate information to the detriment of the readers in this forum.



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hi all. just my 2cents worth.

recommendations would go with what u are comfortable with. in terms of usage, price and whether u are those tech ppl who always need to have latest tech. :)

Usage: If you are using ur TV to watch mostly free to air tv shows and 20-30% of it for DVDs, BluRay... getting a solid LED TV is not worth paying. Maybe those recent plasma models would do that comes with Full HD and at least 2 HDMI inputs. This is for future expansion of ur HDMI equipment.

Price: This is relative, LCD and LED are very much alike. The main diff is that is uses LED backlighting instead of tube kinda lightings. Pls correct me if im wrong here. I feel that LED tech will soon be overcome by the 3D TV and hence, its price will drop by alot... So now may not be a right time to get LED.

Technology: Like some mentioned, plasma used to have those burnt-in thingy but this was the past. Also, older plasma TVs have limited operating hours but now, I think it has improved by quite a fair bit. Normally ppl change their TV sets after 5-7 yrs if nothing goes wrong.

As for the LCD versus LED, as mentioned earlier, LED TV have LED backlighting so that it can give better color distribution and clarity, etc. But not all LED TVs are the same. Some LED brands have better LED technology. For example, instead of emitting white light, the LEDs will emit the color closest to the picture area. This will give a sharper and clearer image. This explains why some LED TV brands are more expensive than others. So, if ur eyes are sensitive to true black or not, getting an entry level LED TV is not recommended, u can spend on higher end LCD or bigger Plasma screens.

I'm also looking for TV like you and I have previously bought an LCD, and Plasma for my parents and viewed my friend's LED. When playing HD videos on all these three, I dont see much diff between plasma and LED (may not be same for ur eyes :) ) but i were to compare our invoices, wah piang.. almost double price for LED. I can buy a home theater set with the diff. Another test I did, just watch free to air on all 3 TVs.. all look the same. hahaha..

So I hope these info wont confuse u further. :) Hope u can do some light reading on the technologies before visiting these salesperson. New tech doesnt mean better tech. Some tech needs time to mature and improve over a few years...


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So LG plasma 50" for about 1899 ok lah?

was thinking dun spent so much on flat panel especially now all flats are cheap...


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bro.. item not cheap leh.. must value for $$$ ma... apprecaite all advice

I was at gain city looking at LG 50 PK 550 (Plasma) and noticed that there were flickerings and lag. It was a football demo but these artifacts maybe due to the poor source output.


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You must be off your bollocks making this statement.

Plasma is old technology? let me ask you, has LED or LCD managed to get their black pixels to become really true black? Can you

also say that LED possess a better pix quality compared with a plasma while watching in HD format? i rest my case.

I hope you have your info accurate about Plasma being phased out. Kindly show me the link to this news or else I can accuse you

of passing inaccurate information to the detriment of the readers in this forum.


bro, chill... u dun wan the same thing to happen like in the "previous" thread... its frustrating when ppl give bad advise (i dun say "stupid" advise cuz some ppl can be sensitive) but what to do... i give up oredi.

plasma vs led vs lcd... y muz there be soooo many threads. juz go xtremeplace to find out cuz most videophiles & audiophiles went there. this forum is renotalk, & some advises r not accurate. i wouldn't want to go to extremeplace & ask: laminate floorin or parquet better? for those who want something simpler, go to cnetasia or cnet... they have lotsa stuff there to read.

juz my 2 cents worth...


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if i not mistaken, plasma is the most jiak-dian among the flatpanel technologies....when you go courts/HN, take a look at the back of the same-sized panel and compare the power consumption between plasma/LCD/LED...

but plasma nowadays is real cheap, last year a panasonic 42" plasma costing about less than 1k with free $200 NTUC vouchers...

also take note of the warranty given by different makers, some give three year warranty on the electronics and one year on the panel, while some give three years on the entire set.


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bro, chill... u dun wan the same thing to happen like in the "previous" thread... its frustrating when ppl give bad advise (i dun say "stupid" advise cuz some ppl can be sensitive) but what to do... i give up oredi.

plasma vs led vs lcd... y muz there be soooo many threads. juz go xtremeplace to find out cuz most videophiles & audiophiles went there. this forum is renotalk, & some advises r not accurate. i wouldn't want to go to extremeplace & ask: laminate floorin or parquet better? for those who want something simpler, go to cnetasia or cnet... they have lotsa stuff there to read.

juz my 2 cents worth...

Bro, Im chill.

"Off your bollocks" means making a false claim not "off with your testicles"

Ive challenged this person to show me any latest news update that plasma is dying & im willing

to apologise. What happened now?



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