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"open" Stove

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Hi All,

Do you guys start cooking at home when move in or pick another auspicious date for the "open" stove thingy?

Is it ok to just pick a "ji" day from chinese calendar to do the "open" stove? Or we realli need a master to pick a date according to bazi??

Pls advice me.

Edited by yakieyaya

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This is the first time I'm hearing that u require an auspicious date & timing to start using a stove.

After we had the stove installed by the contractor, the first thing we did was to test it out to ensure that it's working.

I'm sure that before u even had the chance to conduct any initiation ceremony for ur stove, ur installer would already have tested it as part of his job to ensure that ur stove is working :P

Edited by edenstrauss

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动土, ribbon cutting, ground breaking, moving, wedding...... events (whether small or big)etc are human habit (norm, in community)aiming to announce to world at large: Hai, look we are doing this, siam ah........in one way or another, it is kind of "show off" of status. Tio bo?

- Wedding date, we fixed ourself, as parents alreas passed away, eldest sister said, "up to your convenience".

- Making of children, we fixed ourselves. Which schools to go to we choose ourself.

- Bought condo, put deposit, we decided ourself.

- Moving out/in, we decided ourself.

- Changed jobs, we decided ourself.

- Celebrate birthday, we made our own.

We are the ones facing the consequences of our decisions!

What's so special about turning on the stove?? Turning on the tap leh? Tiolet bowl "commissioning" leh? If all these need "auspicious" date and hr, then can we choose when to die? Life already full so some many events which we can't influent its outcome. Why act pressure onto one's.

A norm is a norm (usually acted by senior or community), if you have no pressure from "senior", just follow rule of doing these "to your convenience", no one will finger point at you.

Edited by bepgof

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