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A Bright & Airy Executive Maisonette

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Hi adidaem, just wanna drop a note to thank you for the many wonderful information you have shared with us. Love your style and taste in picking those gorgeous furnitures.


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Hi adidaem, just wanna drop a note to thank you for the many wonderful information you have shared with us. Love your style and taste in picking those gorgeous furnitures.

Thanks Industrial. :)

Glad to still have people reading my blog.

More before-&-after pics, this time of the kitchen, study & utility area:



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Thanks adidaem. I am truly wowed by the transformation. Your ID has done a wonderful job.

Am enjoying this post http://emrenoblog.wordpress.com/2011/06/18/20-places-to-buy-mid-modernvintageretro-furnitures too.

Ya... looking at the before and after pics wows me too. LOL. Am now sitting at home (in my comfy & airy armchair if you can picture that) and feeling lazy to get out of the apartment altho I'm so near town. Think I'll procrastinate till it's cooler outside. :P

The vintage furniture shopping post remains a constant fav. So think I ought to do up the other posts I'd planned too. Lemme finish up the before-&-after posts 1st. :)


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Ya... looking at the before and after pics wows me too. LOL. Am now sitting at home (in my comfy & airy armchair if you can picture that) and feeling lazy to get out of the apartment altho I'm so near town. Think I'll procrastinate till it's cooler outside. :P

The vintage furniture shopping post remains a constant fav. So think I ought to do up the other posts I'd planned too. Lemme finish up the before-&-after posts 1st. :)

Yes Sis Adi, more pics plssss :sport-smiley-004: hows your BKK adventure ?? :dribble:


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Yes Sis Adi, more pics plssss :sport-smiley-004: hows your BKK adventure ?? :dribble:

Toilets? Still remember how digusting the previous ones were... enjoy the before and after shots here: http://emrenoblog.wordpress.com/2011/10/16/before-after-toilets/


BKK wasn't very fruitful. I only went to Chatuchak and did saw lots of lovely art but they are huge and expensive and I'm not sure how to carry them back. Some really nice original works tho. Hugely impressed.


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hi hi!!! am still ard ....lurking.... How's yr new place? From all yr pixs, it definately looks great. R U all settled in? We're still not completely unpacked yet lol!

By the way.. just saw the link you shared "madaboutvintage", they've quite a few nice pieces! thanks for sharing!

and ps... i read on another thread that some cheapo took pixs of yr place and copied it? :curse: I can't believe such idiots like that exsists!!!! 8|

For RT-ers who like vintage stuff... here is a new one:

Mad About Vintage

website: http://madaboutvintage.wordpress.com

Contact Han at +65 91551337

My WP post featuring 20 places to buy mid-modern/vintage/retro furnitures remains popular, which is why it is updated too... :yamseng: (read post)


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Wow I'm sure you received many compliments, but I still gotta say, very very nice place!

I'm not sure but I don't think anyone asked about your lego room. got any picture to share on it? haha


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But errr.... you don't like my bedrooms ah? :P

Hope you find the cups soon! If Moderne don't have u can try the 2 stores at Chinatown? Do post pics of your special cups for us when you get them k? Jia you!

I like your entire house LoL

Are you all talking about cups for coffee?


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Well, before I start, just to give some continuity to some earlier posts...

I'd earlier replied to Defelio on his question on the copycat I'd mentioned in my Wordpress blog...

lol thanks alot and thanks again for the resources from your Blog! Great tips!! :sport-smiley-004:

Anyway who's the photocopying meow? :P

Which lead to my expletives filled rant...

Haiz, some moron in my block... Who went to my place while it was being renovated armed with camera. What a f***er.

Black toilets... Same parquet stairs, MBR light switches in the same inconvenient spot.

Once again, what a cheap f***er.

Which frigginfuchsia read and asked about here:

and ps... i read on another thread that some cheapo took pixs of yr place and copied it? :curse: I can't believe such idiots like that exsists!!!! 8|

And Defelio also asked more details about...

DAMM!!! That is outright outrageous!! Some ppl just store the brain in the freezer and resort to low and sly means... He should at least ask for your permission.

My carpenter also did the same thing! He let someone from my estate in Jade Spring into my place without seeking our permission.... I later told my ID about it. At least my ID ask me if its alright that he can bring some ppl for viewing.

Also it leads to my next question, How did you found out!?!? Did he also posted in this forum? @@

To answer the question of how I found out, I've to start with how I met my neighbours. Well there was this one crazy day when we arranged ALL our deliveries in one day... so while I was really busy with checking that I got the right delivery, I noticed this group of 2 women and one guy (with a really smirking, arrogant, kiam pa face) standing outside my door. They made me feel really uncomfortable, cos they just kept standing there while I was busy with the deliveries so I finally asked where they are from and they said that they will be renovating their unit in the same block soon.

All well and good so far right? They seemed really interested, so I invited them in to have a look and the 2 women happily accepted. The guy? He just replied 'I've already seen the place'. To be honest I was quite stunned at his response (and so rude right?) but I was like 'whatever' at that point cos it was just such a crazy busy day for me. :dunno:

So after they left when I spoke to my contractor, then he told me that his workers told him that this guy had gone into my place WITH A CAMERA and took lots of pictures and asked a lot of questions during construction (I think near completion time). WTF right??? :curse: I was really quite pissed when I found out especially considering that I was neighbourly and even invited them to have a look... :furious:

Btw, I say he has a kiam pa face cos he really has one. My contractor n his workers think so too. Not being biased here.. ;)

Anyway I knew which unit they have so when I went to check out their unit (post tiling, in the midst of carpentry) 2 weeks ago, I was quite stunned to see glaring similarities in the stairs, the toilets (all black ones, duh), box-ups for the pipes (kitchen & toilets) and even the position of the light switches (down to the same inconvenient places)... to me, it was quite obvious they were copying our ideas. I have to admit that knowing the f***er took pics of my place (without permission!!! :curse: ) predisposes me to think badly of them.

So that's the story. :(

My contractor tried to console me with 'imitation is the sincerest form of flattery'. But I don't feel flattered lor, just upset with cheapo bast**ds.


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hi hi!!! am still ard ....lurking.... How's yr new place? From all yr pixs, it definately looks great. R U all settled in? We're still not completely unpacked yet lol!

By the way.. just saw the link you shared "madaboutvintage", they've quite a few nice pieces! thanks for sharing!

Heyhey, I'm so not settled. Still boxes in the room, and I honestly don't think I'll fully unpack till year end cos work has been such a killer...

You guys must be enjoying ur place too right?

Yeah, think there are a few more 'vintage' stores I missed. If I ever have time I'll do more updates. If you have any gems let me know too k? :yamseng:

Sorry to hear about BKK. I am drooling over those works from Ode to Art but need to sell my kidney first.

Cannot wait to see updates on your Blog!

Thanks Industrial, been too busy to blog weekdays. I'll try to do a few posts this weekend.

Yeah... as usual nice original stuff cost a few kidneys (mabbe hearts too). Sigh, so my walls are still sadly blank. :(

Wow I'm sure you received many compliments, but I still gotta say, very very nice place!

I'm not sure but I don't think anyone asked about your lego room. got any picture to share on it? haha

Thanks lamaray! Always nice to hear that people like my place as much as I do. :D

Erm... haven't unpacked yet. Still looks like a storeroom after a mini tornado has gone thru it. :P

I like your entire house LoL

Are you all talking about cups for coffee?

Yes lar, coffee/tea cups... what were u thinking about? Naughty... 8|:D


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lol Brought over as requested =)

DAMM!! That is outright outrageous!! Some ppl just store the brain in the freezer and resort to low and sly means... He should at least ask for your permission.

My carpenter also did the same thing! He let someone from my estate in Jade Spring into my place without seeking our permission.... I later told my ID about it. At least my ID ask me if its alright that he can bring some ppl for viewing.

Also it leads to my next question, How did you found out!?!? Did he also posted in this forum? @@

BTW I just notice the Vivenne Tam HP netbook!


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Saw the cups on your blog. Realized I don't have proper cups! I offer disposable ones when I have guests over. How lazy is that right? :P

So nice that you got discounts. I will tell them it's my first time if I go over too. :)

oh disposable ones ah?? more handy and convenient but not very green wor!!

hahaaaa u can try that then!! let me know if it works...haha


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