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Master Kwek

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So the 12 chinese words above are 12 earthly branch used to read 八字。if i am born at 9pm n u born wt 10pm that means we are the same 八字。


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So the 12 chinese words above are 12 earthly branch used to read 八字。if i am born at 9pm n u born wt 10pm that means we are the same 八字。

Hi shaggydog,

I've read the whole of your thread and i would only pay attention to your first post.

Since Master Kwek helped you in getting the family reunited, do pay attention to the red string and the removal of the mirror. Never to put the mirror back again.

And if you were to shift house or rearranging your furniture (the bed), i think you better consult Master Kwek again.

Else this stance might break and it might be worst.

Just my 2 cents worth.


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So the 12 chinese words above are 12 earthly branch used to read 八字。if i am born at 9pm n u born wt 10pm that means we are the same 八字。

Provided 2 of you born in same yr, month & day, then will have same bazi.

For bazi:

Year: 60 years in a cycle. The 2 characters are made up of 天干(10) and 地支(12). There are a total of 60 possible combinations.

Note: Chinese calender is a both "solar" and "lunar" calender. Most 'tokong" calender in the world. Moon takes abt 29 days to make 1 round the earth each month, so each year has 29 x 12 = 348 days. Short of 365-348 = 17 days per year. So every 2-3 years, a "leap" month has to be inserted in order to "correct" the system. A leap year(chinese's) = having 13 months in a year. Meaning there will be "2 same month", say july, there will be 2 julys consecutively. Question come for bazi's month interpretation: Say 2 ppls born on same year(leap)/day/time, one on 1st july, and the other on 2nd july, will they have same bazi? Yes ! they do, very "funny" isn't it? Why like that???

Month: also 2 characters, left is tiangan, right is dizhi. To convert from "angmoh"'s month to the 2 characters, need to refer to the tong shu which state which year has leap months. You will probably notice the "months" have "big months & "small months" within a year.

Day: consists of 2 characters, left is tian, right is di. Since got big & small months with a year, to do the conversion from "angmoh" calender to 2 characters, must refer to tongshu.

Time: consists of 2 characters, left is tian, right is di.

Confusing right? This is the basic. He who interested in basi must understand the tiangan & dizhi concept and how the chinese calender work first. This is the fundamental.


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@paladin, thank you for telling me. Anyone can tell me why Master Kwek tell me to tie red string and remove mirror or not? At that time i never thought of asking.


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@Godloveyou, really confusing. Before we talk about earthly branch now :

( The 2 characters are made up of 天干(10) and 地支(12). There are a total of 60 possible combinations.)

天干(10) use to calculate our life also? Quite difficult and you are really clever understand so much. Envy you.


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@Godloveyou, really confusing. Before we talk about earthly branch now :

( The 2 characters are made up of 天干(10) and 地支(12). There are a total of 60 possible combinations.)

天干(10) use to calculate our life also? Quite difficult and you are really clever understand so much. Envy you.

The inventor of the bazi system the most "cleverest". Anyway, technically, too many "loop holes" in bazi. The more one understands, will find more "loop holes".

Those who don't understand and yet believed and followed, besides are being "stupid", what else?

Edited by godloveyou

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My share on this issue.

四柱八字is a form of statistics.

Base on certain sample size,

the creator is able to classify certain groups of people under certain characteristics.

When it comes to stats, there is no such thing as 100% accurate as it depends on the sample size and the condition of classification.

Talk about the 2hour interval,

one may ask how many people are born in the same 2 hour and do they all share the same fate?

My answer is no.

Its not because the system is not accurate.

but rather the sample size is not wide enough and the condition is not stringent enough when the creator came up with the formula.

It does have certain accuracy, but it is not perfect.

So how can we ensure 100% accuracy?

To answer this question, lets look at current science on time.

How accurate can we measure time?

down to 1 sec? millisec? nanosec?

It is thought that there is no baby on earth that is born the same time.

How is this possible?

It is becoz we are limited by our existing technology that we are unable to be tat accurate and hence unable to do a more stringent classification.

So does that mean that those people who "believe" that measurement down to 1 sec (or 2 hour) accuracy is stupid?

Bazhi is not a super secret art nor a fantastic divination system.

Every system have its own pros and cons and there are different schools that develops more stringent conditions to this art.

Example 子平八字,

beside tian gan di zhi, there are also 十神, 合化 etc to add more stringent conditions to add more accuracy.

100% accurate? no such thing (just like those stock and share system. Got people earn money? yes. people lose money? also yes).

As a guide, it is ok.

I studied 八字 to appreciate the art and i do not regard such appreciation as "stupid".


Appreciate the wine as it is and not wat u expect it to be.

I rest my case.

Edited by gnolard

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Scratch Head, why no? That means ppl with the same time and birth actually life is different?

I already explained.

Technically, there is no such thing as same time.

So no two life is 100% exactly the same.

However, based on a certain formula (ba zhi),

we are able to classify certain people into certain groups with similar pattern (hence the divination).


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bepgof has touched on some of "technical loopholes" of bazi before, let me recall:

- Political issue. Example Australia, from east(syney) to west(perth), geographically, there should be 3 hours different. However, the politicians declared the whole australia as "one-time" zone. Meaning that whoever are born either in syney or perth, all report the same time. If 子平 still around, he must be very mad abt the politicians' decision...... Or,

When an australian to read his bazi, the fsm must ask "which part" of australia he is born and do the "correction" manually? Fsm does care this right???

- Longtitude. For those who know history will laught at Bazi's timing system vs geographical zones on the earth.子平's original theory on timing is to divide the whole earth into 12 slices and each slice has 2-hr interval different. So EACH DAY ON EARTH, 12 different bazi of ppls are produced. But, 人算不如天算, political reasons disturbed his methodology to a large extend.

- How to define, down to a minute, when a baby is born? We know once baby's head appears at mother's womb, will take a few minute for the whole body to be seen,. What happens the timing happen to be at that "cross over" - 59min to 01 min.....?

- Give birth while traveling whether on land, sea or air & "cross" the invisible "2-hr" bounary???

- Leap month issue= 2 same months over one year.子平 must be very mad why his methodology kena disturbed by ppls.

Conclusion: giving the benifit of doubt that bazi predition is 100% accurate, however, the "error" inputs (DOB) already happened at its "source". Wrong inputs 100% sure get wrong results!


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bepgof has touched on some of "technical loopholes" of bazi before, let me recall:

- Political issue. Example Australia, from east(syney) to west(perth), geographically, there should be 3 hours different. However, the politicians declared the whole australia as "one-time" zone. Meaning that whoever are born either in syney or perth, all report the same time. If 子平 still around, he must be very mad abt the politicians' decision...... Or,

When an australian to read his bazi, the fsm must ask "which part" of australia he is born and do the "correction" manually? Fsm does care this right???

- Longtitude. For those who know history will laught at Bazi's timing system vs geographical zones on the earth.子平's original theory on timing is to divide the whole earth into 12 slices and each slice has 2-hr interval different. So EACH DAY ON EARTH, 12 different bazi of ppls are produced. But, 人算不如天算, political reasons disturbed his methodology to a large extend.

- How to define, down to a minute, when a baby is born? We know once baby's head appears at mother's womb, will take a few minute for the whole body to be seen,. What happens the timing happen to be at that "cross over" - 59min to 01 min.....?

- Give birth while traveling whether on land, sea or air & "cross" the invisible "2-hr" bounary???

- Leap month issue= 2 same months over one year.子平 must be very mad why his methodology kena disturbed by ppls.

Conclusion: giving the benifit of doubt that bazi predition is 100% accurate, however, the "error" inputs (DOB) already happened at its "source". Wrong inputs 100% sure get wrong results!

There are tons of arguements out there with regards to such queries and as it is a form of stats,

there are bound to be people who will challenge the conditions and the results.

I can only say if u want to drink the wine,

learn to appreciate the taste rather than finding fault with it.

else... dun drink it...


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is there any system that is very near to accuracy for bazi reading?

Sad to say,

no system (that is commonly known) is 100% accurate.

Use bazhi as a guide and not something to influence ur judgement.

Eventually, u are the master of ur own life and not some system or FSM.


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There are tons of arguements out there with regards to such queries and as it is a form of stats,

there are bound to be people who will challenge the conditions and the results.

I can only say if u want to drink the wine,

learn to appreciate the taste rather than finding fault with it.

else... dun drink it...


However, most of the time is after entering 虎穴 and found no 虎子.


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