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Make Over For A 3 Room Flat @ Amk

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Hello everybody, I am very new to this forum and have been an 'avid reader' all these while. Finally it is my turn to embark on a renovation journey at my current nest. Mum and I moved in here since my dad passed away in 2000. When we just moved in, we only did up the kitchen and minor works here and there, including paint job.

Mum has been wanting to stay in a new flat but of course, that dream seems so unreachable at this moment. The best we can afford is a major make over of our current place (which will still incur some $50k). Hence after a decade staying in our current nest, we decided to take the plunge and go for a renovation.

Our current floor plan:


As we are on a tight budget, we decided to work directly a contractor that a friend recommended. As the months go by (we started in end May/ early June), we are totally regretting this decision. By engaging a contractor, it also means that I (the owner) will be very bo eng (busy) not to mention stressful! This contractor I have is quite 'ah beng' and is chinese educated. My mandarin is 'half-past 6' and you can just imagine how difficult it is for us to communicate. Communication difficulty aside, he is not responsive and very very naggy. (All these triats surfaced upon my confirmation on the quotation and deposit payment :furious: )

Gotta bite the bullet and pull through I suppose. We are starting the renovation on 20 Sept and are hoping that the project will be done by 28 Oct. I know I'm demanding but these are my fengshui recommended auspicious date... :D

Well, at least the communication breakdown is compensated with the below pictures:



Living & Dining


There aren't many pictures since I did not engage an ID for this renovation, however the contractor offered this 'service' FOC. :notti:


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Welcome to RT, must be excited & counting down on the BIG day to come right ! the 3D look fantasic, it seen like ID design instead of contactor work. worthwhile waiting & the Miscomm, enjoy the reno process & look forward for more update from u :sport-smiley-004:


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Hello all, as requested here are some pictures of the existing house:



Living Room


Master Room


Common Room



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The current storeroom door opens from the common room and we are now 'rectifying' this which was done by previous owner.

We moved all our stuffs to a storage hub to facilitate the reno and I almost got panic attack when the mover told me that I may need a bigger storage space cos there are no more avaiable units for me that morning. Fortunately everything got squeezed into the 103sqft storage I got and thank goodness!

The official reno started 20 Sept and hope everything will go on smoothly as planned. Will be posting more pictures on the reno progress and also items I'm getting for the 'new' home!



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Some pictures on the mover + storage



After putting 2 super-single size bed frames, 1 refrigerator, 1 washing machine,1 dining table + 4 chairs, 1 shoe cabinet, 1 office chair, 1 cabinet and about 40-50 boxes an what-nots, I still have a corner space for, perhaps a beanbag. ;p


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wow u have lots of stuff~~

U got to pay for the movers and place it at the storage place and when the reno is done u got to hire another round movers again? hmm...

Your 3D design is awesome!!!


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Wonderful! Another 3 room for me to reference.

By the way, looking at your 3D for the living room, the circle table is a space hogger. One barely have space to squeeze pass the table and TV console... For small space like 3rm, I would advise against circular thingys... my 2 cents


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