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yo rite man.....outside in and inside out....how old are you ah hia? (or ah chek??)

Merry carries me go round the SUN 48.5 rounds liao.

Sisters' children's children call me granduncle. Brothers' children's children call me Lau chek.


Edited by bepgof

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bro...don't agree le....got many friends work very hard leh...still shaggy dog life le

Being given fish, settles once only. Pls compare this to engage fsm.

Able to fish is what bro K tried to tell.

Some catches small, some catches big. Thought they use the same rod, same spot, same time, same hook and same bait.

Hardworking also means: you sow what you reap!

If fs, as discussed most here, is what a matter of paying fsm to do "something"-once and for all, I can garanteed you, everybody HUAT laio.

Having the power to produce wealth is "from INSIDE" then "OUT", it is intrinsic, not from "OUTSIDE" then "IN".

It is the intrinsic within a human that drives the outside (environment, wealth, etc, etc), meng bo? Must I explain till so detailed?

Edited by bepgof

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Hardworking also means: you sow what you reap!

My blk downstairs the Ah nay, vry hardworking le.....sow so much but still like that. The western food stal uncle also vry hardworking....like all the other stall ho;lders, cook day and night. sow so much in the end also close shop leh. The taxi dirver uncle also vry hardworking, sometimes 2 shifts leh, sow so much still like that la. I vry hardworking leh but boss don't see what I sow leh....he saw my colleague's birthday present leh..... bro you not the only person got life leh.....every family different life leh. Sow what doesn't also reap what tio bo?


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Allow me to put it plain by example.

You see ppl sawing logs to@forth very hardworking, say 2 logs in an hour. But u also see ppl saw 10 logs within an hours, not the strength that matter most, it I'd the saw.

Sharpen your saw! At all time! How?

Learn, commit, do. Learn, commit and do and repeat! Sound simple? But i can tell u it is not easy.

It is the same as: common doesn't mean normal.

Tell me how much u understand this.


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Allow me to put it plain by example.

You see ppl sawing logs to@forth very hardworking, say 2 logs in an hour. But u also see ppl saw 10 logs within an hours, not the strength that matter most, it I'd the saw.

Sharpen your saw! At all time! How?

Learn, commit, do. Learn, commit and do and repeat! Sound simple? But i can tell u it is not easy.

It is the same as: common doesn't mean normal.

Tell me how much u understand this.

Whoa ah hia....i keep quiet still not enough....keep coming?!!

Allow me to officially reply you horh....

I talking about also 10 people, 10 logs an hour situation. Among them one is chosen because he brought hamper present.... understand bo?

Learn conmit do, who don't understand? Even if you do so, there are still unfair things happen in your life....you mean yours smooth riding?


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Whoa ah hia....i keep quiet still not enough....keep coming?!!

Allow me to officially reply you horh....

I talking about also 10 people, 10 logs an hour situation. Among them one is chosen because he brought hamper present.... understand bo?

Learn conmit do, who don't understand? Even if you do so, there are still unfair things happen in your life....you mean yours smooth riding?

I do agree, no matter how one work hard, but "unfortunately" some are luckier than the rest.

Unfair things happen in everyone's life. It is at that point of time that a person is good or lousy at that time. Like theory of relativity.

Eg I see my friend who is now 60 has grandchildren liao. I am happy for him which means he retired and no worries (children all graduated and earn money).

But he see me at the other angle that i am better off than him (but i do not have grandchildren and still have young children / older parents to feed, am I better off than him ?)


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I do agree, no matter how one work hard, but "unfortunately" some are luckier than the rest.

Unfair things happen in everyone's life. It is at that point of time that a person is good or lousy at that time. Like theory of relativity.

Eg I see my friend who is now 60 has grandchildren liao. I am happy for him which means he retired and no worries (children all graduated and earn money).

But he see me at the other angle that i am better off than him (but i do not have grandchildren and still have young children / older parents to feed, am I better off than him ?)

Ahhh....this is matured human talk....bro, you are just like an aged old wine, suitable to drink anytime and appreciated. Not like some "1982s", sounds good but don't know whether taste as good. Anyway...no such money to spend or find out la.

Your example good leh....if one can realise where one stand and also respect and understand other has their own situation.....there will be peace in this world, tio bo. I think your maturity vry mellow le....you also in your 60s?

I wish I can be like my uncle....retiring in perth. Tombalek, he wished he like me....more energetic hehe


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Maybe I got it wrong, but a lot of ppl relates fs to wealth. Think that if fengshui done right will huat. Sadly, dun think that is the case. First fate, then luck then fs. So if fated not meant to be, no matter how much you slog also won't be the next Facebook guy. If you are lucky, things just happen easier. Finally, fs hopefully just assist further or reduce the harm should it be in your fate (that's the theory anyway). With regards to poor health, maybe fate (period of life to be sick), maybe really bad fs, or maybe just bad living habits that's causing poor health.

Whether one gets what he sows is debatable. For example if one does not have aptitude for Maths, he may be scoring As for exams due to drilling (hardwork) but will not be able to come up with something new and get a phd no matter how hard he tries.

Anyway why link everything to wealth? The ultimate want is happiness and that is a state of mind. We tend to link wealth to happiness but it may not bring us that.


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Ahhh....this is matured human talk....bro, you are just like an aged old wine, suitable to drink anytime and appreciated. Not like some "1982s", sounds good but don't know whether taste as good. Anyway...no such money to spend or find out la.

Your example good leh....if one can realise where one stand and also respect and understand other has their own situation.....there will be peace in this world, tio bo. I think your maturity vry mellow le....you also in your 60s?

I wish I can be like my uncle....retiring in perth. Tombalek, he wished he like me....more energetic hehe

i am in mid 40s, born 1969.


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Whoa ah hia....i keep quiet still not enough....keep coming?!!

Allow me to officially reply you horh....

I talking about also 10 people, 10 logs an hour situation. Among them one is chosen because he brought hamper present.... understand bo?

Learn conmit do, who don't understand? Even if you do so, there are still unfair things happen in your life....you mean yours smooth riding?

Don't like that leh. To me, the above is a typical reactive response, instead of a proactive one.

"Hardworking" is only one of the many ways and means towards making success which most often than not ppls measure it in a tangible way.

Learn-is the only way (modernism school of thought)to increase one's power/capacity of earning. No new learning, individual remains at same spot.

Commit- is a human internal struggle stuff that he sets his targets and "lock-in". Achieve liao, set new higher targets or remain at same, all up to his free will subjects to the environmental conditions he is in.....

Do- apply what one's learned, model it, perfect it.

And repeat.

Hamper present, sharpen the saw....., are all under "learn". Still need "commit" and "do" to make things happen.

Never "do" it will never get thing done or make things happened. Eg, if one wants to learn swimming by merely super hardworking by reading the "swimming instruction text book", reach to a stage whereby he can read/spell every words "inside out" and "outside in", BUT and AND never step into a swimming pool, I'm 100% sure to tell u he can't swim.

There are DEFINITELY many "unfair" things happen ard us, simply we cannot CONTROL them, or put it in a much easier way of understanding: "These things fall outside our influence circles". Those things that happened fall outside our influence, we termed it as "fate", "destiny", "luck".

In real world, I've seen/encountered many ppls, even things/situations are within their control/influence, they "simply" ignore, or perhaps they don't even possess the knowledge of realising it and do not exercise their control/influence properly, and let some "unfair" things happen.

Bro, we exist in a world full of uncertainties and helplessness, as if our body drifting in ocean to nowhere. The moment we see and realise a float or tree trunk come near, should quickly grab it thus increasing chance for survival(or wealth in another way). "Learn" enhances one's ability to "see and realise". See not and realise not confirmed at end of the day, ended with "unfair", "unlucky", or "unfortunate". Read my words carefully, yes to this doesn't mean no to that.

Before I close this "supper lorsoh" writing, i pose a question, all are welcome to give opinions:

If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?


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If a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound?

Aiyo......if I live up the hill, maybe can hear


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Hi, I always engage after purchasing. bepgof, it will make a sound haha :rolleyes:

Appreciate your response which tells you hold a modernism perspective towards real world.

To modernist, cos the tree and sound are real and can be measured, therefore it doesn't matter whether anyone is there to experience the tree falling or not.

To translate into organsation/communities circles behaviour, it simply means modernists tend to find universal laws, methods and techniques of organisation and control, they favor rational structures, rules, standardised procedures and routine practices. They believed "objectively" real entities operating in real world. When org/comm are well-designed and managed, they are systems of decision and action driven by norms of rationality, efficiency and effectiveness for stated purpose.

Do our orgs/comm really behave in a "rational" ways, especially when more than one human interact with another??? My view is ONLY programmed machines behaved in "rational" ways.

I'm not saying you are a machine, there are more "answers" to the question. Anyone? No harm trying?


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Aiyo......if I live up the hill, maybe can hear

Aiyo, response indicates you seem more "lau jiao"- has "blended" into real world for some time, realising the importance of "situational" realities, it depends.. it is contingency approach.

You know, at times, an "apple" doesn't mean an apple, it could mean an "orange" to others. You know the existence of "meaning" and "meaningless" of objects/things/concepts in real world as long as human is concerned/invovled.

You are between modernist and symbolic-interpretivist.

I roughtly understand WHERE you STAND on FS belief/practices, good try. Some more?


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