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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    The modern home often has a feature wall to showcase and the homeowner’s individuality . Configure your very own feature wall with Slingshot’s modular wall-mounted/ floating shelves. The possibilities are limitless! Keep it funky with NINJA: Go elegant with the THE S SHELF: STACK’IT – where change is the only constant: STADIUM raw and industrial: personalise your living space with THE CROSS: Discover our products at http://www.myslingshot.com.sg , email sales@myslingshot.com.sg or phone / message / whatsapp 8125 6920 for more information. Slingshot is an online retailer of modular wall mounted shelves. We work both with direct home-owners and Interior Designers (IDs) / Contactors. An online retailer of modular wall mounted shelves.
  2. 1 point
    We have just signed up with tiler seng for our 5 rm resale flat. We went to a lot of ID's before him but he is the only one whom I can say that his experience speaks for itself. He explained us patiently and gave us a lot of good ideas. His price is not the lowest but moderate. I have been browsing and reading thru renotalk for the past 2 months since the days I book my house, only today I sign up as a member solely to place a good remark for this experienced gentleman. I will keep my reno work updated over here so others will know that I'm being purely genuine here.
  3. 1 point
    Your entry very funny! Made me laugh for a good 1min..LOL..I feel that you chose a good ID, who has pride in his design hence "scolded" u for not consulting him before making those purchase..
  4. 1 point
    Oh ya... Instant heater seems a thing of past. We got that too. ID : "Instant heater"???! Us: Look at his shocked face and ... **silence... ... Needless to say, we got water heater tank.
  5. 1 point
    Congrats on key collection Now your reno can really begin proper!
  6. 1 point
    Today is the official handover date.. Our Reno journey has come to an end and the moving in process officially begins!
  7. 1 point
    Lighting for the living, dining and kitchen, all the same except in sizes. All from Tmall and lighting known as Smithfield. 4 lights for RMB830, what more can one ask for? 3 sizes OD 60cm/48cm/35cm. Ceiling flushed or suspended. ID commented many prefer variation in living and dining lighting but failed to recognized that uniformity is actually also a design. Though not many are able to stomach it and find it boring but can be quite a sight if all blends well. Again, beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. I prefer lighting to be simpler, mainly due to future cleaning convenient as well as changing of light bulbs. Some like chandelier lighting but do not clean them and loses the glitter over time, defeats having one in the first place though. Living and dining Kitchen (Not suspended)
  8. 1 point
    Partition day. Everything box up nicely.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Finally , unpacking all done. Let's see the 3D originally proposed by my ID and after the full renovation, the actual project turns out. I must say, 95% similar. Thank you DotsNTots, Mr Javerson,
  11. 1 point
    Hi, I'm also waiting for my 5 room bto.. Can you pm me the id you are using? The price seems reasonable.
  12. 1 point
    My first renovatiin experience is really bad with this contractor called Mr S recently. The guy appeared honest in our first few meetings and the quotation seemed reasonable after some comparison. We kicked start the work in August 2013 and he looked fine in early stage, giving VO on some hidden costs from time to time though. As I have been very busy at work, as long as he kept things going and he did not go too far I just closed one eye. The main turning point came after we made the major payment and he failed the read correctly the color schemes on the designer’s drawing and pasted wrong laminate to our cabinet. He totally flared up and refused to admit his mistake or retify until the designer pointed out it was his mistake. BTW, the designer was hired by him on freelance base. Sine then his attitude became very bad and he worked slowly. There were many days in which nobody appeared on the site at all, or appeared only in late afternoon. Then he made another mistake on the glass backing in the kitchen and he kept blaming us for changing our minds again and again. Come on, his designer proposed it and we just accepted. it is so obvious that he is overwhelmed by the projects on hand and is not capable to follow the drawings properly. We had a big debate with him, stood firm and insisted that he must go retify the problem.Due to the delay in work, we had to accept delivery of new eletronic appliances to our unfinished apartment. And then one morning my husband found that his workers did not lock the door after work! Fortunately our valuables were still there. At the end, in Dec he finally completed the work, although we were quite unsatisfied with the detail(eg, the wall surface is uneven even after platering and he has many excuses for poor work such as HDB has poor quality walls, etc). Overall instead of the calendar months as promised, it took him more than 3 and a half months to complete it and i had to keep messaging him asking for a deadline.He promised a one year warranty for the work done in the contract. We had found so many problems in the past few months after we moved in (switch failure, switch trip, laminate peeled off, floor tile gap, etc). He attended only to our first request one week after he collected full payment, to replace a failing switch, after which he refused to provide any further guarantee service ‘for free’. He even said just go ahead to complain me.How can we deal with such guys who doesn’t care about contact or reputation at all? I think one major lesson is to hold back the payment until you are satisfied and sure. The sample contract on CASE‘s website provides a much slower timeline for payment than the contract he provided. Must check carefully on all quotation and cannot give in for the sake of time and convenience. Some people just try to test and push further your limit.
  13. 1 point
    no offense to any readers in this thread. I believe leonjennawong should delete any forummers who are actually requesting for quotations in this topic, and to inform all to rather pm leonjennawong personally about the quotations so as it's fair to those who are actually following up with his reno. Thanks.
  14. 1 point
    1 thing I am pretty excited about the new house is I will get finally get my 9ft toy display cabinet. I have been collecting toys for almost 10 years now. During this period of time, whenever i bought a new toy, I could only take it out, admire it for a few minutes and back into the box (lack of space) it goes into the storeroom never to see the light again. Now the time has come for all of them to be displayed properly and nicely the way they should be. So yeah, I am stoked to see the final product Renzz has come up with. Meanwhile, here are some pictures of the net that I think are really nice:
  15. 1 point
    Got it! Your nieces and nephew were really have fun doodling on the board! I love your white bedroom doors. Must have cost a lot? I'm thinking of buying the same black pendant lights for kitchen . Where did you get yours ?
  16. 1 point
    Shower head is fine because it connect to the hose. Only those that connect directly to the USA pipe fitting need to take note. For e.g. kitchen taps, bathroom taps, shower mixer, water filter (I got bad experience in the filter)
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