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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/2014 in Posts

  1. 1 point
    thanks jas, how much total just for the bath-tub? (excluding bath-tub price) lol
  2. 1 point
    Walk-in Wardrobe Reno Rather than the conventional covered and squarish wardrobes, we opted for open concept steel poles which we customised to maximise storage space for all our clothes and of course my wife's bags. We also included a barn door concept which we can slide left or right. Using steel plates as shelvings to display my wife's bags. Customised aviator design panel for my barn door concept. Looks quite cool but it's easily scratched. Installing the panel onto the roller tracks. Look at the size of this thing. Even the tracks have to be customised in order to withstand the weight of this panel and yet easy for us to push it. The man in the middle of the pic told me that he is the best in SG when it comes to this. Oh well i've no basis for comparison so no comments. Probably just want to tell me that his work is good. If you've notice in the pic above, there is something at the left bottom corner. That's our island wardrobe. My wife want it to look like those vintage cabinets with a lot of drawers. Something like what we see in those TCM shops. But in order to maximise space, we don't need to have so many drawers so our ID just make it look like there are a lot of drawers. Smart! The pipe on top of the island can be used for hooking accessories like bracelets, watches (maybe not wise to do so), etc, using those S-hooks. Just something we added so that the top doesn't look that plain. This is how it looks like when you pull the drawer out.
  3. 1 point
    Get a reno loan... lower interest rate. Unfortunately, the money will be given to the contractor and not to you otherise it would be open to abuse (as in the case of my bank) Hope tt helps
  4. 1 point
    Actually its on its way here from Amazon as we speak after they reduced the prices last week and they granted my request for free shipping as bulky or heavy items are not eligible for AmazonGlobal Saver Shipping.
  5. 1 point
    More updates! Using mobile again. Not sure if the pics will show up. But all carpentry have been completed aside from my toilets vanity cabinet doors. Let me try to post the photos.. EDIT: it works. yay! Shoe cabinet Back of shoe cabinet Circuit breaker tic tac door Kitchen glass door Glass shower screen
  6. 1 point
    Finally able to took some time off to clean the house and hang the painting. Pasted the wallpaper behind my bed headboard The toilet look more Atas with addition of warm lights even with original fittings and tiling. Airport runway at foyer
  7. 1 point
    Hi all, We have a set of WC + Basin to sell away @ $70 (ono) This is the set from HDB. Do let us know if you are keen. Thx!
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