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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/03/2015 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Dear All, I have a ANTS problem for the past 2 years since I've moved into my brand new flat. I'm desperate, lost and don't know what to do and even till the extend to intend to move out my flat as I couldn't stand the ants invasion into my home on a daily basis. Every morning prior setting out for work, I'll check my entire external wall from ktichen, living room to bedrooms. Similarly when I'm back from work at night I'll used a torch light to shine on the walls to check for ants. The reason I have to do so is to stop the ants from entering into my home. For the past 1 month, I've been spraying baygon every day. There were a few occassion that I did not stop the ants at the external wall and when I'm back home the whole living & kitchen were invaded with ants. I've feedback the matter to Town Council (TC) as the source of the ants were from the external wall but was refer to HDB as they found out that the source of the ants were from my unit below and upstairs. I've personally knock on the upper and lower floor neighbours to feedback to them that there were ants coming up / down from their units and asked them to do a proper house keeping. However, they doesn't seem to be bother despite hundreds of ants in their home. As the ant came from the external wall, all the pesticides, vinegar, baits and rubber bands that I've spray were washed away by the rain and the ants returns and the whole cycle repeat again. Hence, I hope someone can advice and enlighten me what I can do to stop the ants from coming from the external walls into my home? Thanks for reading.
  2. 1 point
    Need help on the following:- 1) My HDB gate lock (to ceiling and flooring) was broken. anyone know where can I get a replacement? 2) My windows grille support (mounted the grille to the wall) also broken, anyone came across it and know where to get a replacement?
  3. 1 point
    Hi leonjennawong, Your house looks nice!! Can share your quotation and breakdown? Email: kgtok@hotmail.com Thanks in advance!
  4. 1 point
    Hi, can PM me the designer's contacts and your house quotation? Twt1978@gmail.com thanks!
  5. 1 point
    Hello!! May i have the link for the service yard LED light?
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