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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/20/2017 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Conceal is against the regulations for HDB Flats. You can only do it for private if I am not wrong. (Hope this helps)
  2. 1 point
    Mood boards 1) Master Bath We want a bathtub so bad cause we love soaking in hot water after a long day! With scented candles burning and a glass of wine, listening to relaxing music, ah~~ 2) Master Bedroom It's not difficult to tell by now, my preference for colors are grey, white, black, very unusual for a woman. Thus, our 'dark side'. lol. We prefer to have basic colors for our home and furnish with some touch of colors to brighten up the space. We are also not a fan of wood. We prefer modern, luxurious, stone feel. I really wanted this plush feature wall for our MBR but we bought our bed too early and we can not change the designer-bedframe =( 3) Living Room
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