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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/24/2021 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    Haha no problem. Knowledge is power! Go into your renos prepared! Yeah, the CASE agreement is a bit OTT, but it does what it's supposed to do - protect the consumer Here's what I would insist on at the very least 1. A sketch-up/mock up once the design is finalised. Not just detailed drawings but an actual presentation of how the room will look like when put together. 2. Details of all finishings. So, don't just be OK with the ID telling you that they'll have a row of "bottom-hung cabinets." The ID must tell you how it will be configured, the materials used and its external design. 3. A schedule of works, with fixed deadlines. This will include when tile/laminate selection will be done. 4. List of things that you will need to provide which they do not, and when they will need it by. For example, lighting and aircon installation. THese are the two big things. You'll need time to make these arrangements and you don't a situation where they give you only 2 days of lead time. Set these ground rules and everything else should be OK!
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