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Everything posted by korea

  1. we went to watch this stage performance. it was great! ya ya, we also went to these cities. we also went to see the acrobatic performance! wow, d-a-m-n GOOD! i forget whether the acrobatic performance was an optional tour a not. we didnt took photos of the acrobatic performance bcos they didnt allowed. did you manage to take? the motorcycles part was WOW!
  2. oh, i just wanted to reply karen's postings to me. haha, sorry...!
  3. you should be in your 30s liao, right? it isnt too late to get pregnant mah.
  4. yup, it's "How do I live without you" by Leann Rimes. i always forget the name of this song. hahaha. my hb specially wanted the painist and his partner to play and sing this song to me on my birthday.
  5. haha. of course, i got dress up lah but not really into the trend of fashion. i love ralph lauren casual wears so usually i'll wear such clothing when go shopping bcos it feels so comfortable. long jeans and long sleeves arent my cup of coffee. haha. yup, my hb will bring me out everyday therefore sometimes shop until sianz. we'll have our dinner outside after that shop around. usually, we always hang out at orchard rd, suntec city, plaza sing, raffles city etc. if we want to go high class restaurants then my hb will let me know beforehand bcos he'll make a reservation first. last time, i used to wear long jeans and very uncomfortable so i switch to wear skirts or shorts nowadays. my hb always said i'm a simple girl. i dont even makeup at all. my AD makeup artist asked my hb why i dont like to makeup and my hb said it's better in this way; simple and beautiful.
  6. what are the special moments you referring to? my hb celebrated my birthday at swissotel the stamford city space bar and every evening there'll a pianist accompanied by vocals. the guests can request for songs. my hb requested the painist to play this song to me - "how do i do without you" on my birthday. **hope i got the name of the song correctly.
  7. haha. i dont buy fashion magazines bcos i'm not in fashion. why should i wear something which i feel uncomfortable in just bcos it's in fashion now? my hb brings me out everyday until i'm sianz. i cant be bother what people wear lor. usually, we're into makan. i'm into jewellery and LV bags. i only update myself in these areas.
  8. hahaha. ya lor. some high class hotels restaurants have dress code so bo bian got to follow otherwise cant go in leh. on normal days, we'll dress super casual. what about you?
  9. your high class restuarants refer to what sort of places? when we dined at swissotel the stamford equinox restaurant then we'll dress up la bcos the restaurant has dress code. if you refer to crystal jade, no signature, tunglok etc then no need la.
  10. most impt is the babies must be born healthy. when to give birth isnt an issue.
  11. i dislike to wrap from head to toe lor bcos really very hot. usually, i'll either wear skirt or short when i go out. and, either short sleeves or sleeveless or spaghetti. my hb also never wear jeans bcos he afraid of hot too. he's bermuda and shirt type of person.
  12. so coincidence! we voted the same for man and woman. but it's all fated la when come to pregnancy. you can go ahead and plan this or that but sometimes also need fate to have babies.
  13. i'm never into fashion. i wear what i feel comfortable in and that's short! hahaha. i hate to wear jean bcos weather is so hot. i only wear jean skirts.
  14. i saw your china photos liao. some of the places in your photos we also had went but i cant upload here bcos got our faces lor. we also went in nov last year and we took SQ but some of them took china airlines. you only went to shanghai? we went to different parts of china. usually, the hotels provided are 4 star hotels. but if to compare korea and china, i prefer korea bcos air is fresher and scenery is nicer.
  15. they only had one optional tour during our travel. initially, many people were unwilling to pay for the optional tour but the tour guide told us it was really worth the $$$ lor. so eventually, everybody agreed to pay for the optional tour. end of the day, we felt that the optional tour was worth it! it was an eye opening moment. since you're going to travel all the way to another country so just spend happily lor. you dont know when you'll be going back again, right. we spend about S$7k in china just for buying things excluded the tour packages expenses. we bought a lot of silk from suzhou so that was why so much $$$. spore has an investment in china, right. it's called the suzhou gong yue yuan. we also went there to take a look! wow, exactly look like spore. the tour guide told us they purposely did it like another identical spore. the tour guide also told us spore also has a shopping mall in china called the raffles city. the name is the same as spore raffles city hor. we also went there for shopping. it looks exactly like spore raffles city. i agreed the air in china isnt that healthy. we went to korea 2 years ago and the air over there is fresher.
  16. look at shanghai's expressway! even more advance than spore's this photo was taken when we were in the bullet train (the speed of the bullet train is really super fast! our mrt cant even compare with them) we were in nanjing
  17. the famous shanghai oriental pearl TV tower close-up look of the oriental pearl TV tower the panoramic views of shanghai when we were high up in the oriental pearl TV tower
  18. song meiling's villa in china the exterior of the villa song meiling's car (the car plate number opened the next day in spore 4D; 1st prize! )
  19. pls wait... i try to upload some pics for you to see!
  20. recently, i told a lady that i'm married liao and she doesnt believe me. she thought i joked with her. !! she thought i'm still a poly/university student. !! if you're going to reach 30s liao but still look like early 20s, how huh? !!
  21. we went to shanghai last year! !! we booked from chan brothers travel. we really enjoy very much. you can click on the link i provided below. !! our tour highlights: http://www.chanbrothers.com/index.cfm?id=e...;tour_desc_id=0
  22. we went to taka the mooncakes fair. there're lots of mooncakes to choose from but it's still quite early to buy now. !!
  23. i dont really like muffins cos very sianz after eating a few bites.