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Everything posted by worldangel

  1. I think stop being lenient to him and just go to the media/police to report. At this rate, don't think he plans to complete any of the projects anytime soon. He is testing your limit, to see how far he can delay and what you all can do to him...
  2. Yea bought a lexmark wireless printer...got quite a lot of freebies including speaker and wireless headphone...but the salesman's attitude pissed us off...he didn't seem to know what he is selling...in the end my hubby seems to know more than him... Worst is he gave us printing ink wich is not compatible with our printer...so now my hubby had to go back there again tomorrow morning to exchange...dunno why nowadays the sales people getting more and more bo chap...
  3. Yea...didn't hear anything from them since yesterday so this morning I gave Mrs Quek a call and she said she has not feedback this issue to her husband yet. Said will inform me asap once they reach a decision... I also feel that they should bear the losses cos I even asked her twice whether it is confirmed the tap problem and they were very sure it is...think the plumber didn't even bother to check properly...
  4. true true...just a bit disappointed la...cos a few days before they broadcast that the economy is improving so expected more...but only got 0.25 mth...the year before I joined the civil service it was 2.5 mth lor, ever since I joined seems like the bonus amt kept going down...
  5. yea I am in teaching...my fren also said got insider's news said bonus is 2.5 mths...together with pay will be 3.5 mths...then she said it so convincingly so I went on a shopping spree after that...lucky didn't buy that much...
  6. Going down to the IT show in an hour's time...see what bargain I can find over there.. though now not in the mood to shop le...this year's bonus so little sigh...
  7. what if they kept appearing? They already rectified the first time round...now new hairline cracks are appearing...
  8. Really sorry to hear about your experience...hopefully everything will be completed soon and you dun need to face your ID anymore...make sure you check for any defect before handover...
  9. hehe no prob..cos I sent it out one by one so scared I sent wrongly
  10. Hmm...ic... wondering if there is any Canon printer on promotion...esp wireless one...wan to get that for the new hse...
  11. hehe congrats...like that you dun need to worry le...
  12. The tiles wif the piggies very cute and unique! First time I saw haha...
  13. Yea lor...he was very sure that the tap was faulty. I even called them back to confirm is it really the tap that is problematic and told them that if the tap is not faulty, i would need to pay the $80 for their fees... So I guess that is their fault? Now waiting for their response...
  14. yea lor I also blur. I felt really bad just now I had to call Ho Bee to claim that $80...but $80 is still money lor... The plumber should know need to take out cos he took out the one in the common bathroom...but somehow he left the washer in the master bathroom tap...
  15. Plumber just came down from Poh Joo and said the problem is because there is a washer (it's a metal plate with a small hole in the middle) placed inside the tap...wich is supposed to be taken out when they installed the tap. The funny thing is the plumber from Ho Bee took out the washer in the tap in the common bathroom but didn't do so for the one in the master bathroom. That explains why there is no sound when we turn on the tap in the common bathroom but there is the wheezing sound when we used the tap in the master bathroom. So now no more wheezing sound but we had to pay $80 to the plumber from Poh Joo for "taking up his time and to pay for his transportation fees". Have already informed Ho Bee about this and we would try to claim the fees from them.
  16. Hubby called Poh Joo this afternoon and they said will contact us tomorrow. If they dun replace by this weekend tink have to go down to their shop le.
  17. Hmm don't think it will make the place look ugly if you plan it carefully. Both my living room and study room only have ceiling fan and we are happy with it cos 1) saves electricity 2) save environment 3) cheaper than air-cond 4) it creates a naturally airy and windy feel in the house. Currently using sunflower fan in the study room and V6 (both manufactured by Alpha) in the living room. Ugly? Judge for yourself V6 In the living room Sunflower In the study room
  18. So far no news from Poh Joo yet...if still no call from them this afternoon to confirm when they are coming to replace the faulty tap then I will chase after them le haha...
  19. You wun regret getting the sunflower and V6 fans! I have both in my house (in living room and study room) and they are fantastic!
  20. Turbo Incanto has black model... Here's how it looks like in my kitchen: I got it for ard 600 at courts.