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Everything posted by lilithfiend

  1. love the view from your balcony...so lush!!
  2. er, now abit hard to go up every day to check on progress cos of the world cup....! yea i like torres' new hair too..makes him look younger (and less of a gu-niang lol). hey england, hodgson isn't coming anywhere near lfc. at least i hope not. and that SA goal against Mexico is worthy of goal of the tournament if you ask me.
  3. hey db, so there will be a total of 2 coats is it? and before they apply the first coat, did they apply any sealant? also, are your walls newly plastered?
  4. nice dining table! care to share where u bought it from & for how much?
  5. welcome to RT, fellow 3-rmer! very nice 3ds you've got there..who's your ID? has your hacking permit been approved? noticed you're going to merge & extend your bathroom as well. what are your plans for the existing toilet pipes?
  6. welcome to RT! your sengkang home sounds interesting! show pics!! and i cannot imagine having to travel around SG like u do everyday..my goodness..lucky you found a place close to IL's..
  7. i agree about floor plans not giving the correct feel. i also need to see the place for myself in order to really visualise properly. bean bags in place of sofa is a novel idea. but when family comes round, you're gonna have lots of complaints! do update on the glass cutting when you've done it.. and sorry no idea about the 3m safety film..maybe someone else around here can help..
  8. hey England. Gerrard's strike was fantastic wasn't it. Heart the captain. My hb went a bit mad around the room when Stevie G scored..lol. hey yuene, so are u still doing cement screed flooring? look forward to seeing your blog! hey sammy, i have the exact same problem so i stopped listing my purchases haha. lazy. anyway, your progress very fast! happy for you..
  9. wah, you managed to not notice the repositioning of the sofa? lol..that's quite a big change.. the dining chairs look so much better after the re-upholstery..good move to do that. you went to laminate the table? or is that a new table?
  10. hey gimz, i know the grilles are such a spoiler, right. i told my hb: since we cannot do scissors grilles, then just do normal windows lor. but after seeing the locking mechanism, our interest has been piqued again. So now our next best solution is to do a 3-track one, so the panels are slimmer. and we'll be using mild steel for the grilles as well, not as cheapo-looking compared to aluminium. our mild steel gate design - we're still working it out. we're going to go for minimal, some verticals some horizontals. definitely no flowers or dolpins. well, we can't get everything we want, but that's life right...
  11. already met alex & his bro before we began reno. yes they can do..but i found someone else at a lower price. so most likely will be going with this one. save > $100!
  12. my favorite part of your house is your bathroom! congrats on a smooth reno, el nino. now please don't go anywhere, especially not to chelsea.
  13. Some good news, some bad news. Yesterday was a day of mixed news. Let me start with the bad: Bad News #1 Window Grilles - As a recap, we were previously looking for these kind of grilles: Quote came in but was far, far, far too costly to do. So sadly, we have to use normal grilles (which I absolutely hate). Bad News #2 Main gate - PM told me they cannot do the mild steel gate we want. So I have to find someone else to do it for us. I refuse to use wrought iron/aluminium gates! Refuse. Good News #1 Bathroom - Managed to get our PM to reduce her bathroom quote, so we are now back to business! Though it's still more costly to do the custom bath, the difference is not much and we feel the payoff will be worth it. Good News #2 Windows - Understand from my PM yesterday that the permit to install our windows have been approved. As a recap, we are only replacing the windows in the hall and common room since the other windows have previously been upgraded by HDB. And, if you read this blog from Page 1, you'll know that I was looking for the American-style double-hung windows which is non-existent in Singapore: B&E will be fabricating the windows for us. We requested to see the locking mechanism before they fabricate the windows and yesterday, our PM left it at our place for us to collect. We've seen it and are now even more intrigued! We were actually ready to sacrifice the windows since we couldn't do the grilles we wanted (see Bad News #1) and to save some cost.
  14. not much progress girls...but thanks for the encouragement anyway lol... we're in the midst of finalizing the changes to the contract so they cannot do tiling yet..i don't have much carpentry leh..so shouldn't be too much of a problem. only my kitchen cabinet..
  15. my hb's shoes also very little. which is why i said i assume your hb's shoes only takes up about a shelf...haha...i'll be happy to have so much storage in my house!
  16. oic..ok..thought u gonna run trunking before you plaster. i had that dilemma a while ago. u like forcing edmund to finish his tiling by 28 june right? hahaha smart move!
  17. wah u better complain to your ID!... or else put a sign at the entrance to remind them to off everything before they leave. my PM offered to pay my water bill for me...
  18. wow...talk about being on top of the world eh..would love to be at those heights. but you have a point, kinda scary....
  19. have you chosen your tiles already? cos the tiles in the 3ds don't quite hit the spot, if u get what i mean. they look more baroque than moroccan.
  20. interesting tiling in the common room bath..what are those? marble with slate or?
  21. i love the view from your hall!! omg, what floor are you on? and the height of your ceiling...
  22. can't u get a smaller sofa? how did the glass cutting go?
  23. your shoe cabinet so big...lotsa space for shoes, i like! i'm assuming your hb's shoes will take up about one shelf?
  24. wah sam!! really fast leh....... happy for you! are you plastering your walls? so fast run aircon trunking liao..! i'm so jealous!