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Everything posted by Jessie

  1. hi virgo, no lah.....my boss also tell me b4,...try to minimise chatting online...hahaha
  2. congrats! spam chop... hey, it does looks like a condo...not HDB...right?
  3. nice white sofa....but i very scared of getting a light coloured sofa cos will sure dirty very fast,......(all thanks to my 2 boys at home)...keke i must admit,..it's really a very nice sofa set!
  4. my electrician just called and say today will complete all lights installation. my painter also said by this Friday, will complete painting. so, i will arrange for acid wash on this Sat and thus the cabinets willbe delivered on Sat after the wash,...then the installation will be on next Monday. guess i will only take more once all installed and post pix here...
  5. wow...yummy yummy!!!!!!!!! yeap, even after moved-in,...still will feel the floor dirty dirty and dusty....and hv to clean and mop the floor everyday till that *dust* is gone.....den will be back to normal...keke :0
  6. very nice toilets leh! white white and a very clean feel.... nice nice!
  7. hi chrono...... hey, more pix leh...
  8. hi Virgo, i also love that tap,...so cute....keke i will go there 2nite to take more pix and post here. kitchen still nothing to show leh......next week then can see once the cabinets are up lor. hi mwerkz.....keke ya lor,..must power power to bring my own wireless to office lah....hahaha there's no way they can block me now liao....hahaha hi Angel81 sure, i will show more pix once i take more pix...keke hope 2nite i go there,....the painting work almost complete lor......
  9. hi all!!!!! i am back to chat! today, i bring my own wireless....hahahaha anyone here today? i can only chat here till 10am...then hv to disconnect leh...keke
  10. aiyo,...u all so funny leh. me still unable find a card reader here,....probably will hv to go home and get my hb download for me lor....den tmrw can post here...keke alos good lah...tmrw will hv more pix cos i going to my hse 2nite to see all the new lights installed....keke
  11. ya lor,........thumbs up for chrono! his wife so xin-fu!
  12. u serious in selling? with the chiars? complete set? me also kinda regret getting my dining table.....and also thinking of buying another dining set and go back to the shop and change my dining table to other items lor. can PM me?
  13. hey tinc post your kitchen pix leh....keke
  14. i dun go there to supervise. all i did was,....pop by,...look see, den go off....no point stay there mah. and if anything did wrong or what, i will call the person-in-charge and tell him lor. most of the time will be my hb go over with kopi and paus for the workers lor.....keke but, my hb hardly in town.....i think he only does that twice nia.....hahahaha :D
  15. hi Angel81 they told me estimated can handover to me this wkends or latest next wkends lor. cos my TVs all will be dleivered on next Sat......and i really need to do cleaning up.....so, hopefully they can handover to me this wkends lor. moreover, my parquet vanishing will be on 23rd Sep.....sigh.....now seems like all clashes lor. yeap, can start hunting for ID/Contractor now,...get the quote and compare lor. mine also NS Facing.....very windy and cooling......but, according to FS, my ideal facing will be EW leh! hot hot leh.......sigh~
  16. ya ya....agree! the black black toilet is super SWEE!!!!!!!! the black black dining is also SWEE!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. great locations with great price!!!!!!!!!!! good deal leh!!!!! yes, i agree that 34k for a 3room reno,..is really too high. try to flip thru mag and get ideas,.....and go to contractor, can really save quite alot leh! i am also using a contractor,....and give him my designs......and he's also quite good as advising me save on this or that and also gives me good advises on certain designs. so far i m very happy with his service and also find his ideas quite good.
  18. wow!!!!!!!!!!! nice utensils and accessories leh!!!!!!!!
  19. so nice of you! my hb will say.....*no need lah. no need see photos lah. now everyday see you oledi enuff liao lah*.....aaarrrgghhh!!!!!!!!!
  20. cos my fengshui date to move in is on 4th Oct,...and i requested the contractor to hand-over to me by this wkends..... imagine...i started reno on July leh! till now,....still not yet complete....and i did not overhaul the whole hse leh....only do minor reno nia leh. oledi consider super slow liao....keke sure...hope can upload more pix soon. yes, abit nia....you can view from my T-Blog..
  21. ya, to paint in that colour to match my gate and also the entire hse's theme lor. ok ok....thanks thanks!
  22. hi hi how much you bought the dining set? very nice leh!
  23. ok...not too bad leh. can PM me the curtain contact? i will likely do roman blinds for the 2 common rooms & dining. then MBR & Living will be full length day & nite curtain. dunno how much it will cost lor.