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Eating In Bedrooms

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Interesting...from no eating in room to dolls to ghosts/spirits.....

I seldom eat in my room, but my free-roaming rabbit eats around the clock in my room! I also have shoes in my room (only a few pairs); I never strike 4D (cos I never buy); and my wife has many stuff toys in cupboards (but no displayed dolls); never cut nails after midnight (why wait till midnight to cut nails in the first place?).

I remember several years ago, there was this shop at the top floor of Centrepoint that sells very human-like dolls. That was one freaky shop that I never went or walked past! Never liked dolls; even those 'black-black' ones that you see selling at Paragon.

And I hate chucky. Yucks!

Hmm, does a teletubby qualify as human-like doll? Can't imagine what/who would want to 'possess' Lala or whatever...


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We always eat **** room .... and yet can strike 4D .... so ? no link for your MIL saying.

My MIL say eat at LR ok, bt strictly not in bedrooms...she says she ever saw a TW FS program at SCV and tis is wat they say.....bt I also c no link.... :rolleyes:

Maybe your MIL just makes up an excuse to stop you from eating in the room so that your food bits doesn't drop and dirty the floor?? :drunk:

I dun tink so la cos she is not a person whom will keep her hse clean and tidy type....

Bt the plm is I eat at my own hse, she also cannot...very funni...luckily we dun stay 2gether....

oh ya my grandma told me this also...actually last time when i was a kid, i got a cut in my ear...very painful...my grandma told me because the night before, i pointed to the moon...next time cannot point at the moon....so now i dun dare to point at the moon also liao... :unsure:

Yaya...I rmb it happen to my younger brother too...my mum and grandmum told him not to point at the moon as it will cut his ear...he is v stubborn and go ahead to point....Haa...get a cut on his ear the very next day...Dunno issit coincidence or really caused by the pointing?? Bt I choose to believe la...

Invite ghost.

Tis is wat I heard too when young.....then when I grows older I bo chap....cut and cut at nite and nothing happens ma....so weird! Dunno wat is the rationale behind!

so the 'invite ghost' is it true or not??

eh then i must contribute also ley here haha... my mum sae cannot put those soft toys in the rooms. must wrap up and throw in store.. so when i was staying w my mum hor, i was not allowed to have soft toys de ley... she sae will invite ghosts.. then the spirit of the ghost will go into the soft toys de...

then when u sleep at nite u not hugging the soft toy but u hugging the 'ghost'.. eeya so creepy rite.. thats my mum lor..

now staying w my hb liao, i just throw out all my soft toys lor... ev nite i also hug my soft toy mah keke

then she also said gers hor cannot have so many pairs of shoes... is bad luck and will 'have small ppl'... xiao ren ah...so when staying w her, im not allowed to buy so many pairs of shoes lor. up to now, i oni have 5 pairs of shoes.. miserable hor? well, im gg to slowly buy and load my shoe cabinet month by month haha

Never heard of the soft toys part before leh...oni c in movies...

Bt I did ever heard tat gals cannot buy too many shoes...Bt I also dun care la....how to avoid? Shoes leh....I tink I have 20 over pairs....Mine is not much liao....My friend had 50 over pairs.... !!

but the doll part quite true loh

i got a gf whose doll called her 'mama' in the middle of the night leh

then they got to get someone to exorcise the doll !!

so now she stays far far away from dolls or nin-gyo

Eeeeee......scary man!

All these hear-say hear-say nia lah...if cannot put soft toys in the room, means also cannot have pillow, mattress, bolsters...all those soft soft things...like that everybody has to slp on the floor...cos wait midnight skali the pillow and bolster wake up and chat among themselves... :notti:

Air....u so funni...always hv interesting inputs to make us laff.... !!

Bt true lor....skalli the mattress will wake up too and say he is the "Lao Da' n ask all the pillows, bolsters and soft toys to SHUT UP..... :notti::( !!

not so much soft things, but more of nin-gyo 人形

so dolls and figurines are not recommended to be in the room

coz when we sleep our qi is weaker than usual

all these learn a bit here and there from friends, FS guy and those temple pple :good:

Heng I dun like to hug soft toys when I slp...oni bolsters nia...Bt I like to display soft toys in the rooms and LR....a bit here and there...wonder whether they will talk to each other at nite or not?

I also hope this is not true. But one of my fren, a very close one. her life hasn't really been smooth, in terms of work, love life & academic wise. All these put together, it's actually quite hard to achieve something. So there was this time, where one of her fren bring her to this medium to change her luck.

They will actually communicate to some beings, to find out why u are suffering. Some is because of the house, some is because of something the family have done etc etc.

For her, the medium said she has too many pairs of shoes lying in her house, and she don't wear them. That's why her road in life is not smooth, alot of xiao-ren & obstacles.

True enough leh, my friend is a shoe-freak. Fifty over pairs of shoes in her house. How to wear it often when you have only one pair of feet, and fifty over pairs of shoes? wearing one each day, enough to last you ALMOST TWO MONTHS!

i also quite believe in this. On my 20th birthday, my Aunt bought me a very beautiful doll from London, those classic one with full pom-pom dress & curly hair. I find her too real & beautiful, creeps me out. Nonetheless, I put her in one of my cabinet. My dog always bark at her in the middle of the night. Not the usual short one, is those **** fierce one. And her hair will stand up. This continued for a few nights, until my mum got scare. Put a piece of red paper over her face, apologize to her that our house is not the place for her. The next day, take her to a temple & put it under the tree.

Everything peaceful from then on. Only my Aunt is pissed, cos she said that doll cost her almost SG$100, as it is in pounds. She claimed that we should have given it back to her if we don't appreciate it. But i think the doll's best place is still the temple. God knows what's inside man...

Wah...yr doll raise my goosebumps man....so scary.....

I tink dolls lok more scary ba...bt not cartoon characters like care bears, smurfs, my melody.......


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My MIL say eat at LR ok, bt strictly not in bedrooms...she says she ever saw a TW FS program at SCV and tis is wat they say.....bt I also c no link.... :notti:

dun believe too much on thos FS auntie and uncle mention in the TV ..especially from FLS and Taiwan / Hong Kong or even China .. too many cheater and commerical FS ppl trying to make a name thru TV.


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dun believe too much on thos FS auntie and uncle mention in the TV ..especially from FLS and Taiwan / Hong Kong or even China .. too many cheater and commerical FS ppl trying to make a name thru TV.

Ic Ic....thanks bro Ahnah....guess oni trust u and Bro Mace ba.....

So in future I got anything to ask, u 2 must help me hor...

Gam Sia in advance..... :dunno:


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Ic Ic....thanks bro Ahnah....guess oni trust u and Bro Mace ba.....

So in future I got anything to ask, u 2 must help me hor...

Gam Sia in advance..... :thumbs up:

u r most welcome. I try my best to help.


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