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Hi genwin, no worries.... the defects check should not last more than half an hour.... :unsure:

mine was checked in 15minutes, but rectifications to be carried out after CNY too..

hope the colour of the tiles matches, if the colour difference is huge, will seriously consider my options sigh...

the inspector mention that they do have ex stock for the living and shelter, but the tiles for both of the toliets might be abit darker. therefore i am praying for the best.. :dribble:

Hasany bros her changed their tiles for the bathrooms.. Any pics to share would be great! :dribble:


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Hey ppl, if contractor (I hv decided the one I engage is not a ID) delay their schedule can we deduct their payment ? Mine delayed for more than a week and scr** up all my planning including my daughter's first bd party, can I deduct money or not ? Any comment ?


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mine was checked in 15minutes, but rectifications to be carried out after CNY too..

hope the colour of the tiles matches, if the colour difference is huge, will seriously consider my options sigh...

the inspector mention that they do have ex stock for the living and shelter, but the tiles for both of the toliets might be abit darker. therefore i am praying for the best.. :)

Hasany bros her changed their tiles for the bathrooms.. Any pics to share would be great! :D

hi sonner13, the color will be quite different as the tone of the new tiles are more bright wherelse our present tiles are much much darker.. if the defect of the tiles are not really very obvious i advise you not to change. I had changed 2 tiles and now it looked so orbit.... :yamseng:

Hey ppl, if contractor (I hv decided the one I engage is not a ID) delay their schedule can we deduct their payment ? Mine delayed for more than a week and scr** up all my planning including my daughter's first bd party, can I deduct money or not ? Any comment ?

Hey Amoyz, if you are fierce enough, you can somehow demand some 'compensation' from them, of cos it will be good to get some deduction of the payment but if cant, you can request for freebies i suppose. :D


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Ya lor.............not cheap not cheap...........but depends on yourself ba

Welcome! which block are you at?

Good luck for your defects checking :yamseng:

Welcome!! Submitted your defects already?

Yap Yap , submitted my defect list liao.


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cknooyin~ i din change my timber skirting to titles lei. instead i changed away the timber skirtnig which hdb provides to the same colour tone as my platform.

I see.....btw den just to check with you ah, will your contractor seal up the bottom part of the skirting where the timber skirting meets the tile flooring? Cause am concerned that if it ain't sealed up, next time insects or ants still can get inside leh. :jawdrop:

haha i also duno hw to play lor. ok ok i make sure i go buy comfortable chair for our mahjong session. hey make sure my hse ready liao u all must come hor. dun put my aeroplane. :yamseng:

o ya seems like someone is also doing his reno on the same date as me hor. is it spinball? hey any idea on the sound proof things huh? x anot?

Sound proofing very ex de leh.........but y u wanna do that leh? heehee prepared to have a disco party in your house ah? hahaha!! mahchiam like casino liao, mahjong room on the left, disco the right. Eh, got spa and jacuzzi ma? :notti:

Hey peeps,

the town council / hdb pple r coming down my house tmr to do the defects check. Do you know if it will take long? they coming at ard 4pm. i do hope its a fast one.

and do you guys know how long they come back to rectify the defects? i had checked with them this morning, and they said most likely after CNY.... :yamseng: sigh.. this will further delay my reno... :(

hope to finish reno by Apr... :D

yea...i believe it will be CNY cause not much days left before CNY liao. At the same time, i think most of them will be going back to M'sia starting next week. I also tmr morning meeting them.........problem is i only got 2 tiles to change and 1 parquet only...........hopefully they can make it fast fast for me.........i mean.......it's should be quite fast one right?

i think those which i can do e.g. grouting i think i do myself better.........nicer and no need to wait for them :(

Yap Yap , submitted my defect list liao.

Great! When is your inspection date?

Btw peeps, got good news for all of you! Just checked with BSC and they are extended to end may. :) Heng ah, tot next time got problem need to go to Town Council. heehee


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Hey Amoyz, if you are fierce enough, you can somehow demand some 'compensation' from them, of cos it will be good to get some deduction of the payment but if cant, you can request for freebies i suppose. :yamseng:

hey doit, I am not fierce leh else he wont dare to do this to me right ? Anyone want to accompanied me to go bang table get some compensation ?!? I can buy dinner using the savings rather than giving to them right or not ?


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amoyz ~ i also nt very fierece one la but when if my plan is being ruined then i die die will complain one. I make sure they compensate me. Write a formal complaint letter to them and if the contractor nt going to do something then write to his head lor.At least he should do something to compensate u ma.

ckoonyin ~ i m nt sure if they can seal the skirting anot. maybe u try asking them see what they said. cos me already pay the money to get them change liao so din bother to ask hdb to seal.

spinball~ o ya hor... wow our initial dr opening same date now reno also same date lolx. for the renovation, i checked with my feng shui master le. he said we have to carry out the Dong Tu on an auspicious date. After the dong tu, the reno have to carry out within 2 weeks. So now master is checking on the auspicious date for us lor.

sonner13 ~ hdb said will change the toilets tiles for u? aiyo my toilet tiles very jialiat. all hollow. told them but they said is not hollow so dun need to change. sigh.

By the way, HDB already come up to my flat and do the defects liao. Think was a week ago suppose nw should finish le ba.. maybe will drop by tomorrow or what to see see.

Spinball ~ ya lor going to do sound proof for my mahjong room if not then living room. cos worried later disturb u ma since ours unit seems so near although is different block. if nt will be living room cos when sometime i jio my gfs to have ktv session dun wanna disturb others also ma. thats y. finally found one doing sound proof. they said like $500 to do that room.

Edited by missysg

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hmm... actually I never see if Feb 15 is an auspicious date or not wor, hehe.. I just like the date... now think I got to re-look at that date liao... see if auspicious or not... :yamseng:

spinball~ o ya hor... wow our initial dr opening same date now reno also same date lolx. for the renovation, i checked with my feng shui master le. he said we have to carry out the Dong Tu on an auspicious date. After the dong tu, the reno have to carry out within 2 weeks. So now master is checking on the auspicious date for us lor.

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eh?! start reno also need to see good date or not ah?

eh...........where or how to see ah? heehee

Cause mine is prob starting on 15/02/08 also leh


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hi sonner13, the color will be quite different as the tone of the new tiles are more bright wherelse our present tiles are much much darker.. if the defect of the tiles are not really very obvious i advise you not to change. I had changed 2 tiles and now it looked so orbit.... :furious:

Hey Amoyz, if you are fierce enough, you can somehow demand some 'compensation' from them, of cos it will be good to get some deduction of the payment but if cant, you can request for freebies i suppose. :)

Hi doit,

i am still thinking to change anot... :seeya: will have to discuss with my wife, coz if she doesn't like it then i will shelf the idea of changing the tiles.... :)


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Great! When is your inspection date?

Btw peeps, got good news for all of you! Just checked with BSC and they are extended to end may. :furious: Heng ah, tot next time got problem need to go to Town Council. heehee

inspection done last week liao , they say will do it for us after cny.

we din check for hollow tiles , instead we're more to the tiles "colour tones" in our living & dining area.

Edited by diyo_989

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looks like its gona hv alot of "happening" gg on after cny hor... :notti: i mean RENOVATION lar... !!

Yes everything will happen after CNY. sigh.. I met them just now and they say defects can only be done after 5th day of CNY and takes abt 2 weeks! :notti:

Suay suay just now the lift spoil. lucky me walk down not climb up...hahaha

Missysg >> did u submit your house keys to the BSC for the rectifications of the defects? all your house keys? or just a padlock key?


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Yes everything will happen after CNY. sigh.. I met them just now and they say defects can only be done after 5th day of CNY and takes abt 2 weeks! :notti:

Suay suay just now the lift spoil. lucky me walk down not climb up...hahaha

Missysg >> did u submit your house keys to the BSC for the rectifications of the defects? all your house keys? or just a padlock key?

Is that your 1st defects submission and got lots to do ma? Cuase i only got 3 items and if wanna wait for so long and reno get delayed..........sob sob..... :notti:


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Genwin... padlock key is enough... no need any house keys... :notti:

Yes everything will happen after CNY. sigh.. I met them just now and they say defects can only be done after 5th day of CNY and takes abt 2 weeks! :notti:

Suay suay just now the lift spoil. lucky me walk down not climb up...hahaha

Missysg >> did u submit your house keys to the BSC for the rectifications of the defects? all your house keys? or just a padlock key?


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