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Confused! All Give Different Reading!

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pardon me as i'm a noob in fs but still need the experts help here.

my kua is 3 and i'm supposed to be the "east" person where my directions are north, south, est, southeast. so my question is the direction mentioned is the direction i should FACE TO or the direction i should FACE FROM?

eg should i face south or should i face from south?

advice pls! thanks! :sport-smiley-004:

For 38 sty, fengshui may not help much as your hse is so high up from the ground. Tien Di Ren and Di cannot help. May be good thing as now you depend on yourself and bad fengshui also will not affect you. FS master will not tell you if not there will be no business.




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Fresh grad become Director of Sales... please please tell me the company name, don't waste time, I wanna apply :dribble:

I learnt fs from many masters and all provide different assumptions even thought the theory is more or less the same . Actually, for high rise, forget about fs as in the past in China where fs started , the old books did not explain how to fs the high rise. So, different masters have different practice and based on empirical datas to determine if it is effective.

Maybe your luck have started to go down and nothing to do with your hse. You can check your Bazi which is more accurate to tell you your career luck . At least for this art, most of the FSM still agree to the assumptions.




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Hi everyone, tis is my 1st post s I m new 2 tis forum. After reading most of the postings regarding FS, I would like 2 share my experience here.

In 1996, I got my 1st new small 4 rm flat n engage a FSM. Tis so call "FSM" is jus a nun from a monastary which my rich uncles always consult. It was simple, ur wealth position there, place ur cupboard here, ur stove there, ur bed head facing there, etc... no drawings no talking abt flying stars, ba zi or watsoever...

For the next 5 years, WHAM!!! Everything jus went my way, from a sales executive in an American company, in 5 yrs, I was promoted 2 Regional Director of Sales drawing 5 figures a mth. So s a normal s'porean, wealth comes 2gether wif greed n wanting 2 show off. Sold off the 4 rm flat n bought a 7 figure Duplex Penthouse Condo. I tied looking 4 the nun again but was told nobody could contact her anymore, she had jus went mia...

Therefore, after doing sum research n being an idiot, got attracted by sum self proclaimed fancy advertisement by a local female FSM, claiming she is the "xxxxx of FS". From a T.V. program interview done on her, it shows tat she stays in a semi D. 1st thing she comes into my new Penthouse, she said, "actly hor, stay in apartment or houses tat got few stories 1 no good u knw..." I was like har?? She con't, " bcoz everyday u hav 2 walk up n down the house, means ur luck always up & down" Har?? O.k. I went ahead wif her recommendation on how 2 renovate my place. Move in afterwards, n here is wat happen.

1st yr, U.S. head office was acquired, I was demoted 2 Local Sales & Marketing Manager. Salary still the same, power gone, job more. I con't working hard, breaking record sales 4 the new owner. By yr end, new boss suddenly told me they can't con't 2 giv me profit share anymore, paid my last yr profit share n only paid me 13 mth AWS.

2nd yr, company employed a fresh graduate wif no bloody experience 2 become Director of Sales, put me under him. Tell me 2 hand over all my documents 2 him 2 study. At the same time, a headhunting company gave me an offer 2 move 2 1 of my competitor resuming my position s Regional Director. I resigned n joined my competitor.

3rd yr, competitor company got bought over by my previous company. ****! The fresh grad gave me **** from than on, n made me retrench all my staff. I felt terrible. From than on, I knw I was fighting a losing battle.

4th yr, finally my D day arrived. I blewed up on the fresh grad, after tolerating him 4 so long, throwing me wif all the work n he claiming all the credits. I was fired by him rite there n than.

Tis short story of mine from the 4th yr til now had been 3 yrs alrdy. I m still down on my luck n sold my penthouse at a lost rite b4 the property market started 2 pick up again. O.k. now 4 the ain FS thing...

After moving into the new place access by the " xxxxx of FS", I still maintain it until the end of 2nd yr when I tot sumthing mus b wrong. From the end of 2nd yr til the end of 4th yr, I had consulted not more than 3 FSM, renovated my place at least twice, bought thousands worth of so call FS items...nothing turn 4 the better, it got worst.

Now this is the best part, my dear friends, note... All 4 FSM (including the "xxxxx of FS"), all pretty well known gave me reports tat r different!!! How can it be???!!! Wat I meant by different is, my auspicious direction, my lucky colour, my lucky number, etc...all shows differences....

I m lucky enough tat I m still surviving now. 2 me now, s long s I hav enough 2 raise my 2 kids, 3 meals eat full full, family all healthy n happy, enough.... I still believe in FS...but until the day when sum1 can tell me or I can find out y the differences in all their readings, I wil still b confuse....

Hi lexus,

Do you mean the word "Queen"?

Anyway, there's many possibilty to your bad luck

1) Bazi or Zi Wei Dou Shu luck cycle change

2) You could have picked a bad fengshui penthouse.

3) It could also have been yourself mismanage

4) it could also be the Fengshui master not good

But of course, I am not ruling out the 4th choice. But from the way she tell u abt the luck up and down due to staircase, seems questionable.


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Hi everyone, tis is my 1st post s I m new 2 tis forum. After reading most of the postings regarding FS, I would like 2 share my experience here.

In 1996, I got my 1st new small 4 rm flat n engage a FSM. Tis so call "FSM" is jus a nun from a monastary which my rich uncles always consult. It was simple, ur wealth position there, place ur cupboard here, ur stove there, ur bed head facing there, etc... no drawings no talking abt flying stars, ba zi or watsoever...

For the next 5 years, WHAM!!! Everything jus went my way, from a sales executive in an American company, in 5 yrs, I was promoted 2 Regional Director of Sales drawing 5 figures a mth. So s a normal s'porean, wealth comes 2gether wif greed n wanting 2 show off. Sold off the 4 rm flat n bought a 7 figure Duplex Penthouse Condo. I tied looking 4 the nun again but was told nobody could contact her anymore, she had jus went mia...

Therefore, after doing sum research n being an idiot, got attracted by sum self proclaimed fancy advertisement by a local female FSM, claiming she is the "xxxxx of FS". From a T.V. program interview done on her, it shows tat she stays in a semi D. 1st thing she comes into my new Penthouse, she said, "actly hor, stay in apartment or houses tat got few stories 1 no good u knw..." I was like har?? She con't, " bcoz everyday u hav 2 walk up n down the house, means ur luck always up & down" Har?? O.k. I went ahead wif her recommendation on how 2 renovate my place. Move in afterwards, n here is wat happen.

1st yr, U.S. head office was acquired, I was demoted 2 Local Sales & Marketing Manager. Salary still the same, power gone, job more. I con't working hard, breaking record sales 4 the new owner. By yr end, new boss suddenly told me they can't con't 2 giv me profit share anymore, paid my last yr profit share n only paid me 13 mth AWS.

2nd yr, company employed a fresh graduate wif no bloody experience 2 become Director of Sales, put me under him. Tell me 2 hand over all my documents 2 him 2 study. At the same time, a headhunting company gave me an offer 2 move 2 1 of my competitor resuming my position s Regional Director. I resigned n joined my competitor.

3rd yr, competitor company got bought over by my previous company. ****! The fresh grad gave me **** from than on, n made me retrench all my staff. I felt terrible. From than on, I knw I was fighting a losing battle.

4th yr, finally my D day arrived. I blewed up on the fresh grad, after tolerating him 4 so long, throwing me wif all the work n he claiming all the credits. I was fired by him rite there n than.

Tis short story of mine from the 4th yr til now had been 3 yrs alrdy. I m still down on my luck n sold my penthouse at a lost rite b4 the property market started 2 pick up again. O.k. now 4 the ain FS thing...

After moving into the new place access by the " xxxxx of FS", I still maintain it until the end of 2nd yr when I tot sumthing mus b wrong. From the end of 2nd yr til the end of 4th yr, I had consulted not more than 3 FSM, renovated my place at least twice, bought thousands worth of so call FS items...nothing turn 4 the better, it got worst.

Now this is the best part, my dear friends, note... All 4 FSM (including the "xxxxx of FS"), all pretty well known gave me reports tat r different!!! How can it be???!!! Wat I meant by different is, my auspicious direction, my lucky colour, my lucky number, etc...all shows differences....

I m lucky enough tat I m still surviving now. 2 me now, s long s I hav enough 2 raise my 2 kids, 3 meals eat full full, family all healthy n happy, enough.... I still believe in FS...but until the day when sum1 can tell me or I can find out y the differences in all their readings, I wil still b confuse....

I've consulted 1 fsm 2 times in the past 5 yrs before renovating.

1st time, I really had a 180 degrees change of luck. like strick $D, always pick up $ from the floor. That when I start to believe in fs.

But the 2nd time I moved to a new place, the same fsm gave me totally different advice, different colors, direction (I did not ask him y so different from last time, just want to c what turns out this time). he kept on saying that fsm have to keep on upgrading themselves, blar......

So if bad lucks fail for me, I'm going to follow his 1st time advice which brings me better luck.

Will update how my luck turns out after renovation.

Stay strong!


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For 38 sty, fengshui may not help much as your hse is so high up from the ground. Tien Di Ren and Di cannot help. May be good thing as now you depend on yourself and bad fengshui also will not affect you. FS master will not tell you if not there will be no business.



Hi geomic,

I guess you are practising? Read your blog and appreciate the exposure you are trying to give FengShui.

However, I a, sorry to disagree with you on above. What is Yin? What is Yang? You would know the answer if you look at the relations of Sun, Moon and Earth. What is 5 elements? You would know the answer if you would look at the influence of 28 constellations and the other planets within our Solar system. Hence, people who trivialise FengShui with symbolic crystals, plants, mirrors etc really dunno what they are talking about.

Is FengShui only confine to low rise buildings? Definitely not. Qi moves in all directions. Hence, there are horizonal AND vertical Qi. In the major cities of this world like New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo, Seoul and even Singapore, we have multi-millionaires living in very high-rise buildings. (As much as we have poor people living in high-rise public housing.) They can be on 100th floor and still be influenced by FengShui. The simple looking Tai Ji diagram if well understood can explained this adequately.

Qi can be explained as a function and summation of RELATIVE influence from gravitational pull, bio-rhythm motion, time and space. The ancient sages observed celestial objects' influence to nature and human before amassing collective wisdom in the principles of Yin & Yang 5 Elements.




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pardon me as i'm a noob in fs but still need the experts help here.

my kua is 3 and i'm supposed to be the "east" person where my directions are north, south, est, southeast. so my question is the direction mentioned is the direction i should FACE TO or the direction i should FACE FROM?

eg should i face south or should i face from south?

advice pls! thanks! :sport-smiley-004:

Hi mi lOr, you should be sitting and looking at the south direction.


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many ppl. cos got more money and will want to change a bigger or a more comfortable lifestyle

if for me, i will not shift house, if really want, will get another one.

can say that i am someone who is very giah-si, i will stick to this house which will bring me luck etc....

when i first told my colleague, cos she said she wanted to shift house.

the very first question to her was: do you feel that your life is getting better and better, no big hoohaa, everything seems quite smooth going?

she said, yes.

my advise to her is, don move.

cos, its not easy to get a house which will do your whole family good de loh... if you got extra money don know how to spend, buy some property if you want loh... you can some tiime go there overnight, or for short stay or simply rent out etc etc....

oh ya..

i am also very confused regarding the facing and sitting directions.

do we, read the facing directions,

from the wall which has the most windows/opening and the area which got most movements de,


just simply from inside the house looking out the main door....


from outside the door looking into the house?

im very stupid in getting the right directions.

thank you ALL...


I've consulted 1 fsm 2 times in the past 5 yrs before renovating.

1st time, I really had a 180 degrees change of luck. like strick $D, always pick up $ from the floor. That when I start to believe in fs.

But the 2nd time I moved to a new place, the same fsm gave me totally different advice, different colors, direction (I did not ask him y so different from last time, just want to c what turns out this time). he kept on saying that fsm have to keep on upgrading themselves, blar......

So if bad lucks fail for me, I'm going to follow his 1st time advice which brings me better luck.

Will update how my luck turns out after renovation.

Stay strong!

maybe the diff are due to the location and the building's year ba?

alsot he facing and sitting positions too...

don think there will be exactly same fengshui reading for the house de.

these are what i think la....

although most of the time my thinking isnt correct... =X

Edited by X.H.LI

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when i first told my colleague, cos she said she wanted to shift house.

the very first question to her was: do you feel that your life is getting better and better, no big hoohaa, everything seems quite smooth going?

she said, yes.

my advise to her is, don move.

cos, its not easy to get a house which will do your whole family good de loh... if you got extra money don know how to spend, buy some property if you want loh... you can some tiime go there overnight, or for short stay or simply rent out etc etc....

your good observation and experience made you wise.

a good house will continue to be good as long as there is no change inside and outside.

but then people luck will change, when you are in bad luck you will try thousand reasons to shift out of good house.


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Every property at certain times will be very bad or very good. Every property at certain times will have negative and positive stars at the Main door. Flying Stars change position every year, month, day and hours.

In that sense, nothing is truely forever or permanent when it comes to Feng Shui.

The last major change was in 2004 when we move from Period Seven to Period Eight (once every 20 years)


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