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Wishing Elephant - Fengshui

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Is there any case where there is no effect? Coz i'm also thinking of buying one but afraid that there is no effect leh.

You can read through their evidences, my friend told me that is only few of feedback, still have many many evidence not yet ready,

they will working on that and will be upload once is ready.

As i see, only SGD388, very worth to try and believe, if you refer to the cleansing event photos, none of other fengshui can prove as it.


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probably worth a try.

Ya, you can feedback your evidence to them and they may public it to their webside, also you can recommend in this forum,

good thing must share to those need help right ? :)


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Hi sqmichael,

but what assurance do we have that the wishing elephant would definitely work? what if it doesnt work at all? do we get a refund?

where does the elephant come from? is it thailand or ?? and are there spirits inside or ?

cos i dun understand why wud a simple elephant work? i mean it cud be a tiger, cow or anything but what is so special abt the elephant? sorry for the ignorance, it's just that i dun understand the theory behind it.

photos or testimonials from a website cannot be held as definite proof or evidence that it works cos a website is owned by a website owner, unless it is widely heard about or discussed openly or something like that.

No offence meant but just want to hear more opinions or reviews or perhaps you have some experiences to share?



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Hi sqmichael,

but what assurance do we have that the wishing elephant would definitely work? what if it doesnt work at all? do we get a refund?

where does the elephant come from? is it thailand or ?? and are there spirits inside or ?

cos i dun understand why wud a simple elephant work? i mean it cud be a tiger, cow or anything but what is so special abt the elephant? sorry for the ignorance, it's just that i dun understand the theory behind it.

photos or testimonials from a website cannot be held as definite proof or evidence that it works cos a website is owned by a website owner, unless it is widely heard about or discussed openly or something like that.

No offence meant but just want to hear more opinions or reviews or perhaps you have some experiences to share?


Hi babyangel11,

Actually is the same thing we can ask ourself, how do assurance other fengshui would definitely work also? Some more may need to pay more expensive for the try.

For the Wishing Elephant, i think the evidence (from worldwide) is the main point we can trust, I can't see any other fengshui section can proved with real life evidence and showing how the powerfull of the Wishing Elephant's (Only using it water) on the cleansing event. Their website already publishing to international so i don't think those photos can cheat to worldwide if they do not confidence on this Fengshui product.

I suggest you read through detail on their website (Why is elephant and not cow or tiger?) or email (wishingelephant@8ways.org) or call them if you need to know more about them, i saw they have main distributor contact in Singapore, you can try to call them.


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Hi babyangel11,

Actually is the same thing we can ask ourself, how do assurance other fengshui would definitely work also? Some more may need to pay more expensive for the try.

For the Wishing Elephant, i think the evidence (from worldwide) is the main point we can trust, I can't see any other fengshui section can proved with real life evidence and showing how the powerfull of the Wishing Elephant's (Only using it water) on the cleansing event. Their website already publishing to international so i don't think those photos can cheat to worldwide if they do not confidence on this Fengshui product.

I suggest you read through detail on their website (Why is elephant and not cow or tiger?) or email (wishingelephant@8ways.org) or call them if you need to know more about them, i saw they have main distributor contact in Singapore, you can try to call them.

Hi sgmichael,

thanks for sharing.

I still dun understand how just a wishing elephant would work wonders - cud you share your experiences? have you bought and used one yourself and how do you tell that it works? And if it helps, in wat ways has it help you? Even for fengshui or geomancers, one's works may work for one but it may not necessarily work for all people. That's why we often hear how a geomancer has helped someone n when another person engages the same geomancer, he may find that it does not work for him. This is common and nothing is guarantee in life.

Cos i hv also not read in newspaper esp national newspaper like Straits Times or int'l papers of such a wonderful thing like the wishing elephant that works. Cos if there is new discovery of something, i believe the media would talk about it. Cud you advise what is it about the elephant inside that makes it work? Has it been blessed or ?

Just curious, are you also one of the owners of the elephant?

i guess we need to hear or read more feedback here from other people.



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Just got my Elephant yesterday. And Giving it a 8 min bathe. Later then post it in my t-blog.

Hi Alan26,

cud you share your experiences about the elephant?



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Hi sgmichael,

thanks for sharing.

I still dun understand how just a wishing elephant would work wonders - cud you share your experiences? have you bought and used one yourself and how do you tell that it works? And if it helps, in wat ways has it help you? Even for fengshui or geomancers, one's works may work for one but it may not necessarily work for all people. That's why we often hear how a geomancer has helped someone n when another person engages the same geomancer, he may find that it does not work for him. This is common and nothing is guarantee in life.

Cos i hv also not read in newspaper esp national newspaper like Straits Times or int'l papers of such a wonderful thing like the wishing elephant that works. Cos if there is new discovery of something, i believe the media would talk about it. Cud you advise what is it about the elephant inside that makes it work? Has it been blessed or ?

Just curious, are you also one of the owners of the elephant?

i guess we need to hear or read more feedback here from other people.


Hi babyangel11,

Currently I’m still not yet the owner but may be soon :)

Few of my friends is the owner and their feedback is positive in different effect, my friend recommend to call the distributor, they are welcome anyone to call them to ask anything about this Wishing Elephant, they also can meet you up face to face for the explanation, they can tell you in detail where it come from and how it can help you in any wishes and problems you are facing, this is why it unique and not like other fengshui just suitable for some people or some condition.

I think very difficult to explain and write a long story at here, I suggest you call them or make appointment to meet up with them to fulfill your curious.

Alan26 is the first person as the owner at this forum , I believe he should know some info what all about on this Wishing Elephant, maybe he can share what to make him believe and try it.


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Hi Alan26,

cud you share your experiences about the elephant?


Hi babyangel,

I juz own my wishing elephant in less than a week leh. Actually i thought of putting it on the shoe rack but after that i change my mind and put it

on my dining table instead. But the distributor told me to keep that area of the wishing elephant clean. (Before having my wishing elephant, my dining table is in a mess. At least it looks neater now.)

I end up asking the distributor a lot of question. like where is it from, how does it works..etc. I was told that it was design by the founder Telamaha. But hand-made from various country(i didn't probe further)

From what i know thru the distributor, there are steps to follow also:

1) On the 1st day of receiving the wishing elephant - need to cleanse it with tap water flowing onto it's body for 5-10min (i also heart pain on the PUB bill.)

- According to the distributor said, The 1st cleanse would activate it.(I think she meant by activating the spiritual power

2) For the 1st week, need to cleanse once everyday using tap water for a while (less than 1 min will do).

- After activating it, it would start to do his job. The wishing elephant would use it trunk to suck up all the good and bad luck/Qi of the house and owner. Then store the good one in the box below it, the bad one in it's stomach. So when doing cleansing, it would be let out into the drain. (i also dunno how, maybe like pang sai like that ba). The good one would be use in helping the owner. Eg. improving their health, improve work, improve luck..

3) Then after that cleanse once a week for 1 month.

(During the 1st week there would probably be a lot of good and bad luck/Qi distribution going on, by the second week, i presume there won't be much bad luck/Qi in the house going on. So the cleansing can be done once a week.)

4)Follow by cleanse once a month for a year, the distributor say it's up to me (I'll think i would stick to cleanse once or twice a week)

If you ask me why i buy the wishing elephant , what makes me believe? Of course I'm skeptical at 1st too, as i read thru all the testimonial. I starts to

ponder so i went google to make a search for any negative feedback and scams all sorta stuffs. As long as i could find one thread/site i could proof my skeptical but sad to say after hours of search still can't find any negative feedback. So end up buying it to try try, some things you never try you never know.

Edited by alan26

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Hi babyangel,

I juz own my wishing elephant in less than a week leh. Actually i thought of putting it on the shoe rack but after that i change my mind and put it

on my dining table instead. But the distributor told me to keep that area of the wishing elephant clean. (Before having my wishing elephant, my dining table is in a mess. At least it looks neater now.)

I end up asking the distributor a lot of question. like where is it from, how does it works..etc. I was told that it was design by the founder Telamaha. But hand-made from various country(i didn't probe further)

From what i know thru the distributor, there are steps to follow also:

1) On the 1st day of receiving the wishing elephant - need to cleanse it with tap water flowing onto it's body for 5-10min (i also heart pain on the PUB bill.)

- According to the distributor said, The 1st cleanse would activate it.(I think she meant by activating the spiritual power

2) For the 1st week, need to cleanse once everyday using tap water for a while (less than 1 min will do).

- After activating it, it would start to do his job. The wishing elephant would use it trunk to suck up all the good and bad luck/Qi of the house and owner. Then store the good one in the box below it, the bad one in it's stomach. So when doing cleansing, it would be let out into the drain. (i also dunno how, maybe like pang sai like that ba). The good one would be use in helping the owner. Eg. improving their health, improve work, improve luck..

3) Then after that cleanse once a week for 1 month.

(During the 1st week there would probably be a lot of good and bad luck/Qi distribution going on, by the second week, i presume there won't be much bad luck/Qi in the house going on. So the cleansing can be done once a week.)

4)Follow by cleanse once a month for a year, the distributor say it's up to me (I'll think i would stick to cleanse once or twice a week)

If you ask me why i buy the wishing elephant , what makes me believe? Of course I'm skeptical at 1st too, as i read thru all the testimonial. I starts to

ponder so i went google to make a search for any negative feedback and scams all sorta stuffs. As long as i could find one thread/site i could proof my skeptical but sad to say after hours of search still can't find any negative feedback. So end up buying it to try try, some things you never try you never know.

Hi Alan26,

Thanks so much for sharing.

Could you keep us updated on the use of the elephant such as whether there were really any good results or some bad effects or neutral after using it?

I suppose some of the readers here would be interested to know also.

Keep us posted!



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Then i think i post my wishing elephant picture here 1st. Then Slowly update the thread


Wishing Elephant bath


Edited by alan26

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Then i think i post my wishing elephant picture here 1st. Then Slowly update the thread


Wishing Elephant bath


very interesting. in this recession period. fengshui company definitely is ringing bells.

this wishing elephant is very interesting item too.


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