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posting more than u is because we talk crap more than u lah...does not equal to me being more knowledgeable :rolleyes:

i have been planning early liao, bo bian, kiasu blood.. :D am starting to shop for furnishing and once finalised wif edmund on the reno things then can start shopping for switches, lightings and the other appliances and furniture. Am trying to get keys earlier as seller will give it to me earlier should they be able to shift earlier (which is very likely) so reno may even start before 31 May.

yeah, overlay means whole house overlay which equals to $$$$$.... :( no budget. should change only that 4 pcs unless no choice. edmund will be cracking his brain for me on this. he understands and also encourage us to keep the flooring if we can save them. no point wasting good money, rite?

we know u got do homework one la, if not everyone wun be asking you questions liao lor...haha

planning early is important...like the saying: "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail"


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we know u got do homework one la, if not everyone wun be asking you questions liao lor...haha

planning early is important...like the saying: "if you fail to plan, you plan to fail"

Very profounding indeed.


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england ---> :no::fire::fire::fire::fire::fire:

Chill Sam. I was just teasing you.........the Champion, of course!

Cant wait to see the transformation in your house. I just love the process of a facelift.


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Chill Sam. I was just teasing you.........the Champion, of course!

Cant wait to see the transformation in your house. I just love the process of a facelift.

haha i know lah. i aso am looking forward to seeing the change.. I hv always love to c house transformation so this round of reno got me all excited again.. :D

joseeng, thanks for seeing me so up. like the purpose of RT, we are all here to share! :D

Edited by samgalz

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thanks joseeng :) not so soon yet, IMO. 31 may seems so far away......

shh...better dun say out so loud...or else newbie ask me something i cannot answer how....**** pai sey leh! as mentioned, the info all thru renotalk. jus tat i more thickskin, more kaypoh, more everything so i gather the info and keep a list of it. :D

i still newbie myself ok? not yet even start my reno and u all put such a tall hat on me, later i topple over liao lah!! :D Ang gor should be consider the expert liao cos he finish reno. Nguandi too. El Gor second cos he finishing soon. me newbie lah... :lol:

now already feeling next week **** long. tonite ask hubby when he ok, then i will let edmund know our schedule to arrange to meet-up.

Eh..I not expert leh, I do everything blindly, somemore I still get contact from u loh. wahahha :D

For your crack tiles hor, I got a suggestion, remove all the tiles in that area, cover with sands, then we can play goli there liao. Back to childhood. keke



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cos the crack is due to structural problem lah... outside the unit also crack and seems like hdb ever did rectification but still crack. boss say prob is due to earthquake in summatra and shake the structure so crack??!! :unsure:

not sure leh, but according to a forumner who provided yuen tat's contact, it is cheaper than if u get from the furniture people. she was quoted $300 - 400 for a round top by P&R but yuen tat quoted her $100 - 200, IIRC..

Hi Samgalz,

Been reading thru the forum for awhile looking for solutions to the cracked tiles on the flooring and kinda stumbled upon yours :P I'm happy for you for being able to go thru your 1st appt in a breeze. I had mine a few weeks back on the 6th of apr and currently waiting for my 2nd appt too :-)

Currently i'm looking for renovations ideas from this forum as my unit is in a very odd shape but have yet to start a T-blog yet. Am really looking forward to your renovation journey though and i know how heart aching it is to have cracked tiles on the flooring, especially in the dining area. I have the same problem for my purchased flat as well and its not only at the living room but also at all the 3 bedrooms :( Worst still, i only know about it after the 2nd appt because my seller's agent tried to hide it from us but we were still able to know about it in the end after our seller tried to get to us via the HDB officer.

For the cracked flooring, have your seller reported it to HDB? For my case, there was a leaking issue that occurred during the CNY holidays when they went for their holiday and when they got back, their flat was flooded. Worst still, the neighbour below was also affected as the water from the unit seeped thru the 4 cracks and flooded the unit below as well... by the way, the neighbour also went for holiday and only came back 1 week later to find their whole house flooded and all their stuffs/ furniture and electrical spoiled. It is only after this incident that our seller realized about the severity of the cracks. The owner below even threaten to sue if it occurred again. Maybe you may want to get HDB to check on the structural integrity of the cracks or even with the neighbour below to see if the cracks is serious or not. Mine is definitely serious as the cracks can also be seen at the neighbour's flat below (we went over to check once we know about it). We have complained about it with our HDB officer and is currently waiting for the outcome. I hope it won't delay our completion date as we would really like to start renovating as soon as possible...

Maybe some of the "Reno Guru" here can give some opinion on this? By the way, sorry for "hijacking" your thread. I'll create my own soon :P


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Hi Samgalz,

Been reading thru the forum for awhile looking for solutions to the cracked tiles on the flooring and kinda stumbled upon yours :P I'm happy for you for being able to go thru your 1st appt in a breeze. I had mine a few weeks back on the 6th of apr and currently waiting for my 2nd appt too :-)

Currently i'm looking for renovations ideas from this forum as my unit is in a very odd shape but have yet to start a T-blog yet. Am really looking forward to your renovation journey though and i know how heart aching it is to have cracked tiles on the flooring, especially in the dining area. I have the same problem for my purchased flat as well and its not only at the living room but also at all the 3 bedrooms :( Worst still, i only know about it after the 2nd appt because my seller's agent tried to hide it from us but we were still able to know about it in the end after our seller tried to get to us via the HDB officer.

For the cracked flooring, have your seller reported it to HDB? For my case, there was a leaking issue that occurred during the CNY holidays when they went for their holiday and when they got back, their flat was flooded. Worst still, the neighbour below was also affected as the water from the unit seeped thru the 4 cracks and flooded the unit below as well... by the way, the neighbour also went for holiday and only came back 1 week later to find their whole house flooded and all their stuffs/ furniture and electrical spoiled. It is only after this incident that our seller realized about the severity of the cracks. The owner below even threaten to sue if it occurred again. Maybe you may want to get HDB to check on the structural integrity of the cracks or even with the neighbour below to see if the cracks is serious or not. Mine is definitely serious as the cracks can also be seen at the neighbour's flat below (we went over to check once we know about it). We have complained about it with our HDB officer and is currently waiting for the outcome. I hope it won't delay our completion date as we would really like to start renovating as soon as possible...

Maybe some of the "Reno Guru" here can give some opinion on this? By the way, sorry for "hijacking" your thread. I'll create my own soon :P

Yoyo, u are my neighbour!!! haha

Which blk are u in??

Your case like quite serious wor, can even crack till the below unit??? Looks like the quake has more impact in CCK. keke :P

How abt the unit above yours?? Does it has the same crack??


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I will get a dehumifier rod from allercare which can remove the moisture. smell.....i will hv a door there to separate toilet n WIW. dun think hv the prob bah... *pray*

joseeng stay there, u go teh him to let u go up lor... :D

I dun think platform do-able cos I'm not going to use the same place for dining area.

I think Simon did something like you. WIW covering the toilet entrance. Maybe can ask him how he do it.

shh...better dun say out so loud...or else newbie ask me something i cannot answer how....**** pai sey leh! as mentioned, the info all thru renotalk. jus tat i more thickskin, more kaypoh, more everything so i gather the info and keep a list of it. :D

Not only thick skin. But also snack king inside office. Can use all the office time to surf every single blog inside reno talk!!!! :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:

Anyway, Ah SAm jie jie.....your house actually looks quite OK with its original condition. So, nothing much to complain lar. The crack, I believe is just peanuts. Edmund 100% can settle it lor.

Anyway, waiting for your 3D drawing. Ask him be faster lar! the slower he is, the less business he is going to get from reno-talk! You should let him know that you are the www.asksamgalz.com and people visiting your blog is too many even Google putting your blog in it! The whole Singapore going-to-reno-ppl is waiting for Edmund 3D drawing...not only you! :dancingqueen:


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Not only thick skin. But also snack king inside office. Can use all the office time to surf every single blog inside reno talk!!!! :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:


maybe i should ask someone to pee tonite..... :yeah:

Anyway, Ah SAm jie jie.....your house actually looks quite OK with its original condition. So, nothing much to complain lar. The crack, I believe is just peanuts. Edmund 100% can settle it lor.

Anyway, waiting for your 3D drawing. Ask him be faster lar! the slower he is, the less business he is going to get from reno-talk! You should let him know that you are the www.asksamgalz.com and people visiting your blog is too many even Google putting your blog in it! The whole Singapore going-to-reno-ppl is waiting for Edmund 3D drawing...not only you! :dancingqueen:

slow and steady wins the race lah, reuben didi. anyway, we have set to meet-up on next Fri. so 3D will only be available then :D u have to keep u neck long long here to c it ok? :P

aiya, u wan edmund's 3D go c risis' or jupiter's one lah!

Edited by samgalz

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Hi Samgalz,

Been reading thru the forum for awhile looking for solutions to the cracked tiles on the flooring and kinda stumbled upon yours :P I'm happy for you for being able to go thru your 1st appt in a breeze. I had mine a few weeks back on the 6th of apr and currently waiting for my 2nd appt too :-)

Currently i'm looking for renovations ideas from this forum as my unit is in a very odd shape but have yet to start a T-blog yet. Am really looking forward to your renovation journey though and i know how heart aching it is to have cracked tiles on the flooring, especially in the dining area. I have the same problem for my purchased flat as well and its not only at the living room but also at all the 3 bedrooms :( Worst still, i only know about it after the 2nd appt because my seller's agent tried to hide it from us but we were still able to know about it in the end after our seller tried to get to us via the HDB officer.

For the cracked flooring, have your seller reported it to HDB? For my case, there was a leaking issue that occurred during the CNY holidays when they went for their holiday and when they got back, their flat was flooded. Worst still, the neighbour below was also affected as the water from the unit seeped thru the 4 cracks and flooded the unit below as well... by the way, the neighbour also went for holiday and only came back 1 week later to find their whole house flooded and all their stuffs/ furniture and electrical spoiled. It is only after this incident that our seller realized about the severity of the cracks. The owner below even threaten to sue if it occurred again. Maybe you may want to get HDB to check on the structural integrity of the cracks or even with the neighbour below to see if the cracks is serious or not. Mine is definitely serious as the cracks can also be seen at the neighbour's flat below (we went over to check once we know about it). We have complained about it with our HDB officer and is currently waiting for the outcome. I hope it won't delay our completion date as we would really like to start renovating as soon as possible...

Maybe some of the "Reno Guru" here can give some opinion on this? By the way, sorry for "hijacking" your thread. I'll create my own soon :P

welcome welcome...no prob in hijacking...all welcome to share.

my crack not so serious as urs lah. jus 4 tiles and is jus one line crack each. shall take pic the next time i go up.

seems like not too serious cos i did bring up to edmund whether should i get hdb to come in and rectify and he say not necessary. my friend also say not serious. we dun hv to worry abt downstairs cos we dun hv neighbours below us. our unit below is the walkway to carpark. what i was worried is whether is this going to be safe for us.

we shall wait for edmund's solution on it.

btw, u wan to start reno asap once u get key, then u should be confirming ur contractor or ID soon wor, cos u still hv to confirm design, flooring, laminates etc... will be very rush if u put off to the last min. jus ask angteko.

Edited by samgalz

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Eh..I not expert leh, I do everything blindly, somemore I still get contact from u loh. wahahha :D

For your crack tiles hor, I got a suggestion, remove all the tiles in that area, cover with sands, then we can play goli there liao. Back to childhood. keke


eh u reminded me...how's ur curtain?? why nv give update? :curse:


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Yoyo, u are my neighbour!!! haha

Which blk are u in??

Your case like quite serious wor, can even crack till the below unit??? Looks like the quake has more impact in CCK. keke :P

How abt the unit above yours?? Does it has the same crack??

Hahaha... yup yup.. neighbour i guess... you also live at CCK Cres huh? Mine's at blk 673... whats yours? There are also fine cracks on my dining room ceilings and was informed that there is also water leakage at one of the bedrooms which is near the toilet... Have already complain about all these to HDB... waiting for their reply :(

Edited by whiteoryx

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welcome welcome...no prob in hijacking...all welcome to share.

my crack not so serious as urs lah. jus 4 tiles and is jus one line crack each. shall take pic the next time i go up.

seems like not too serious cos i did bring up to edmund whether should i get hdb to come in and rectify and he say not necessary. my friend also say not serious. we dun hv to worry abt downstairs cos we dun hv neighbours below us. our unit below is the walkway to carpark. what i was worried is whether is this going to be safe for us.

we shall wait for edmund's solution on it.

btw, u wan to start reno asap once u get key, then u should be confirming ur contractor or ID soon wor, cos u still hv to confirm design, flooring, laminates etc... will be very rush if u put off to the last min. jus ask angteko.

:D Thank you then... I'll just hop on this till i create my thread then hehehe...

You're lucky you have your ID there with you and based on his experience, there is no major repair that needs to be done to the cracks. For my case, i dun need to be an ID/ engineer to know that it is a major issue :P It's right there for me to see :(

I can't confirm what i need to do for my place till after the outcome by HDB... Right now, i'm busy planning for my wedding so don't really have time to look for an Id yet :rolleyes: I'm just reading thru the blogs and looking at the beautiful renovated homes as well as shortlisting the ID's that i plan to go to for the quotations. No plans on what i need to do for my place too :D


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