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cannot like tat.. must go out pak tor one mah..

after married then even lesser chance to go out pak tor already.. :unsure:


Pak tor ... singapore so small you not sianz meh ?

why married already cannot pak tor .. .me and regina still pak tor wat ... except no car now is a bit difficult.

ya i saw ur laminate floor pic. is it cos of frequent expansion and contraction of the laminate that's why become like that?

Possible ... but I didn't on the aircon for Altar's Room .. nor it is expose to Strong Sunlight all day long.

What Did That Byron say beside "got warrantly" ?


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cannot like tat.. must go out pak tor one mah..

after married then even lesser chance to go out pak tor already.. ;)


good leh.. still can gang up with mr koi frd's gf to go watch movie.

i can't even remember when was the last time i watch movie and which movie i watched.


ya i saw ur laminate floor pic. is it cos of frequent expansion and contraction of the laminate that's why become like that?

ya i agree...

guys tend to forget that even though married liao, still can go pak tor....

muz gang up, if not, i super duper long nv watch movie leh...

juz watched last Fri... 200 pounds woman something like that (korean)

nice nice.... :deal:


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Pak tor ... singapore so small you not sianz meh ?

why married already cannot pak tor .. .me and regina still pak tor wat ... except no car now is a bit difficult.

Possible ... but I didn't on the aircon for Altar's Room .. nor it is expose to Strong Sunlight all day long.

What Did That Byron say beside "got warrantly" ?

eventhough sg is small but still got alot of things to do and places to go mah..

i only know from lurgee that he say got warranty that's all.. dunno if he got say anything else or not.

u got ask him to help u to fix up or not?

ya i agree...

guys tend to forget that even though married liao, still can go pak tor....

muz gang up, if not, i super duper long nv watch movie leh...

juz watched last Fri... 200 pounds woman something like that (korean)

nice nice.... :unsure:

i want to watch that movie too! heard from so many ppl that it's nice..

but no time to go watch leh... :deal:

saw frm your blog that your rectification got delayed ah..

seemed like the new contractor and the old one also same pattern, take their own time to complete it.


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ya lor...

guess most couple will laze at hm for the first few mths...

then will go out pak tor...


did u call your contractor??

it's dangerous...

maybe lor ... so far ..we only pak tor to Bugis ... Guan Yin temple... hahaaa

not yet called him ....

why dangerous ?


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actually watch movie is expensive ... stay at home watch DVD cheaper ... so more.. u can do anything u wan at home ...not so restricted in the cinema.

Now watch movie not exp Cathay got promotion 1 for 1 for POSB everyday credit card worth it


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Now watch movie not exp Cathay got promotion 1 for 1 for POSB everyday credit card worth it

oh issit? didn't know that. the promo only valid for weekdays?


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someone wanna org movie outing for us neighbours?? i also long time nv go cinema. The last time was w moi cousin to watch Protege...

cathy cineleisure used to have the M1 promo on sundays, but not sure if its still ongoing.

babu >> ur rectification slow ah? my FH gg to the flat to take a look tmr, i bet w him, sure nothing done. Asked him to call the town council to chase... i think minor rectfn too little $ to make, the contractors tak hiew isit?

i also wanna create a blog.. but still struggling. nx time ready show u all :dancingqueen:


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wah, movie topic liao... talking abt it, i oso din watch movie for long time!! common syndrome once ppl gotten flat?? haa..

u guys were talking abt floor laminates earlier... the last time i was so dillema to choose between laminates and tiles... decided the latter bcos it seems to be less problematic... 2 main reasons that stopped me from getting laminates are Warping and Insects.

have been busy at work... only got time to read, no time to post...

just some updates abt my reno progress. received info from tiler worker that there is One mild hollowness at the edge of the tile at 1 of our bedroom, askin us to go back to see the condition, if we wanna re-do tat part. oso told us the cons in advance, that there is potential risk that ther will be unbalance if cut that tile out and re-tile. i feel its thumbs up for him to do that pro-actively as he as a worker can jus go along with the problem, not telling us and wait til we found out and complain...Tiling work willn be completed by tomorrow i believe.


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someone wanna org movie outing for us neighbours?? i also long time nv go cinema. The last time was w moi cousin to watch Protege...

cathy cineleisure used to have the M1 promo on sundays, but not sure if its still ongoing.

babu >> ur rectification slow ah? my FH gg to the flat to take a look tmr, i bet w him, sure nothing done. Asked him to call the town council to chase... i think minor rectfn too little $ to make, the contractors tak hiew isit?

i also wanna create a blog.. but still struggling. nx time ready show u all :notti:

hehehe... maybe next time we can organise movie outing at jurong point. :dancingqueen:

wah, movie topic liao... talking abt it, i oso din watch movie for long time!! common syndrome once ppl gotten flat?? haa..

u guys were talking abt floor laminates earlier... the last time i was so dillema to choose between laminates and tiles... decided the latter bcos it seems to be less problematic... 2 main reasons that stopped me from getting laminates are Warping and Insects.

have been busy at work... only got time to read, no time to post...

just some updates abt my reno progress. received info from tiler worker that there is One mild hollowness at the edge of the tile at 1 of our bedroom, askin us to go back to see the condition, if we wanna re-do tat part. oso told us the cons in advance, that there is potential risk that ther will be unbalance if cut that tile out and re-tile. i feel its thumbs up for him to do that pro-actively as he as a worker can jus go along with the problem, not telling us and wait til we found out and complain...Tiling work willn be completed by tomorrow i believe.

now i also quite worried about the laminate flooring. huh.. wat insects?

Edited by jessi

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went back to the house just now to pack some stuffs that we had placed in the study room during the wkend. cos they going to start doing the laminate flooring tmr so we thought that it's better we keep our stuffs properly in the storeroom first. meanwhile we also took some pics..


materials for our laminate flooring


laminate for our platform bed


laminate for all the bedrooms and study room


acid wash done on living room floor, now can see the actual colour of our floor tiles.

planks of wood for the platform bed are placed against our feature wall.


kitchen view from the svc balcony


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i told lurgee that the half coloured wall for our svc balcony reminded me of my sec school, think somewhere in the school also painted like that. hehehe...


glass window for study room up


tampered glass door for kitchen


MBR toilet showerscreen


Common toilet showerscreen

the shower area for MBR is really small! will feel very cramp to shower inside :dancingqueen:

now both of us feels that it will be nicer to shower in the common toilet.. lol..

we spotted some stuffs that it wasn't done really well so need to inform ID to fix up.


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hehehe... maybe next time we can organise movie outing at jurong point. :)

now i also quite worried about the laminate flooring. huh.. wat insects?

insects like wood ... so real wood laminat will attach insects.


glass window for study room up

nice glass... anything you can be seen from outside . .


tampered glass door for kitchen



MBR toilet showerscreen

Use a tape and measure what is the distance from the wall to the showerscreen. We purposley ask Byron to move the showerscreen ... b4 it started to renovate.


Common toilet showerscreen

the shower area for MBR is really small! will feel very cramp to shower inside !!

now both of us feels that it will be nicer to shower in the common toilet.. lol..

we spotted some stuffs that it wasn't done really well so need to inform ID to fix up.

Err. ... both shower at the same time ? ?


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someone wanna org movie outing for us neighbours?? i also long time nv go cinema. The last time was w moi cousin to watch Protege...

cathy cineleisure used to have the M1 promo on sundays, but not sure if its still ongoing.

babu >> ur rectification slow ah? my FH gg to the flat to take a look tmr, i bet w him, sure nothing done. Asked him to call the town council to chase... i think minor rectfn too little $ to make, the contractors tak hiew isit?

i also wanna create a blog.. but still struggling. nx time ready show u all :)


i tink super slow lor.

given 3 weeks, they only start to take measurement of my vanity top on Monday.

Well, given more than 2 weeks ald. dun tell me they din do it concurrently.

even if they tell me that they need to wait till the wall tiles done up then can measure,

I believe they can do it last week lor. best of all still say, they will do come and take the measurement of

our bedroom doors after our renovation are done so that the door will fix nicely...

So, my rectification will be dragged on for more than 2 mths....

But i muz admit that, they did a good job with all the tiling works (base on what we see)

haven checked for the hallow tiles.

will get my bf to check.


i told lurgee that the half coloured wall for our svc balcony reminded me of my sec school, think somewhere in the school also painted like that. hehehe...


glass window for study room up


tampered glass door for kitchen


MBR toilet showerscreen


Common toilet showerscreen

the shower area for MBR is really small! will feel very cramp to shower inside !!

now both of us feels that it will be nicer to shower in the common toilet.. lol..

we spotted some stuffs that it wasn't done really well so need to inform ID to fix up.

wah so fast....

your ID good good. :notti:


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insects like wood ... so real wood laminat will attach insects.

nice glass... anything you can be seen from outside . .


Use a tape and measure what is the distance from the wall to the showerscreen. We purposley ask Byron to move the showerscreen ... b4 it started to renovate.

Err. ... both shower at the same time ? ?

the glass in study room is clear glass can see on both sides.

too late already.. we didn't realise the mbr shower area so small.

can't tell with just the kerb, now showerscreen up then can feel it's cramp lor..

not both shower at the same time lah.. just 1 person already is cramp liao.. hehehe..


i tink super slow lor.

given 3 weeks, they only start to take measurement of my vanity top on Monday.

Well, given more than 2 weeks ald. dun tell me they din do it concurrently.

even if they tell me that they need to wait till the wall tiles done up then can measure,

I believe they can do it last week lor. best of all still say, they will do come and take the measurement of

our bedroom doors after our renovation are done so that the door will fix nicely...

So, my rectification will be dragged on for more than 2 mths....

But i muz admit that, they did a good job with all the tiling works (base on what we see)

haven checked for the hallow tiles.

will get my bf to check.

wah so fast....

your ID good good. !!

ya progressing quite fast but some stuffs they like never do properly lor..

then need to ask him to fix it.


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