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Important update: Staff from Commercial Entities

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Dear all,

If you are from the commercial sector relating to renovation, we welcome you to provide professional advice and share your expertise here with us. This can also be a great place for you to foster close relationship to your existing customers too :wacko: .

Please refer to the registration details below:

1. Register a user name (preferably your real name or initials)

2. Send an email to administrator@renotalk.com stating your newly registered user name and the company you are from. We will tag you with your company as unverified staff.

3. Scan and email us a copy of ROC to verify your identity and we will title you ‘Verified’.

4. You will not be allowed to send private messages to forum members but feel free to direct your enquiries or requests to administrator@renotalk.com :)

5. A review of your posts will be done every 3 months.

6. Please adhere to the Terms of Use and rules of the forum.

Commercial Advertising(both indirect and direct) and commercial website linking are not permitted in RenoTalk.com forums except in the Industry Panel forums . If you wish to advertise on the site, please email us at advertising@renotalk.com


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