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Everything posted by rdnest

  1. spam spam LOVE ur pull-out mirror from wardrode What a GREAT Idea!!
  2. must must put my admiration in record. u r really good de lor
  3. me just found small fine crack lines on my gal's rm wall & my MBR wall both lines run on the same wall, but on 2 opposite sides. think just appear de, else they should have been covered by paint liao mah
  4. spam spam... Hello neighbour, me got the same layout leh. Yours is so so so happening de lor... sigh... with kiddos, pattern is limited de
  5. hi neighbour, ur reno is looking very well liao...
  6. very swee leh pool table so so so nice to hv...
  7. not expensive too leh! aiya, this Rotten Apple is giving me problem for my sofa... if this sat still not settled, will get my full refund, then me can go Morris liao
  8. so big de lor!! Hope to see ur reno make-over pic soon
  9. totally agree! a big switch of mood by changing the flooring. well done!! oso... love ur sofa. so comfy looking... how much hv u bought it for? does it come in dark chocolate colour?
  10. WOW, designer bath accessories leh... me oso wan... but no $$$
  11. OMG!! U hv gone thru so much! Glad tt it is turning for the better now. Keep us updated, k? Pictures pictures
  12. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    no problem me bought this decal for my MBR wall http://auction1.taobao.com/auction/item_de...6382fd098.jhtml you can search the seller's page from there. Good Luck
  13. spam spam... nice layout! gonna do a major reno?
  14. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    totally agreed. now doing unpacking then realised I have many spree items not used or wear. very addictive, i mean online shopping. now me stop liao cos pocket burn BIG hole liao hahaha...
  15. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    b4 u commit to buy from them, do ask clearly abt the payment mode and final amt (incl EMS freight) usually they need a CHINA bank account to make transfer. if not, will need to arrange direct $$ transfer via Western Union (at a fee of S$20 per tt) But this is very risky since u do not noe the person at all. as for me, I see the rating the seller has earned and the feedback page for any possible complaints. then me oso limit my purchase to certain amount. so even if it is a failed purchase, the involvement is not so big IMHO. me received my items within 3 days oso my chinese writing is not great as well. Me used alot of goggle translate to help out Or a simple way, type taobao spree in search engine. it may lead u to a local blog where they gather orders for local buyers. pay abit of fee to enjoy the breeze of online shopping! that's what I heard of...
  16. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    RMB uses the same sign as e japanese yen in taobao.com, e currency used is yuan ya
  17. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    me type 墙贴 in taobao.com search engine found this link: http://auction1.taobao.com/auction/item_de...9cb620d25.jhtml or the search page: http://search1.taobao.com/browse/0/n-7----...-0.htm#ListView hope it helps
  18. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    tot the exchange rate is abt S$1 to RMB 5.00 So 100 yuan is abt S$20
  19. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    BTW, just managed to WIN the battle against household shelter My storeroom is FINALLY PACKED!!!! I could shed tears of happiness any minute! very kua zhang hor. hahaha... My kitchen glass door is also up. Auntie me oso stick up the door with floral theme. Buay tahan hor. hehehe...
  20. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    hehehe... we at home or not? can ring doorbell, come in sit sit
  21. my carpenter is want contact? see my T-blog for pictures of his work
  22. spam spam... the bedrooms got those 'resort-theme' mood hor
  23. rdnest

    Rd Nest

    little bit of update... still in such a mess. everyday just shut eyes & zzz did some touch-up to my girl's rm and my seahorse diamond mattress is finally here. no side table yet. shall slowly hunt for suitable ones...