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Everything posted by Smallboy

  1. Seems like Uncle is 'sub-bing' out some projects to Alan or Joseph liao. When I spoke to him about my sis's project, he assured me these 2 guys he trust. And anything wrong, Uncle is still around and in charge. He said that if what these 2 guys quoted is too high or not up to your budget, call Uncle to 'tan-tan' (talk-talk). So I hope his Ah Soon 'badge of commitment and quality' is still there. Heard that his projects are all booked till Dec liao. Super star becomes super busy!
  2. Royal Franco 62990453. Ask Henry what time he will be in. I suggest talking to him is more effective.
  3. XBB, Nottimonster, Adrian: Nice meeting all of you too! Adrian and christine, You both look so young to have 2 boys. Wow... very young couple. After every wife visit my kitchen, they sure want BLUM now! hahaha.... then the husband will headache....... Ivy, ya... we just counted last nite... about 10-12 couples came by these last 3 weeks already. And I am sure Uncle sent some, without us knowing..... but that's ok. Next up will be yours.... i will definitely want to see your black and white kitchen. Chio!!!
  4. Oh.. so sorry I told you Royal Franco is open from 1030am...... cos that is the time we went down on Sat. Then another weekday we call them around 10+morning also, they are open.
  5. wow... the tiling looks good. Not easy to tile such a tile cos got to match the circle. You can check out the fan from Royal Franco today too!
  6. Dont worry too much. They may be nice and open for feedback. and if you make friends friends with them first, then talk to them. See how. Maybe at the end of the friendship, no need to go thru town council or any other methods. They may automatic a bit. Hope it works well for you
  7. Fondue, the tall unit is a swing door. I think it will not knock into the frige (I hope, hahaha). But again, move in this sat then will know. PreciousJam: yes.. the Cuzino hood is hidden. There is a thick piece above........ covered by the cabinets. You got to bring the catalogue to your carpentry guy and ask them how they would do it. I went thru with my carpentry guy how I want it hidden cos I saw how nicely it was done in my friend's house (ID job).
  8. Nice meeting you and your hubby. Since we are both SAHM, you can PM me anytime about reno matters too.
  9. Congrats.. you got your quote worked out with Uncle Soon. Keep us posted on your progress......... happy for you both!
  10. I totally understand what you mean. Functionality/usa-ability is really important. I visited a friend's place in your same development... .wa... she wall paper almost every wall.......... very bold!
  11. lush affairs got some nice ones. i plan to get 1 set from them. then maybe a customised one from decorette. now still planning Wink is too ex. dnalife... not suitable 4 me.
  12. Wow.. your place got nice view at the pool. Actually a lot of the stuff looks new.
  13. Wallpaper verdict: Uncle very nice... call me today to say that they will re-do the wallpaper. I told him actually no need. I dont mind going for paint. He said he asked the wallpaper guy. That guy said it is Uncle's fault. They didn't plaster properly so when he laid the wallpaper, uneven surface. Thus got 'chicken pox'. Uncle told me firmly that he will plaster nicely and see if this problem occurs again. If so, then let the wall paper guy take the blame. hee..hee.. Uncle like trying to use my wallpaper to prove a point to the wallpaper guy lei. But still, kudos to Uncle for his strict QC. He sure want to deliver quality. But I got no time already. I am moving on Sat......... help help... my kids cannot take any funny glue smell, paint smell. That's why I wanted my handover to be 6 May and my moving only 16 May. Got time to air the house, got time to touch up. Aiyo, like that how? If the wallpaper dont work, means they will paint after we move in. I HOPE NOT! Let's pray this next wallpaper will be swee swee on Friday.
  14. Mimi: thanks. I designed the kitchen. here is a pic of the old kitchen. I hacked out the entrace to make way for the half island counter top. And I made it into 2 parts (wet & dry) to serve my needs. Metalsubzero: thanks for the compliments. You can drop by anytime this week, if you can. We will only move in on Sat.
  15. Today Jason and the wallpaper guy coming over. Hopefully they can do something. We are actually very tired and sian liao. Think it is the fatigue from reno setting in. No energy to chase and fight anymore. hahaha... now just want to move in and sleep well. Overall, I can live without the wallpaper. My concern now is if they say they can re-do another piece, I am afraid the same problems (chicken pox, bubbles, uneven surfaces) will still be there. Then why waste the effort and money. The safest and surest way is to paint. Now I am in love with decals. Just put some nice decals over the painted wall lor.
  16. This religious things very sensitive. I wrote in many times to Town Council about people burning their stuff and praying along stairway. Our door to door house. I die from the smoke liao. And my kids suffer from asthma..... so much $$$$ pay to doctors already because it was triggered by the smoke. Town Council can only say such matters hard to handle. So they dont at all. But after the 'burning inferno' at Hougang where 2 people die, they know it is a FIRE hazard now. They send notices to all household to remove their burning 'kong' (container) and provide huge ones downstairs for everyone. This way, they can continue their burning, but not at stairways so we wont burn like 'suckling pigs' if there is a fire and I wont choke to death from the smoke. So, solution: 1) Write in the town council stating the HEALTH and FIRE hazard. Provide photos (be very discreet) State facts eg... cite the Hougang incident. Provide ideas how to resolve this issues. Like what chronograph did, they may come in and check and reduce the no. of times of praying. Better than nothing.
  17. More pics: We changed all the doors to Veneer door. I asked Uncle if can add in that metal strip down the part where the horizontal and vertical lines meet. Uncle charged me $60 per stripe per door per side. So expensive. But vain lor, I wanted something different. I want so I ask him to do 4 doors but only the front side. He blur blur do all 4 doors and all sides. Urgg... $480. But in the end only charge me $240. Uncle very nice! Another view of my MBR. Now like many doors facing my bed. My WIW, my toilet, my maindoor. hee..hee... but I like. The colours seems to go well together. All dark dark colours.
  18. Ashes, I saw the 1 piece in my friends' place so i ask them to do the same. Rasp, yes.. this L shaped kitchen works well for me........ I remembered we have the same layout house for our house, right? How is your coming along?
  19. another tip: Bi-fold door. See the strip of black rubber. We specifically ask for BLACK colour cos we know some use WHITE. White may turn yellow and of course, stains are more obvious. I told the guy who come over to make the doors, give me BLACK 'trimming'.
  20. Did you buy them from this shop near my house? That was a good buy. I can't remember the shop name..... they sell solid wood furniture, right?
  21. Wow... branded tap.... Hansgrohe.... nice nice! The price is very reasonable.
  22. oh.. nice decals... me shopping for decals too. I find wink prices higher.
  23. Cheer up. I think they will double time do swee swee....... in no time you will get a perfect kitchen. It will be over soon! :)
  24. ohh.. I love that common toilet 'polka dots' tiles... if only I have seen that lime green one.. i would use that!
  25. hi hi, relax. You still have some time. The key now is to shop smartly... haha... For WC, sinks, bathroom accessories.. a trip 1 morning to Jalan Besar can solve it. The shops like Chuan Heng, Poh Joo and Royal Franco are all very near to each other. Shopping in these shops will give you a idea of costs and design you want. 1-2 week of your reno works are hacking and tiling first. You will only need the kitchen sink, hood and hob when carpentry are more or less done. Even if the people can't deliver it, you hold on to the catalgue cos they need the dimensions of the sink, hob to cut the 'holes' for the counter top. If you are using built in oven, get the specifications too so the carpentry can make the right size to fit the oven. for WC and toilet sinks....... after the tilng is done first. The toilets accessories are last last... ie when reno about to finish. Hopes this helps. My reno just completed.