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  1. Is this mirror beside the dinner table ok for fengshui? http://s1198.photobucket.com/albums/aa450/...tion=postupload
  2. Resale Flat bought in the open market (without CPF Housing Grant Scheme) The minimum occupation period you need to meet depends on when we receive your resale application: Resale Application Received Date MOP applicable Before 5 March 2010 (includes owners owning their resale flat as at this date) 2½ years from effective date of resale if the owner takes a loan from HDB 1 year from the effective date of resale if: i. the owner has not taken a loan from HDB; or ii. he has taken a loan from the bank/financial institution to finance the purchase 5 March 2010 - 29 August 2010 3 years from effective date of resale, regardless of the type of loan taken by the owners or loan status On or after 30 August 2010 5 years from effective date of resale, regardless of the type of loan taken by the owners or loan status
  3. My place was done by them also, not cheap. My ID also Alex, he like to drink and play Maghong. Not a responsible guy, none design/idea came out by them. When certain thing that he charge higher, I pass to the outsider to do, yet he not happy(not in the quote/contract). Later he asked his partner, Lawrence to attend to me. He was recommeded by my housing agent. Now, my lower floor complain to HDB my toilet leaking, my toilets was totally overhaul (both MBR and Kitchen). Spent about $9300 without accessories, yet now HDB want me to re-do the toilet for MBR. But, still no sign of them. Note: Reno started last July and end August 30days (reno about 85%). Coming to a year. ** Not Recommended **
  4. 2 common rooms for rent at Hougang. Interested pls call 97913126 Just reno n shifted last Aug.
  5. I bought mine below value 5 months ago for a 22 years old flat.
  6. Mine was facing NW, FSM said this is FS house, so just buy lor. But so far not bad, the only thing is quite hot.
  7. 风:传统的风水应讲求“藏风聚气”,故此最忌风吹,而厨房的炉灶尤其忌风。 风水学认为炉灶正对门口,以及灶后有窗皆不吉,主要是因为担心炉灶被门外的风吹扰,撇开风水不谈,单从家居安全来说,炉灶实在是不宜正对门口或靠近窗口的。因为煤气炉和石油气炉给吹熄,便会泄漏石油液化气,是很危险的。
  8. 床头宜斜对着门口 无论如何放置睡床,横放也好,直放也好,床头都应斜对着大门,使人能够在躺下时,可以轻易便能看到门口。这有两个好处:一是从心理上而言,看到门口便能知道有什么人进入或离开自己的房间,因而有一份安全感,尤其在自己半睡半醒警觉性低的时候,知道有什么人进出,便更是重要,即使没有人进出,看见门口亦总是比较安心。二是从气的运行方面而言,斜向门口,可以使自己吸纳自门口进入的新鲜之气。 床忌着房门 床如果直接对着房门,不管是床头对着房门,还是床尾对着房门,或是床身某一部分对着房门,都不宜,而其中以床头或床尾直接对着房门最不利。
  9. 两水夹一火   厨房中的炉灶不可与水太接近,炉灶和洗碗盆之间也要留一块缓冲地带,尤其要避免两水夹一火,比如炉灶夹在洗碗盆和洗衣机之间,两水克一火,将造成虚耗大患,对家人的健康极其有害。
  10. I have try to talk to my agent, seems like he's not going to negotiate. I afraid that if i don't pay him the 2%, he will delay on the buying. Any advise...
  11. My buying is at 1%, selling at 2%(No GST) same agent. Next week going to pay him the com... My question is; can I negotiate with the agent since already signed the OTP form to reduce to 1.5%?
  12. I'm also collecting my keys next month. Luckily my brother-in-law is a contractor. I don't have this kind of headache. He told me I can save at least 30%......
  13. Hi FD1976, as long as the toilet door not facing the kitchen entrance should be ok.