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Everything posted by Devin

  1. Hi Septh! Mind sharing your quote and your ID? I'm also doing marble for my house
  2. hi leon-jenna, can share the quotation you received from calvin? my email is lyongwei@gmail.com Thanks many!
  3. Hi Acklane, mind sharing your contacts?
  4. Hi ptc77, what's the overall damage for this ? It's really nice..!
  5. art00609, awesome design you have out there, especially with your kitchen concept and your living room shelves. by the way, mind PM me mr K. contact as well as your pricing for just the reno? thanks!
  6. hey lawrenceke, mind if you could let me know how much you paid for the reno? interested to know what marble floorings you initially wanted and the pricing. anw, nice reno you have out there, really a good job done by the ID!
  7. hi bro! you're really resources in finding out the best for bucks. mind sharing your aircon guy contacts as well as the lobangs for your toilet/kitchen stuffs? thanks in advance!
  8. Hi DancingInTheRain! nice designs you have out there. anyway, your electrical wirings are all done by Mr K. too? Anyway, may I have contacts for Mr K. as well as the carpentry? really interested in their works. side note, roughly what was the bill for the whole reno?
  9. Hi guys, I would like to check anyone using cultured marble? just gonna my BTO flat, now wanna do research already home reno and deco already. i heard is cheaper and less maintenance compared with marble. any advise?