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Everything posted by Phantom

  1. lol.. dunno if fifi inviting leh. lol.. btw, might wanna lay off the TPY tread abit.. will appreciate it with thanks.
  2. can always walk over to my house.. lol..
  3. Marriage is just a piece of paper, commitment and devotion is a state of mind. Best thing I've heard in this thread. To sunshin387, if that is really your life then i sympathize your situation. Its never easy to be the 3 party. For all the stigma that comes with it, i believe that some women actually don't do it purposely.
  4. Mine is a little chocolaty at the moment. *whispers* i just had my hand in the cookie jar.. I love it when people have a good sense of humour. lol.. You better put up more pictures. (We watching you..)
  5. Ok Folks! Time for me to do my job again! 1st things first, i think Danielray is an ID. WHY? because no pictures posted.. then when someone talks about pictures.. 1 is posted.. by a newbie some more! Highly Dubious! - Now now folks, we are know what forums are about. It's about sharing. So we shouldn't go around pointing our tubby finger at anyone. (ok now i might get sued for saying tubby.. hmm.. ) snoopydog was IMHO fine in being cautious. In fact, thats what we tell all forumers. Exercise caution. I would also be cautious if I see a newbie from day 1 not knowing Tau interior to 2nd day get quote and 4th day singing praises. Heck it could be the truth but that doesn't mean people cannot be cautious. To the rest. If you feel dubious, what can you do? If you want, go down to take a look, if not walk away. Many IDs and other contractors around. I'm not supposed to side with anyone but then snoopydog's post have no ill intent (after investigations we confirm that he is not a rival ID)... P.S. Snoopydog... find my contractor... lah.. On another issue, Sugarmeg's post is one that I like to highlight. polite.... and what she said was true. This should be the correct manner in which forummers respect each other, I can't say so for some of the other replies. (You know who you are.) Last point to add. In the magical world of IT, there is something called IP Logging. We know who are the real culprits but like sometimes we just let everything relax. I'm not saying or insinuating anyone here is an ID. I'm just saying that we know when accounts are coming from the same computer or via same router. Consider everyone involved warned. No more flaming.
  6. Limted to 500 sets worldwide Only (S$218.70) Member price.. lol
  7. lol... you guys enjoy.. anything wrong just click on the Report button and all the moderators will be swarming in here within seconds. we all got blackberries.. lol
  8. Limited Edition Wolverine Claw set from Sideshow.. Interested?
  9. don't worry.. I also got a TCSS thread going on one.. *looks around* don't sarbo me also ok.. i think.. *looks around* the other moderators might not know.. mine bill is without rebates. shh.. don't tell anyone.. but i think the government secretly subsidizes the old folks more.. the younger one.. they charge more... by the way things look you must be quite young too..
  10. More like go eat Yi Da Li Fun (Spaghetti) lol provided bank got thai bhat lah.. by the way.. what spread? we get mid rate.
  11. should check my bill for 5I. crazy.. around 200 bucks..
  12. lol.. you guys so fun.. lol.. luckily mrs p don't surf Renotalk.. if not i jialat. lol.. she wants to go holiday..
  13. Red, Won't close this thread.. lol.. don't worry. You guys just enjoy. About the masking out .. we can.. but let's leave everything status quo.
  14. Look fellas, taking pot shots at each other is something we don't condone. Regardless whether its taken OVER the table or UNDER the table. We will not close this thread because we feel that there is considerable amount of information and goodwill built up over time. However, we are monitering the situation closely and will not hesitate to suspend or terminate any member's account if any slandering / callous remarks or name calling persist. Consider all who are involved warned. This matter has ended. Anyone who wants to complain or take it higher up can contact any of the moderators or the big boss "admin". Thank you. Phantom / Moderator
  15. cannot leh. they will take time to change the mobile number. have to go bank.. he will have to call the bank to do via phone banking. thats another faster way.
  16. can't be.. vpost will be packing all into 1 box then send over.. lol.. i haven't gotten the bill from vpost yet actually but that using their calculater.. the estimate is 65 bucks.. lol..
  17. 11 DVDs. how heavy can dvds be?
  18. THAT is shipping by vpost .. i dun have uob card leh.
  19. **** sian.. the shipping cost for my DVD from amazon.. cost me around $65 bucks. the purchase is USD95.. lol.. crazy shipping charges.
  20. Because CHAR SIEW BAO got "Feeling" Man Tou got no "Feeling" Feeling = Filling
  21. Char Shao Bao and Man Tou went to watch movie Char Shao Bao Cry but Man Tou no reaction towards the movie. WHY?
  22. no choice one lah.. anyway agents don't earn everything. the company got take some money also. so sometimes must spare a thought for agents.. then again.. alot of rogue agents around. hmm.. did i spell that correctly? lol